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My First Accident.. Sorta[Updated]


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Update: http://www.extremeskins.com/forums/showpost.php?p=4902502&postcount=28

So today, I sorta got into my first accident, well, more accident experience.

I was at my friends house for our youth group meeting, and one of my friends comes down stairs and says.. "Where's Josh, your car just got ROCKED!"

Im turn and like what? I run upstairs, look outside and I see a nice huge dent in the back of my car.

The person, was dropping off one of the kids, backed out, hit it, apparently claimed, she thought it was trash can, and went off. People who knew her, tried to call her, but she didn't pick up.

I call my dad, he told to me to call the police, and I did. With the help of a few kids in my group and our youth group database, we were able to get her home number, call her parents, and they came over with her. They agreed to handle the money and all that, and alls good, but theres still an ugly dent in my car until it gets fixed.

FYI No one was hurt.

Heres some pics:








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This kinda thing doesn't surprise me in the least. Some people are just idiots. If not for her parents stepping in, if I were you, I would have taken this as far as I could. It would have taught the girl a lesson that you can't just hit someone's car and drive off.

This story reminds me of something I witnessed several years ago. There was an auto show in town. I was sitting at the BK drive-thru window and, while waiting on my food, was admiring some of the antique cars parked in the hotel parking lot next to the BK. Most of the older show cars were on the back of trailers. But this one was parked directly behind a truck that was loaded with another show car. Anyway, I witness this car backing out of a parking spot and just ramming into the nice antique car. It appeared as if the car backing never even saw the old car. Anyway, it gave me a sick feeling in my stomach. And normally I don't act on things this, as to not get involved in other people's buisness. But I just couldn't sit idle and watch this happen. Anyway, so I go into the hotel and speak to someone at the front desk and tell them what I had witnessed. Couldn't read the license plate on the car that fled. But I was able to tell the guy the make and model, color, etc. So the guy at the desk calmly tells me that there was nothing he could do because I didn't know the LP# of the car that hit and ran. As bad as I felt, I can only imagine how the owner of that antique car felt when he discovered the damage. But I can tell ya, I wish I could have gotten my hands on the idiot that did this. Wouldn't have been a pretty site.

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Well let's just hope this is your first and only accident. If it works out that way, you're in great shape. Know it's tough to see the car like that, but it was light damage and not your fault. Wish I could say the same for my first 2 accidents. Okay. So the first was when I was 4 and the second....well, let's just that the building somehow got in my way. :halo:

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Wow, thats.. just.. shocking. Were you ok from that?

I mean mine doesn't look like much, even though they most likely are going to have to replace the whole rear bumper, but still.. wow to your thing.

Rolled at least 2 times, spent the night in the hospital, walked out the next morning virtually untouched, just cuts and scrapes from the glass...no stitches or anything

it actually happened a year ago today.. hmm who woulda thunk it

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you forgot to blank-out one of the dates...

that was my ex-girlfriends camera, i borrowed it but the date wasnt set, and i didnt know if i was going to have to use those pictures in court, and obviously if they were goin gto be used in court, the dates wouldnt line up which could completely mess up my testimony, so i cleared the ones i thought i might be using

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Rolled at least 2 times, spent the night in the hospital, walked out the next morning virtually untouched, just cuts and scrapes from the glass...no stitches or anything

it actually happened a year ago today.. hmm who woulda thunk it

where did this happen? i think i remember a while ago coming home from a hockey game seeing a flipped white explorer.

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if you look just in front of the wheel well there is a tiny bit of red paint, i got clipped and it had been snowing (it was the sunday of the AFC/NFC Championship games last year) Pushed my front end to the right, i re-direct to the left and just started sliding sideways till i hit a ditch which (if you look at the right rear tire) sent me rolling

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Well, even though shes in my youth group, I never meet her until, well now. But my friends tell me, she use to be hott, but now shes kinda ok. I couldn't get a good look when I saw her.

But what would be really awkward, if I friended her on facebook.

haha that would be awesome

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A trash can??!? Yea okay lol , maybe she thought it was a dumpster! LMAO

What kind of trash can doesnt move much when you back into it heh

Well, she obviously didn't even turn her head or even look into her rear view, cause even from a minivan, which she was driving, my car is still visible, its not that small. Plus the noise was louder, plus I wasn't parked near a driveway on that side of the road, it was right near a corner of a circle, so why would there be a trash can not near a drive way? Just an excuse to why she fled the scene when she was just actually scared.

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