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Well we already hit rock bottom!


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Seriously, when Sean was killed that was the bottom folks. We had been sinking since Gibbs left the frist time, some times swiming up for a bit, but mostly on a slow decent. He death was the bottom. We started swiming up a bit with our nice playoff run, and no matter what happens next it will get better, because it simply can't get worse!

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This is not simply about getting a winning coach, this isabout keeping family, we lost Sean, we are losing Joe, but we still have our core guys we cheer for, another coach may just blow that up.

I love for the most part the FAs we have brought in, sure there has to be some small changes but over all this is a great team and a great bunch of guys to cheer for.

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Not to put words in the OP's mouth, but I think he is essentially saying what Coach Gibbs said after the Buffalo game: The greatest successes often come after the worst of times.

Achieving some success after this tumultuous season (we were one of the top 12 teams in the league, afterall) should give these players the confidence to do even greater things when the environment is positive, players are healthy, the sun is shining, etc.

After this depressing stretch, I like the optimism! :point2sky

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As much I was excited at the end of the year, I just as much sad and concerned about the future. I just have feeling that so many players are endorsing Williams and if he is not the coach and we lose a few games at the begining, its going to be such a mess. This is the Synders most important decision. A wrong move can set this team back for years.

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Rock bottom would be 0-16. We haven't hit that yet.

I hope that we never do.

The players and everybody needs their rest and it's off season time again but I almost wish we could jump back into where it matters again.

Somebody tell me we get like a redo of the Seattle game or something?

On second thought this past season is one that should only happen once. Enough of the season where Sean Taylor passed, where Joe Gibbs retired, where the Patriots went 16-0, where Dallas ruled the NFC East. Enough is enough.

No more 07, only 08.

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Seriously, when Sean was killed that was the bottom folks. We had been sinking since Gibbs left the frist time, some times swiming up for a bit, but mostly on a slow decent. He death was the bottom. We started swiming up a bit with our nice playoff run, and no matter what happens next it will get better, because it simply can't get worse!

Leslie Shepard is that you?!

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I am sorry, but it could get worse. We could miss the playoffs again and we could suffer more sevre injuries. This isn't close to rock bottom. I have seen the rock bottom when we were 4-12 and 3-13. That was as close to rock bottom as you can get! I have seen the Highest peaks of this franchise the last 28 years and I have seen the lowest valleys. Believe me, 9-7 making the playoffs isn't the top, but it ain't the bottom either. I just hope that the team is committed to coming back next year and making another run. They need to show that they are not an inconsistent team. The time is now since the Eagles run of dominating has stopped. It is time for us to step into the void and fill it. I believe that it starts with putting in a GM and a great head coach. Who knows? I guess we will have to wait and see what happens.

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