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GREATEST inspirational SKINS video of all time!!!!!!!!!


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I have been bumping BB's thread since the start of the season, but I felt that the eve of our most important game in years, warranted a new thread. Everytime I watch this I get goose bumps...HTTR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


:seahawksu :seahawksu :seahawksu :seahawksu :seahawksu :seahawksu :seahawksu :seahawksu

Click here

Perhaps i've made one too many videos, but it's the only thing that helps the off-season pass (other than ES of course).

Hope you guys enjoyed my movies, I'll be hard at work making new ones once this season rolls along.

You can also download a higher quality version from Torresa's site Here

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Do Not... I repeat Do Not watch this video unless you have no desire to sleep tonight and jumping around your house screaming "Go Skins" doesnt bother anyone else in your house! !!!!Great Video!!!!

No, it just makes me want to watch Skins footage for hours on end. :D


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