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Just Heard Mike Tirico Show...


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Okay, winning the NFC West means what?!?! It doesn't tell you anything until you play on the road.

Winning the NFC East means you are a good football team, (aka the Cowgirls) and we beat them easily.

My money is on the skins to win this easily. My only fear is Portis or Moss fumbling in the rain.

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If you look at it certain ways, we're sure to lose. But (BIG But), this team is playing better than anyone right now (sans NE) and you throw records, stats, home-field advantage, and anything else you want out the window. I cannot fathom a skins loss tomorrow. And people consider me pessimistic!!

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Guest ComebackKing
Make no mistake, this game will be no walk in the park. Holmgren is no slouch and neither is Hasslebeck.

I think its the skins in a squeaker.

And its Playoffs, not paloffs.:2cents:

No it's definitely the paloffs.
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Says that Seattle has the best Chance to make the SUPERBOWL in the NFC and could WIN it....


anyways he went on to bring up the stats that say that they have won the division 5 straight times and they have more exp. than the Skins in the Paloffs...




Its the same ESPN TAlking head Syndrome. MIke Greenberg and Sean Salisbury were dissing us too. Hey guess what ESPN has been wrong just this past week. THeir Analyst Lee Corso picked WVU to lose to Oklahoma by at lest 3 Touchdowns. Everyone was dissing the mountaineers except for those who knew the team. In the poll they showed it was 85% saying oklahoma would win. It ended up showing the map all read except for the State of West Virginia. The end result WVU beat Oklaham 48 - 28. Don't worry what the nay saying talking heads say. If this was all based on commentary they wouldn't need to play tomorrow, but as Herm Edwards has been made fun of for saying. "You play to win the game". Ignore the crap that these guys are spewing, its their job to fill air time and draw interest to the games or get ratings, and face it the media hasn't exactly liked us all season. Anyone remember the Phily game at Phily? Everyone but Tom Jackson picked Phily to win. It was crazy. So Don't worry about this stuff. We do our best talking on the field, just ask Fred Smoot :D

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I agree...Correct me if im wrong....If Seattle had to play the NFC East every year i think that their record would be highly different...no way they pull out a 10-6 record in the NFC east haha

Hawks are 6-1 last 2 years against NFC Least. Didn't they beat the skins in '05 without their MVP RB? Didn't they beat Dallas last year?(yea yea Romo sits to pee fumble, etc. There was over 1:30 left for the Hawks even if D gets FG. So FG doesn't =victory especially the way D wasn't stopping Hawks)

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