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Forecast calls for Rain in Seattle(merged)


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^Ha, word. I like the beer. For the record I was being completely straightforward and solicitous. I don't know why I thought rain would give anyone an advantage. Except I am not Joe Jacoby. I am Earnest Byner.

I've got more presence than attendence in a class of schizophrenics, hear hear

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Bro says that from Portland, you can drive an hour and you're in a place where you can surf year-round (in a wet suit). An hour in the other direction, and you can ski (on snow) year round.

Hahaha... Have you ever lived in Seattle? I have. And let me tell you, an hour drive in any direction from Seattle and YOU'RE STILL IN SEATTLE!!! The traffic sucks big time. Almost as bad as L.A. if not worse some days.

That's actually why I think Boeing got started there. The smart people in the area were so desperate to get out of Seattle and get out of Seattle traffic that they created great airplanes to do it! LOL Seriously though, when I lived there, Boeing was actually threatening to relocate out of the area because traffic was so bad that it was causing manufacturing delays because of transportation problems of raw materials and work-in-progress parts.

And as far as outdoorsy stuff goes... you better like doing it in the rain. Most people I knew biked, hiked, and ran in the rain. It's like they ignore the rain for the most part. However, when they do get a sunny day, forget about going anywhere to enjoy it. Everybody and their grandmother from the entire area gets in the car and heads to the freeway where you sit for hours and hours. Also, Seattle drivers are the worst I've ever experienced in the entire country. They're typically found driving 10 MPH under the speed limit in the left hand lane. And, if you are unsure about a turn... hey, just stop in the middle of traffic until you figure it out!

Lots of heroin and crystal meth use around too.

For me, the quality of life really sucked in Seattle. Unless you have family there or happen to have your financial fortune tied to the area or perhaps have a dark/Gothic personality/lifestyle, Seattle is a pretty sucky place to live. There's also a pretty large lesbian population in the area from what I could tell (not that there's anything wrong with that ;-) but that might be another reason someone would like it there.

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It's supposed to start raining in Seattle on Wednesday and continue thru the weekend...hope that field isn't completely screwed up by game time...
It'll be fine. This isn't Pittsburgh - Qwest Field has field turf ;)

70% of the field is covered.
Just to clarify - 100% of the field is UNcovered. I believe it's 70% of the seating that is covered.

The thing I like best about my nose-bleed seats at Qwest Field - I stay dry ;)

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the GFS model looks good for a storm hitting the PAC NW in time for Saturday game. The wrapped up storm should deliever moderate to heavy rain and good wind on Saturday which could really hamper Seattle's passing first offense. If seattle has to rely on the run to win the game, they are in deep trouble. lets pray for this storm to nail the Pac NW..imo..it gives the skins a huge advantage


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Also now calling for breezy conditions... should make things interesting. I see lots of turnovers.

Personally, I would much prefer it to be clear. No need to mess with the solid play from the Skins of late. The rain and turnovers typically adds a "luck factor" (i.e. who is the recipient of more turnovers) to the game that I don't think we need at this point -- we are good enough to win outright.

I know they say that it affects the passing game the most, but I'm not so sure about that. Handoffs and guys smacking at the ball as Portis is making his way through traffic makes me a tad nervous. Seattle seems to have the more "opportunistic" style of defense... this may actually help their cause.

Also, I think Joe will call a more conservative game in the rain, especially on our side of the field. We got away from that of late, and I don't want to go back there, especially now with so much at stake.

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