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We've arrested Khalid Sheikh Muhammed


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We've arrested in PakistanKhalid Sheikh Mohammed, the #3 guy in al Qaeda and a planner directly linked with 9/11, the embassy bombings in 1998 and the Cole bombing in 2000. You can see the details here, on Yahoo! News:

Pakistan Arrests Alleged 9/11 Mastermind

16 minutes ago Add Top Stories - AP to My Yahoo!

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan - Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, the suspected mastermind of Sept. 11, 2001 terror attacks in the United States, was arrested Saturday in Pakistan, a senior Pakistan government source told The Associated Press.

Mohammed, who is on the FBI (news - web sites)'s most wanted list, was among three people arrested in Rawalpindi, near the Pakistani capital of Islamabad, the official said.

U.S. officials regard Mohammed as a key al-Qaida lieutenant and organizer of the terror mission that sent hijacked passenger jets crashing into the World Trade Center, the Pentagon (news - web sites) and a Pennsylvania field, killing more than 3,000 people.

Mohammed, 37, has not been charged in the Sept. 11 attacks, but he has been charged in a 1995 terror plot. He is one of the FBI's most-wanted terror suspects, and the U.S. government is offering up to $25 million for information leading to his capture.

Kuwaiti-born Mohammed is the uncle of convicted 1993 World Trade Center conspirator Ramzi Yousef, a senior Kuwaiti official told reporters Monday. An older brother is a member of Osama bin Laden (news - web sites)'s al-Qaida terror network and another brother died in Pakistan when a bomb he was making exploded.

A second man arrested in Saturday's raid in Rawalpindi was also of Middle Eastern origin but has not been identified. The Pakistani who was also arrested has been identified as Abdul Qadoos. Interior Ministry spokesman Iftikar Ahmad said that Qadoos was linked to a terrorist organization, but he refused to identify it. He said that Qadoos had received training in Afghanistan (news - web sites).

However, Pakistan's oldest and most organized religious group, Jamaat-e-Islami, said Qadoos was one of its members and that he had no links to al-Qaida or any other terrorist organization.

Local Jamaat-e-Islami leaders Mian Mohammed Aslam and Hanif Abbasi said at a news conference Saturday in Rawalpindi that Qadoos was wrongly arrested. They said the FBI conducted the raid and carried out the arrest.

A spokesman at the U.S. Embassy said he didn't know whether the FBI was involved but said on condition of anonymity: "We do have excellent cooperation with the Pakistanis. We provide technical assistance, but they conduct their own arrests."

"The Pakistani agencies have been at work tracking these people," Ahmad said. He said Qadoos was "picked up because of his association with al Qaida."

President Gen. Pervez Musharraf said a small number of FBI agents are in Pakistan but only to provide intelligence on al-Qaida or Taliban fugitives from neighboring Afghanistan.

However, Pakistani police and intelligence officials say FBI agents have been involved in nearly every important terror arrest in Pakistan.

The Pakistani government says it has handed over more than 420 al-Qaida and Taliban suspects to U.S. custody.

I guess all of this attention on Iraq has really gotten in the way of the War on Terror, eh? :rolleyes:
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I would have preferred this headline;

Pakistan Shoots Alleged 9/11 Mastermind.

If this phucker doesn't qualify for a military tribunal, I don't know why we bother. The bad guys are starting to run low on a$$holes, which is a good thing.

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Originally posted by Air Sarge

I would have preferred this headline;

Pakistan Shoots Alleged 9/11 Mastermind.

If this phucker doesn't qualify for a military tribunal, I don't know why we bother. The bad guys are starting to run low on a$$holes, which is a good thing.

I have to disagree this time sarge. I say pull out his fingernails and peel the skin off his balls till the tells us everything we want to know.


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He's going to a "friendly" arab state where torture techniques are legal.

They are going to squeeze him till he's a turnip giving blood. :thumbsup:

Now the one CNN blurb I saw said he was captured across the street from military headquarters? How embarrassing is that for the Pakastanis if true? It just proves that some of Pakastani's big wigs are in bed with them.

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He's going to a "friendly" arab state where torture techniques are legal.

I can just see our CIA liaison discussing it with them:

"Ok, fellas. We in the US are against any form of torture to extract information from a suspect. Here's a list of techniques we would never, ever condone using ... especially number six. ;) "

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I have to disagree this time sarge. I say pull out his fingernails and peel the skin off his balls till the tells us everything we want to know.

I'm sorry. I'm so used to speaking to collegues as if this has already been accomplished with anyone we catch. Skin 'em, with liberal dunkings in alcohol until they squeal like a little girl, then shoot 'em. Kneecaps first.

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Originally posted by Henry

I can just see our CIA liaison discussing it with them:

"Ok, fellas. We in the US are against any form of torture to extract information from a suspect. Here's a list of techniques we would never, ever condone using ... especially number six. ;) "

:laugh: :high:

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The last thing I want to see is this guy brought to the US where some John Edwards type trial lawyer can sue for his "rights". Let him rot in some subhuman jail in the middle east and pour pigs blood on him every once in awhile.

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Originally posted by just skins baby

Send him to Angola in Louisiana or even out to the Sheriff in Arizona who makes the inmates wear pink.

Death is too good for him.

Make him suffer in America's toughest prisons.

That could make one cool reality show! :laugh:

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You know what's especially funny about that arrest picture? He's known as a ladies man. :laugh: (We'll ignore for the moment the implications of that upon this married man's supposedly strict Islamic beliefs.) I just love the propaganda value of that photo!

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Originally posted by OPM


depending on his sect, he could be allowed up to 4 wives and temporary wives as long as he is able to service them.

I'm not talking about wives, OPM. :tongue: It would appear that he's just not willing to wait until the afterlife to chase his 72 virgins. :rolleyes:
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Oh I know the distinction, OPM. I was of course choosing to make a vague reference to this radical Islamic jihadi who with one side of his mouth sends young Muslim men off to their deaths promising a host of virgins to them in Paradise, and with the other whispers sweet nothings in the ears of of the nearest available piece of arse. This "brave" guy didn't even put up a fight when they arrested him.

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