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Some very good insight from Matt Williamson on Todd Collins vs. Jason Campbell


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Jason Campbell is slow. He cannot find open receivers as easily as the really good QB's. He has to have a LOT of time to find receivers. This is why he is sacked so much. This is why he runs out of the pocket so much. This is why he fumbles so much. And This is precisely why he was injured. He was looking and hesitating...looking and hesitating on that play he was injured.

Jason is not decisive. Collins is. Todd makes his decisions very quickly, while Jason is still busy LOOKING and trying to decide which person to throw to.

I disagree with his opinion and you can disagree with mine but I let the playing do the talking.

Dude ONE game.

Wait until teams scheme to take away what Collins does well and force him to throw outside the #'s with some force.

I hope Collins does well too, but to assert that a career backup is a cure-all for an offense based on 2 and 1/2 quarters of football...well that's typical message board overreaction.

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I think Dan needs to answer this question before any fans do.

In this case I think it's a vicious circle...the Dan makes a move and everyone overreacts to each FA pickup or draft pick.

Then when any of them struggle for more than 1 quarter of football everyone panics.

Then when a guy rebounds or does well unexpectantly like TC did last night-he's the best thing for the franchise and it's always at the expense of some other player.

TC had a good game, ONE good game.

Is it necessary to doubt Campbell's promise for his entire career over TC 2 quarters plus of football?

Apparently on this board it is.

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Dude ONE game.

Wait until teams scheme to take away what Collins does well and force him to throw outside the #'s with some force.

I hope Collins does well too, but to assert that a career backup is a cure-all for an offense based on 2 and 1/2 quarters of football...well that's typical message board overreaction.

I don't think anyone truly knows what Collins does well or bad. Yet.

I don't think anyone is calling Collins the future of this franchise. But I think he gives the Skins a better chance to win NOW - even if JC was not hurt.

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Some people just really dont know football. That fact is proven everyday when I come to this website. How can you be down on JC? What game has he lost for us this year? He has played well enough for us to win them all, and thats all you can ask for from a first year starter. I guess you guys were really dissapointed with the Detroit game huh? And the philly, dallas, giants games too. If he is so bad and cant read the defense then tell me this. Why does our offense look the best when he is calling his own plays? The games we lose are because of our coaches. We always lose because we get conservative at the end and when we get to the goal line we run jumbo. The few times we dont run jumbo in the red zone we get touchdowns...see the philly and dallas games. Not to mention he went to Lambeau Field and outplayed Brett Farve, if Moss doesnt fumble and catches the bomb we win. Did you know Peyton Manning was 3-13 his first 16 games, Troy Aikman was 1-15, Elway was no all pro either in the begining. But I guess all this means nothing. Your right JC isnt the answer and we need to draft a new qb (by the way name one qb coming out who will be a superstar) SMH. Some of you people on here are a joke. Just dont jump on the JC bandwagon when he is leading us to the playoffs year in and year out.

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Some people just really dont know football. That fact is proven everyday when I come to this website. How can you be down on JC? What game has he lost for us this year? He has played well enough for us to win them all, and thats all you can ask for from a first year starter. I guess you guys were really dissapointed with the Detroit game huh? And the philly, dallas, giants games too. If he is so bad and cant read the defense then tell me this. Why does our offense look the best when he is calling his own plays? The games we lose are because of our coaches. We always lose because we get conservative at the end and when we get to the goal line we run jumbo. The few times we dont run jumbo in the red zone we get touchdowns...see the philly and dallas games. Not to mention he went to Lambeau Field and outplayed Brett Farve, if Moss doesnt fumble and catches the bomb we win. Did you know Peyton Manning was 3-13 his first 16 games, Troy Aikman was 1-15, Elway was no all pro either in the begining. But I guess all this means nothing. Your right JC isnt the answer and we need to draft a new qb (by the way name one qb coming out who will be a superstar) SMH. Some of you people on here are a joke. Just dont jump on the JC bandwagon when he is leading us to the playoffs year in and year out.

Phew...thanks for clearing that up! Although it's already been established on this thread that The Great Jason Campbell is only being held back by his horrible coaches and teammates. Too bad - he had such great potential.

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I thought we were trading Campbell for a 4th round pick :laugh: Collins is our new starter for our new Head Coach Al Saunders :laugh: IF you listen to some of our well informed fans Jason Campbell is a bum and the worse QB in the league. :2cents: I just think he's young and learning how to play in the NFL :gaintsuck :helmet:

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It is obvious the coaches are holding him back. Not to say that he hasnt made mistakes. But his mistakes aren't as bad as most first time startes would be. Everytime we run the no huddle it is successfull. Even in the TB game when we couldnt do anything. The second we go to no huddle we drive down the field. Name a game where the no huddle didnt work and where he didnt have good numbers running the no huddle? Ill be waiting for your answer. So if it works and the only reason we dont continue to run it is because of coach Gibbs then who else do you blame? Its no wonder that The Colts and Pats have 2 of the best offenses in the leauge and what do they run? The no huddle and the Colts do it all game. It seems to me that our current team is best fit to be that type of offense and run the no huddle all game. But coach Gibbs believes in ball controll and slowing the game down. If he wont even let Al Saunders have full control of the play calling, and his offense is proven, then you know he wont let JC do it. So yea I would lay most of the blame for our losses this year on the coaches. You actually disagree?

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And yea im talking to you ttr77

You talking to me?!? :)

Anyway...if I had to choose between our coaching staff with it's hundreds of years of combined experience and our 3rd year QB, I'm going with the coaching staff. Every time. There are so many excuses on this thread as to why Campbell is not as successful. Blame is passed to every single unit on this team, except him. Maybe he is just not ready. Fine, get Collins in there and give him a shot. The coaches confidence in Collins alone may just be enough to win some games. Who the hell knows?

You are saying that it's all the coaches and other players, I am saying more of the blame goes on Campbells shoulders. There is only one way to find out. And we will, over the next few weeks.

As I've stated many times, I know Collins is not the long term answer. But I don't think JC is either. If you do, fine. Your faith should be commended. But that is what it is - faith.

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Because I am talking about a team that is 11-18 over the last 2 years? Perhaps its just part of the soundtrack.

thats a shame that you hear that instead of hail to the redskins..

i HATE it when i end up sitting by "fans" like you at the games. we can drive 80 yards and you will gripe on the one play that cost us 2.

arent there enough people out there dogging our team that you dont need to do it too?

im actually being serious with that...:cheers:

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Im not attacking you, im just saying that yes I do blame the coaches more than I blame JC. And I love coach Gibbs and our staff, but you cant honestly say that we have something that works but for whatever reason the coaches refuse to let the players run the system that works and that they love to run...which is the no huddle. I never said JC was perfect but he has played alot better than most players would in his situation. Do you think Romo sits to pee is better than JC? You probably do, but I can tell you most of his success comes from his system and Jason Garrett. They aren't worried about turnover so Romo sits to pee plays very loose. They are aggressive and attack the end zone. Where we are ultra conservative, preach no tunrovers (so players go out there scared to make a mistake) and we settle for too many field goals. Im not in love with Jason Campbell but im just calling it like I see it. If I see we are very good at something and the whole offense loves to run it then I figure why not run it. Isnt the point to win the games? And how do you figure he is not ready? When he calls his own plays the offense looks great. Isnt that a indication that he is ready and has a good grasp of the offense? I have stated why I think the blame goes to the coaches even provided facts. But you have yet to say why the coaches shouldnt get the blame and why you are so down on JC? And once again I repeat...JC is NOT perfect and he has made mistakes but what 1st year starter doesnt?

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thats a shame that you hear that instead of hail to the redskins..

i HATE it when i end up sitting by "fans" like you at the games. we can drive 80 yards and you will gripe on the one play that cost us 2.

arent there enough people out there dogging our team that you dont need to do it too?

im actually being serious with that...:cheers:

You can live in your dream world - a one where all Redskins fans can sit around the campire, hold hands, and predict the next blowout while Hail to the Redkins is playing softly in the background. I'm linving in a world where my favorite team is below average - and has been for the better part of 15 years.

And don't assume how I am at a game. I keep my complaints mostly to a minimum during the game. All I really care about is the win.

I guess you are one of those fans that sees the Skins throw an interception and praise the amazing tackle made on the return.

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Your faith is admirable. However, it is just faith. My opinion differs. Time will tell.

Not just faith... I am (self proclaimed) a great talent evaluator. I have been doing it for highschool football for years...

That being said, I feel Jason has first year jitters. He does what most first years starter do.

1. He holds on to the ball a bit too long.

2. Looks too hard in his reads (this directly correlates with problem 1)

3. Needs to study up on defensive formations and protect the ball at all times.

4. Needs to release quicker.

His pluses are

1. Superior arm strength

2. great mobility

3. Nice touch on deep balls

4. Great zip on quick routes

5. great character and work ethic

I think you missed the boat on pertinent information.

Why would the coaches have JC in there, if (according to you) they know for a fact that Collins is a better QB?

If you want to use the logic that... The prime reason that they have not let Jason loose is due to the fact that they do not have faith in him yet.

Then it must be safe to deduce that the reason Collins has not started a game for the Redskins in 2 season is that there is somthing they dont like about his play as well.

In that case, lets bring in Boonell. Or better yet, lets let ARE try a few snaps under center.

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You can live in your dream world - a one where all Redskins fans can sit around the campire, hold hands, and predict the next blowout while Hail to the Redkins is playing softly in the background. I'm linving in a world where my favorite team is below average - and has been for the better part of 15 years.

And don't assume how I am at a game. I keep my complaints mostly to a minimum during the game. All I really care about is the win.

I guess you are one of those fans that sees the Skins throw an interception and praise the amazing tackle made on the return.

while that world you just described sounds wonderful, i know it isnt where i reside. I live in a world where you love your team thru thick and thin and you keep "family business" inside the family.

so you may be quiet and to a minimum at a game but you get on here and just rant away? to each his own I guess...

I am one of those fans that chooses not to sit around and bash my team after they WIN. My gosh, it is like we lost and we are discussing it. Now were having the same kind of them when we WIN..

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I knew that there would be some grumblings about who is a better Quarterback. Come on seriously. While I owe Collins an apology, he is not as bad as he appeared in the gaems that I saw him play in, however, he is not the second coming of Sonny Jurgensen. The role he is in now is perfect. He is going to get us through this four game stretch and possible playoff run if we earn it. He is not the long term solution. I just hope that Coach Gibbs understands that and doesn't start to look towards a veteran quarterback to get us out of a hole.

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Not just faith... I am (self proclaimed) a great talent evaluator. I have been doing it for highschool football for years...

That being said, I feel Jason has first year jitters. He does what most first years starter do.

1. He holds on to the ball a bit too long.

2. Looks too hard in his reads (this directly correlates with problem 1)

3. Needs to study up on defensive formations and protect the ball at all times.

4. Needs to release quicker.

His pluses are

1. Superior arm strength (Strong arm and no touch)

2. great mobility (He's not that fast, If he was why didnt he run on that last drive of the dallas game)

3. Nice touch on deep balls (When?)

4. Great zip on quick routes (Great zip but the ball will be too high)

5. great character and work ethic

I think you missed the boat on pertinent information.

Why would the coaches have JC in there, if (according to you) they know for a fact that Collins is a better QB?

If you want to use the logic that... The prime reason that they have not let Jason loose is due to the fact that they do not have faith in him yet.

Then it must be safe to deduce that the reason Collins has not started a game for the Redskins in 2 season is that there is somthing they dont like about his play as well.

In that case, lets bring in Boonell. Or better yet, lets let ARE try a few snaps under center.

How many times has he overthrew an wide the hell open WR. Campbell deep ball sucks! You giving him plues that he dont deserve. I bet the high schools you scout for are sorry as hell.

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