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New York store red faced over 'Hanukkah hams'


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evidently not a joke...

New York store red faced over 'Hanukkah hams'

A posh food store in New York's Greenwich Village has found itself red faced after offering hams for sale with the slogan "Delicious for Hanukkah," the current Jewish religious holiday.

The non-kosher labelling was spotted at the weekend by Manhattan novelist Nancy Kay Shapiro, 46, who decided instead of alerting management to take a picture of the unorthodox sign and post it on the Internet.

"I just thought it was funny," Shapiro, who described herself as an unobservant Jew, told the New York Post. "I wasn't offended in any way. I just thought, here's somebody who knows nothing about what Jews eat."

By the time Shapiro returned to the store on Tuesday, the first night of Hanukkah, the signs had vanished, the newspaper reported.

A manager at the Balducci's gourmet grocery store told the newspaper that the sign was a mistake and blamed it on a stock clerk.

Pork and shellfish are among the foods considered unclean under Jewish law.


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When I first moved to Jersey as a 21 year old from the sticks, my buddy Paul took me into the city to go drinkin. I'd hadn't had a good pastrami sandwich in years so I thought we'd stop by Katz's for a sammich first. He parked out front and told me to run in and get him a ham sandwhich. Being a rube from NM I didn't even think twice, the guy at the counter however certainly looked twice at me. You could see the wheels turning as he was trying to decide if I was a trouble maker or just an idiot. Finally he just said "we don't got ham". He'd correctly guessed the latter. My buddy was already laughing his ass off when I got back to the car. ***hole.

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When I first moved to Jersey as a 21 year old from the sticks, my buddy Paul took me into the city to go drinkin. I'd hadn't had a good pastrami sandwich in years so I thought we'd stop by Katz's for a sammich first. He parked out front and told me to run in and get him a ham sandwhich. Being a rube from NM I didn't even think twice, the guy at the counter however certainly looked twice at me. You could see the wheels turning as he was trying to decide if I was a trouble maker or just an idiot. Finally he just said "we don't got ham". He'd correctly guessed the latter. My buddy was already laughing his ass off when I got back to the car. ***hole.

If your buddy asked you to get him a pulled pork sandwich with a side of bacon, they might have effed you up.

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I'm Jewish but my family never kept kosher. I remember one year at Chanuka I was going to my parents for dinner for the first night and one of my co-workers jokingly asked if we were having pork chops. So I called my mom and asked what we were having. No joke, she said pork chops.

From that day on my nickname at the office was Pork Chop.

Anyway, I agree with the Shapiro lady. That's pretty funny.

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I'm Jewish but my family never kept kosher. I remember one year at Chanuka I was going to my parents for dinner for the first night and one of my co-workers jokingly asked if we were having pork chops. So I called my mom and asked what we were having. No joke, she said pork chops.

From that day on my nickname at the office was Pork Chop.

Anyway, I agree with the Shapiro lady. That's pretty funny.

When My 20 year old son was 7 he went to the Jewish Comunity Center for after school care. My wife went out of town and on business for a few weeks and I was left without her councel. Anyway.. JCC keeps Kosher, so I had to get him a kosher snack and lunch... I went to the grocery store with the kid and ran through half a dozen things I thought would be ok and my kid was like... no ... no... no... Twinkies aren't even kosher... I didn't even realize they contained anything other than chemicals... Anyway; it was an education.

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