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Holy cow! Inside the NFL calls for Joe Gibbs head


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I don't think Snyder is dumb enough to fire Gibbs. If anything Gibbs will decide to step down himself. I don't want him gone. I would rather have stability from year to year. If we get a new head coach, then Al Saunders might go then Williams. They'll take all their assistants with them and we're left with nothing. The players have to learn a whole new system and we'll suck.

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I would love for the 'skins to make a run these last four games and do some damage in the playoffs just for Joe's sake and of course Sean's.

If not, I want Joe to retire so he doesn't have to put up with this BS anymore. He deserves better.

Why does he 'deserve better'?

If his name wasnt Joe Gibbs, would he still have a job, or would there be any question whether he'd be fired at the end of this season? Hell NO.

Why does he get a free pass for what he did 20 years ago? Thats a losers mentality.

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just because you asked nicely, ill pipe it down for now, but if another thread pops up later in the day i cant make any promises.

will you be on the board tonight after the game? or are you going to the game?

Unfortunately my company gave our tickets to the Bears game away to a client way back in August.

A pack of buddies and I are going to Machester Lakes in Va to watch the Game at Lucky's. We got a friend who just finished OCS school so we are going to party for them.

If I dont get a chance to get on the computer tonight, then you can start your venom toward JG tommorow.

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Surprised nobody else posted this, but this is yet another skewed stat. Just like the "blown lead" stat dredged up before, this one is BS as it doesn't tell you the whole story.

Week 3: NY Giants- up 14 points at half

Week 6: Green Bay- up 7 points, lost b/c of Moss fumble

Week 10: Philly- up 5 points, lost off one lucky screen

Week 11: Dallas- up 3, lost b/c TO didn't have to worry about ST (injured at the time)

Week 13: Buffalo- up 7

So, while the Giants game was inexcusable, the rest of our leads "blown" we're only 7 points or less. Also, you can see these losses did come down to bad O-line and not having ST. The Giants game could have gone to OT if we had all our starters in. Green Bay, the O-line gave Moss zero protection on the end around. Philly, ST went out with an injury, otherwise would have been in a position to stop Westy. Dallas, TO had 4 TDs. Even the biggest hater knows TO wouldn't have had 4 if ST had been in. Buffalo was all on our line.

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yep same people whining when Norv was fired under way better circumstances and much more deserving than this....classless and clueless folks at HBO...

stupidest move ever would be for Gibbs to leave...Campbell on his second full season next year...Skins with full compliment of draft picks.

The Skins have moved the ball so effectively in the first half most games if they had scored TD's the bad second half probably wouldn't have even mattered much.

Skins are totally on the right track..they just need to score in the red zone to do a complete 180.

Playing half a game and difficulty in the red zone is not uncommon for young teams turning it around. geez....

Thank you.

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Surprised nobody else posted this, but this is yet another skewed stat. Just like the "blown lead" stat dredged up before, this one is BS as it doesn't tell you the whole story.

Week 3: NY Giants- up 14 points at half

Week 6: Green Bay- up 7 points, lost b/c of Moss fumble

Week 10: Philly- up 5 points, lost off one lucky screen

Week 11: Dallas- up 3, lost b/c TO didn't have to worry about ST (injured at the time)

Week 13: Buffalo- up 7

So, while the Giants game was inexcusable, the rest of our leads "blown" we're only 7 points or less. Also, you can see these losses did come down to bad O-line and not having ST. The Giants game could have gone to OT if we had all our starters in. Green Bay, the O-line gave Moss zero protection on the end around. Philly, ST went out with an injury, otherwise would have been in a position to stop Westy. Dallas, TO had 4 TDs. Even the biggest hater knows TO wouldn't have had 4 if ST had been in. Buffalo was all on our line.

This is oversimplyfying it. We should have won the Philly game and the Buffalo game. Our problems come back to not being able to score in the red zone. This is based in part on ultraconservative play calling on the part of Gibbs.

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marino....lol I love how he couldnt take the fact that farve broke his records. He hated it. That is all he had. poor guy!

Not to mention he had the role in "Ace Ventura" and then Favre caem along and did "There's Something about Mary."...that should've been the first sign that Favre would one day pass him by.

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I don't think that is coaching.. I think the players are getting a little lax.... When the offense can't stay on the field in the 4th qtr it starts with them producing not the coaches..

It most certainly is coaching. The offense they run with the lead (a small one at that) is nowhere near the offense they ran in order to get that lead. After huge first halfs, they don't even look Cooley's way until an occasional 3 and long.

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It most certainly is coaching. The offense they run with the lead (a small one at that) is nowhere near the offense they ran in order to get that lead. After huge first halfs, they don't even look Cooley's way until an occasional 3 and long.

Maybe they are looking his way and his covered? Other teams have been known to make halftime adjustments too.

I'm just saying...

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I can't wait until someone writes a book about the whole Gibbs II fiasco a few years from now.
I have a feeling that if such a book does come out, that we haven't even heard the worst of it yet. :(

More like we haven't heard the half of it. Why do I say it that way? Because 95% of us on here have no real idea what happens behind the scenes. Yet we're all able to make our *expert* opinions about who should stay and who should go just from watching 16 games a season.

If anything, our constant expectation for instant gratification translates to the football field too. No one has the patience to win through building and steady progress. Don't win the Super Bowl in 3 or 4 years, clean house and start over again. After another 4 years, rinse and repeat. Or if it's really bad, start over in two.

Should Gibbs stay or go? Not my decision, although I have my druthers. That decision rests entirely on two people: Snyder and Gibbs himself. We don't have to agree, we don't have to like it, heck, we don't even need to stay fans. The Cowboys' bandwagon is always open as we know, that's where most of their fan base comes from anyway.

I'll say this much about Snyder, he seems to be learning from his mistakes. If nothing else, this past week in dealing with Taylor's death has shown us in many ways he gets it now.

Not making excuses, but key injuries, 1st full-time year for QB, and countless other things have factored into this year's lack of success. This team is playing close games and remaining competitive, and that's a good step towards winning. You've heard this before, but sometimes the line between winning and losing is almost invisible.

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Carter bet against us going to the playoffs two years ago. He said that he would sing "Hail to the Redskins" if we made it, and he never did. He's a Redskins hater.

Marino never won a Super Bowl and is jealous.

Collingsworth is a former Cowboy.

And Costas is better suited for covering the Olympics.

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