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Holy cow! Inside the NFL calls for Joe Gibbs head


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I have defended Gibbs countless times during his second stint, but--I'm sorry--the ridiculous number of blown half-time leads since 2004 falls first and foremost on the coaches. Gibbs has had 4 years to pick this batch of players and coach them up. Gibbs coaches scared and can't adjust like he used to; in order for his teams to be good, now, they would have to remain unordinarily healthy for the entire season and have a tremendous amount of luck. It’s like the way Gibbs coaches, the team has to play the perfect game to win; when you combine that strategy with how the front office manages this organization—FA’s over the draft, which leads to poor depth—that’s not a good philosophy. The team is a middle-of-the road NFC team that tries to play like they are the ’91 Redskins.

I love Gibbs as much as anyone, but it’s time to take off the blinders and be frank—this just isn’t working. We are almost at the end of year 4 and the same issues present during his first stint are still at the forefront.

However, that doesn’t mean that Gibbs should be treated with disrespect and personally attacked. I’ve been very disappointed at many of our fans’ inability to separate criticism of Gibbs’ COACHING to his personality. As a man, he is a great human being and has done way too much for this organization for a bunch off immature fans to call him “senial” and other insults more befitting of a middle school playground.

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Surprised nobody else posted this, but this is yet another skewed stat. Just like the "blown lead" stat dredged up before, this one is BS as it doesn't tell you the whole story.

Week 3: NY Giants- up 14 points at half

Week 6: Green Bay- up 7 points, lost b/c of Moss fumble

Week 10: Philly- up 5 points, lost off one lucky screen

Week 11: Dallas- up 3, lost b/c TO didn't have to worry about ST (injured at the time)

Week 13: Buffalo- up 7

So, while the Giants game was inexcusable, the rest of our leads "blown" we're only 7 points or less. Also, you can see these losses did come down to bad O-line and not having ST. The Giants game could have gone to OT if we had all our starters in. Green Bay, the O-line gave Moss zero protection on the end around. Philly, ST went out with an injury, otherwise would have been in a position to stop Westy. Dallas, TO had 4 TDs. Even the biggest hater knows TO wouldn't have had 4 if ST had been in. Buffalo was all on our line.

my god with the excuses. you should seriously call danny for a job, youd be perfect for this organization.

and lol at TO not being effective because of taylors absence. taylor wasnt in during the first half either, and TO was invisible sans a really nice TD catch from a few yards out for the first 30 minutes.

buffalo was a complete choke fest, and our line sucked in the first half too.

philly got a "lucky screen". im not even going to try and argue with you on this. lol at setting up a screen to westbrook "lucky".

NYG was a complete choke fest as well.

you can have the GB game, horrid execution by moss, but we didnt score a point in the 2nd half, thats not all on execution.

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my god with the excuses. you should seriously call danny for a job, youd be perfect for this organization.

and lol at TO not being effective because of taylors absence. taylor wasnt in during the first half either, and TO was invisible sans a really nice TD catch from a few yards out for the first 30 minutes.

buffalo was a complete choke fest, and our line sucked in the first half too.

philly got a "lucky screen". im not even going to try and argue with you on this. lol at setting up a screen to westbrook "lucky".

NYG was a complete choke fest as well.

you can have the GB game, horrid execution by moss, but we didnt score a point in the 2nd half, thats not all on execution.

My god with the repetitive "criticisms" of the team. All the talk around here last week of supporting the team, and now you've resumed your lecherous ways.

LOL at you thinking TO would have snagged 4 TDs with Taylor in

Philly's screen to Westy, Taylor could have been in a position to stop it.

The simple point of all that was to show that the leads we have "blown" weren't large, save for one. And the leads we did "blow" were games lost b/c of injuries. You can gameplan, but you can't expect frickin back-ups to play lights out the entire game.

Sorry, but even having quality back-ups can only help you for so long when starters go down. We have decent depth if one or two O-lineman go down, on opposite sides. Sorry, but I don't know any teams in the NFL who have quality depth if one side of their line goes down for the majority, or entire, season. Our whole D revolved around ST. We've also had our WRs shuffling in and out of the lineup due to injury, Rogers and ST means we lost the right side of our secondary. But yeah, we should be able to go 14-2 because every single back-up should be a stud.:laugh: Of course you couldn't stop you're ranting in raving last season when we were getting screwed by the injury bug. The best teams in the NFL right now haven't endured this volume of injuries simultaneously, or lost so many key players for so long.

In either case, it's all a team effort, and trying to solely blame the head coach for losses is BS. You're obviously just looking for a scapegoat with your 20+ posts bashing Gibbs today alone, because any real criticism would involve something at least a bit more in-depth. You honestly believe Gibbs is old and that's why there has been clock issues? Or that his conservatism is why we can't score TDs in the redzone? I didn't think going for it on 4th down in or near the redzone was consrevative. Or maybe that was Saunders calling it that time. Cuz apparently Saunders calls all the plays that work and games that go well. Gibbs call all the bad plays and the games we lose.:rolleyes:

The "blown" loss stat is bogus. Only one "lead" was by more than a TD.

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My god with the repetitive "criticisms" of the team. All the talk around here last week of supporting the team, and now you've resumed your lecherous ways.

LOL at you thinking TO would have snagged 4 TDs with Taylor in

Philly's screen to Westy, Taylor could have been in a position to stop it.

The simple point of all that was to show that the leads we have "blown" weren't large, save for one. And the leads we did "blow" were games lost b/c of injuries. You can gameplan, but you can't expect frickin back-ups to play lights out the entire game.

Sorry, but even having quality back-ups can only help you for so long when starters go down. We have decent depth if one or two O-lineman go down, on opposite sides. Sorry, but I don't know any teams in the NFL who have quality depth if one side of their line goes down for the majority, or entire, season. Our whole D revolved around ST. We've also had our WRs shuffling in and out of the lineup due to injury, Rogers and ST means we lost the right side of our secondary. But yeah, we should be able to go 14-2 because every single back-up should be a stud.:laugh: Of course you couldn't stop you're ranting in raving last season when we were getting screwed by the injury bug. The best teams in the NFL right now haven't endured this volume of injuries simultaneously, or lost so many key players for so long.

In either case, it's all a team effort, and trying to solely blame the head coach for losses is BS. You're obviously just looking for a scapegoat with your 20+ posts bashing Gibbs today alone, because any real criticism would involve something at least a bit more in-depth. You honestly believe Gibbs is old and that's why there has been clock issues? Or that his conservatism is why we can't score TDs in the redzone? I didn't think going for it on 4th down in or near the redzone was consrevative. Or maybe that was Saunders calling it that time. Cuz apparently Saunders calls all the plays that work and games that go well. Gibbs call all the bad plays and the games we lose.:rolleyes:

The "blown" loss stat is bogus. Only one "lead" was by more than a TD.

weve been over the countless mistakes that gibbs has made and you just wont listen to any of them, game by game even theyve been made week in and week out. so its not worth the time getting into it with you. you put a positive spin on everything the skins do no matter how retarded it is. each week you have a laundry list of excuses of "if this was this, than we'd be this and this".

now youre trying to claim its not bad that we blow small leads, and we should cut gibbs slack cause the leads arent big. im sure youd find some way to alleviate gibbs if he had 21 point leads at every half because you do this every week: make excuses for our failures.

its not ALL on gibbs, but the majority of it is. hes responsible for every player on this team, and because hes the team president, hes responsible for every player he goes out and gets. hes not good at either of these jobs currently, and it costs us games. make injury excuses and execution excuses all you want: we dont play good consistent football.

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Go on believing that coaching is the problem.

If you have a team that has to depend on coaching decisions to save their ass every game, you're already in bigger trouble than you know.

Gibbs is not any worse at managing a game than any other coach. Look at the Raven's timeout, and Seattle going on 4th instead of kicking.

The only reason everyone's so shrill about Gibbs now is because his team put him in those ridiculous situations far too many times this season.

Do you really believe that if the team was winning by 14 every game, Gibbs' game management would even be being discussed?!

Problem is whenever people repeat something enough, others pick it up, parrot it, and before you know it, you have a feeding frenzy on your hands.

So no, it doesn't take a genius to see the coaches have been blowing it...

...a genius would know better.

keep telling yourself that

we seem to be the only team in the league that is comfortable with a 7 point lead

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