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WP: Snyder isn't blaming Gibbs


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As he left his office beneath the stands and walked toward the interview room, Gibbs was met by the team's owner, Daniel Snyder, who had been unusually visible all week, flying to Miami on Monday to visit Taylor's bedside and delivering the news of the player's death to Gibbs and many others in the organization. As Snyder came toward the coach, Gibbs shook his head solemnly and apologized for the timeout calls.

"That's okay," Snyder replied. "We're all in this together."

While a few players seemed agitated by the timeout mistake, many others said they didn't blame their coach. It had been such a hard week. They were beyond such trivial things as criticizing Gibbs. "We shouldn't have let them get down there where they could kick that field goal," linebacker London Fletcher said.

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The timeout call by Gibbs really irked me because personally i cant understand how he doesn't know the rule. He spoke about "being caught up in the heat of the moment" i just dont buy that good coaches dont get caught up in the heat of the moment time and time again, and continue to make poor decisions.

But, Fletcher makes a good point there was no reason why our defense should of given up a 30 yard passing play on third down. Williams 40 yard deep cover-2 expierment is over with stop being so scared of giving up the big play, and start getting aggressive.

Also, on the flip side of all of that honestly our offensive line looked dreadful yesterday. The run blocking looked downright pathetic. Was it just me or did anyone feel like the offense took 2 steps backwards yesterday. I personally felt that our offense was really starting to get in a groove for the performance we all had witnessed the 2 weeks prior. Yesterday, was awful. Playcalling, execution, it was all bad.

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The timeout call by Gibbs really irked me because personally i rather cant understand how he doesn't know the rule. But, Fletcher makes a good point there was no reason why our defense should of given up a 30 yard passing play on third down. Williams 40 yard deep cover-2 expierment is over with stop being so scared of giving up the big play, and start getting aggressive.

Was it just me or did it seem like the had Laron replacing Taylor as the deep center fielder yesterday?

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The timeout call by Gibbs really irked me because personally i rather cant understand how he doesn't know the rule. But, Fletcher makes a good point there was no reason why our defense should of given up a 30 yard passing play on third down. Williams 40 yard deep cover-2 expierment is over with stop being so scared of giving up the big play, and start getting aggressive.

Wait. Isn't the big play exactly what we were trying to stop that last drive?

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Jeebus, thank God Snyder is on Gibbs' side.

This season is a wreck because of injuries...and now a deceased star player.

Frankly, with our current o-line, we shouldn't be in any of these games...

If you ask me, the coaching staff is performing miracles just keeping games close.

We've had two years of an inordinate number of injuries to our team.

**** happens.

Stop the panic.

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Jeebus, thank God Snyder is on Gibbs' side.

This season is a wreck because of injuries...and now a deceased star player.

Frankly, with our current o-line, we shouldn't be in any of these games...

If you ask me, the coaching staff is performing miracles just keeping games close.

We've had two years of an inordinate number of injuries to our team.

**** happens.

Stop the panic.

I agree. Although, someone should have prevented the two timeouts... someone should had advised.

Not Gibbs fault... If no Gibbs, we'd be 0-12

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Jeebus, thank God Snyder is on Gibbs' side.

This season is a wreck because of injuries...and now a deceased star player.

Frankly, with our current o-line, we shouldn't be in any of these games...

If you ask me, the coaching staff is performing miracles just keeping games close.

We've had two years of an inordinate number of injuries to our team.

**** happens.

Stop the panic.

I'm on either side of the fence every game. I thought it was stupid to call for the time out the first time. The second time I thought well why not. I did not know that rule:silly: At least it shows he has passion and will do what he thinks will help. Yesterday was basically a day to get through as a player, a coach, teammate fan, family member...everything. It sucks that we were so close to victory but in the large scheme it's just a game. ST is being laid to rest today and may God bless his soul.

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Jeebus, thank God Snyder is on Gibbs' side.

This season is a wreck because of injuries...and now a deceased star player.

Frankly, with our current o-line, we shouldn't be in any of these games...

If you ask me, the coaching staff is performing miracles just keeping games close.

We've had two years of an inordinate number of injuries to our team.

**** happens.

Stop the panic.

Just as soon as you stop the excuses.

I'm sorry, but everyone has injuries. You think ours have been worse than everyone else's the last two years? Nope.

You think the coaches are "performing miracles" to stay close to the Bills? Are you serious?

We had Jason Campbell yesterday. They had Trent Edwards.

We had Clinton Portis. They had...um, I'm not sure of that guy's name.

We had Chris Cooley. They had Robert Royal.

Etc, etc etc.

I don't believe it's a "panic" to think that it's best to end Gibbs II after the season.

This is not a snap decision. What I saw from section 425 yesterday, I've seen it all year long. Hell, I've seen it for four years.

We don't score touchdowns. We don't rise to the occasion under pressure. We come in with an excellent gameplan, then get outcoached when it really matters.

I'll always love Gibbs, and to some degree I feel bad for the guy because the players have let him down too. It's not all on him.

But it's one more crushing loss in an infuriating season. One more losing team.

Whatever, I guess I'm not allowed to criticize. Free agency begins in March.

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I'm on either side of the fence every game. I thought it was stupid to call for the time out the first time. The second time I thought well why not. I did not know that rule:silly: At least it shows he has passion and will do what he thinks will help. Yesterday was basically a day to get through as a player, a coach, teammate fan, family member...everything. It sucks that we were so close to victory but in the large scheme it's just a game. ST is being laid to rest today and may God bless his soul.

Sometimes fate offers you a raw deal.

Frankly, I'm tired of the treadmill of coaches approach. With Gibbs, you're going to get good effort regardless of the personnel...

There are no quick fixes in the NFL. Good teams are good because of stability...from the front office down.

Five years ago we had a college coach who couldn't protect his qb and paid no attention to defense or ST. His greatest achievement was bringing in his former college players.

I don't want to ever go back to that...or to Norv...ever...

Teams don't win every year. Off years are to be expected...especially with the diluted talent due to an over populated amount of teams.

It's important not to lose sight of the big picture...

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Well, I have been here all week because I found this site to be the best to get up to date info on what happened to ST...

With that said, I am not a skins fan (obvious from my SN) but my 2 cents on what happened yesterday is this:

There were a lot of things that the "team" did yesterday that hurt themselves. The skins were there own worst enemy yesterday. Costly mistakes, turnovers and penalties kept the Bills in the game the entire time and then it bit the skins in the ass at the end. All finger pointing at Gibbs and using him as the 'scape goat is wrong IMO. Your Defense is way better than what they displayed yesterday. With a rookie QB behind center, they should have been in his face all day and used schemes to confuse him.

What the Skins needed to do is take control of the game from the get go and played skins ball and dictate the game. They didn't do that and let the Bills make plays when they really needed to. I thought thats what was going to happen based on the skins first drive, but that momentum was lost as the game went on.

To pin the loss squarely on the shoulders of Gibbs for that one mistake is wrong IMO. There were a lot of things that contributed to that loss.

All I can say is be careful what you wish for. Thinking the grass is greener on the other side could land you a coach that destroys the program.

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I have always bee a huge supporter of Gibbs, but that mistake at the end of the game cost us. I know it was a tough week for everyone, and the players were tired. But Joe Gibbs makes 5 million dollars a year to make the right call. How could you make that mistake? We are the only team in the NFL that consistently makes the wrong decision at the wrong time. When our players needed him the most, he let us down. Surely there were other chances to win the game, but our game plan is to be in the exact situation we were in yesterday, close.

4th and inches from the 1 (again) on the first drive, that is where you take your shot on 4th down for a TD or first down, because you have 55 minutes left in the game, and you do not have to change your plan of attack if you don't make it. Then we have them stacked in our end zone.

JC standing in his own end zone, the Bills are showing blitz hard, not really sure what could have been done, but a QB sneak sounds like the right move to me at that time.

The Bills had the ball 3 times in the last 6 minutes of the game. what does that tell you? That our defense shut them down and forced a punt 3 times, and we couldn't even get one first down. What did we rush for yesterday? Not much, and considering how horrific the run game was going we would have been better off rolling JC out and letting him throw it or run. Again, our coaches did not put us in a position to win the game. I don't see how going for pass play for the first down does any more harm than not letting the clock run out on 4th down. We were at the 40 yard line. Taking 5 yards and a delay of game seems like a logical thing to do.

If we are going to play this way, have every game come down to the wire, then shouldn't the coaches be preparing themselves for clock management, time out management, etc?

These losses are no longer about our players not executing, there are all kinds of reasons we have list this year, injuries, poor execution, poor coaching, bad luck ... and even though I haven't wanted to take the homer glasses off, I think Gibbs has taken this team as far as he can go with it.

Never thought I'd say it, but it is time for Gibb's to move to a front office position and let GW run this team, or bring someone else in. I feel horrible saying this, but I can't see any light at the end of the tunnel. i am usually the optimistic one, maybe I am not handling all this as well as I could. I'm just mentally drained and ready for the season to end.

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Sometimes fate offers you a raw deal.

Frankly, I'm tired of the treadmill of coaches approach. With Gibbs, you're going to get good effort regardless of the personnel...

There are no quick fixes in the NFL. Good teams are good because of stability...from the front office down.

Five years ago we had a college coach who couldn't protect his qb and paid no attention to defense or ST. His greatest achievement was bringing in his former college players.

I don't want to ever go back to that...or to Norv...ever...

Teams don't win every year. Off years are to be expected...especially with the diluted talent due to an over populated amount of teams.

It's important not to lose sight of the big picture...

Stop kidding yourself the man is now 26-34 with 14 second half blown leads. If this was any coach besides Joe Gibbs the end would be a formality at this point. We have had 4 years, the playoff run included, of nothing that has even come close to Redskins football, 1981-92.

If your argument is you would rather lose close with Joe Gibbs rather then get whipped on with Spurrier or Norv then I agree with you but to keep making excuse after excuse is getting old.

You know why the injury bug is really felt around here? It's because Joe Gibbs, team President and by default GM, has done a lousey job of building depth on the team. We have a freaking WR revolving door because of poor front office leadership, I mean come on Pitts and SF fans are still laughing at us. Offensive line issues, well lets look at the young studs we've drafted and how they faired, that's right we don't have any, we have Jason Fabini and Todd Wade, who had to re-sign with use because no other team gave him an offer, lets be honest about him. We are forced to press Heyer into duty, who is a year or two away from being a solid player, into a starters role because we have no one else to put in there. How the hell do we not address the D-Line at any point in the offseason, I guess we are reaping those benefits now. Carter and Montgomery are the only two showing a pulse on the D-Line, that can't be good.

Look I'm as big a fan as anyone, and I'll watch Thursday and believe we can win and hope for a win just like you but to continue to sugar coat Joe Gibbs II and refuse to face the reality that it has, to this point, been anything less then a complete failure is probably the definition of homer.

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We've been is every single game so far this year, but were just not good enough to win or give a team that knockout blow. Gibbs plays way to conservative but maybe its cause he doesn't trust his players! They have failed him time and time again, he puts us in position to win every single win and its up to the players to capitalize and to beat THEIR man. Every team knows what plays are coming, its up to the offense to capitalize or the defense to stop em. If our oline could of got a push off the line at the end maybe Portis could have ran for a 1st down game over, or maybe Joe coulda went for it on 3rd and 7 for the win, but no Joe don't trust this team and he doesn't trust Campbell. He hasn't made 1 big play for us all year in crunch time, he's made big plays for the other team but not us. We've had a lot and I mean a lot of injuries this year and not to just role players but some of our big time players!. Randy Thomas,Jon Jansen,Santana Moss in and out and hurt all season, Randle El same as moss, Mike Sellers who Portis really misses, Marcus Washington, hurt all season, Griffin,Carlos Rogers,Smoot in and out. And Last SeanTaylor RIP. We are 0-4 without that man and its a big difference with him and without hom. We went from our DBs being probably the best in the beggining of the season to just medicre iif that. I feel if 1 damn year we can stay healthy we can be special and win these close games

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Its funny how everybody wants to blame the coach because the players on field doesnt execute. Poor exxecution is what is killing the skins.

And who exactly drafted Campbell, traded for Portis, and signed 18 different WR's since week 7? Who thought Fabini and Wade were still any good? Who thought calling two TO's back to back was a good idea? Who won't tell GW to dye his hair one freakin' color and spell Greggggggg properly? Who is still allowing a 58 year old man to return punts? I mean come on bro take off the B and G glasses. It's not all Gibbs fault, he isn't dropping balls and missign tackles but he is the one who is responsible for the team. Thus he needs to be held responsible for the mess we currently watch for 3.5 hours every week.

We are fundamentally flawed in all three stages of the game, whether you like it or not, and our front office has been the laughing stock of the NFL for the better part of a decade now.

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