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Wanting to go to the Bears game! .... Here's why!


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Today was the worst game ever for me. I mean when I try to think of the words to describe it, the only thing that comes into my head is "nightmare".

To start off, I still think the Redskins have the greatest fans in the NFL, but what an embarassment during the moment of silence. I mean there were SEVERAL people yelling. I was in a sports bar and I heard them loud and clear. And the fans chanting "Joe must go" apparently? I wish those few people would have used better judgment.

Then the field goals, missed opportunities, missed tackles, turnovers, and another nightmare ending. It seems like every time I think things can't get worse, they do.

I mean I would feel a hell of a lot better right now if their kicker had made a 51 yd. field goal compared to what I felt after seeing that embarassing 15 yd. penalty and game-winning 36 yd. field goal. It's a nightmare.

Oh yeah, and I forgot to mention how the ball ALWAYS bounces the other teams way. The interception wasnt even that bad of a throw and their d-lineman was in the right place. The Bills made mistakes too... they fumbled twice on special teams and once on a snap... but we just cant get the ball.

I heard a caller on the Redskins radio postgame show that pretty much summed up how I think I feel...

he was an older gentlemen who started by telling Kevin about how he had attended the Bills game for the Super Bowl. And he was another one of those callers who took a while to get to the point... so of course Kevin was trying to get him to hurry up and ask his question. He started off by just expressing how emotional he knew the game was for everybody and how difficult it must have been for the players out on the field. And he went on about how he loved the Redskins and he was a lifelong fan. Then a pause... Kevin almost hung up on him. At this point I'm thinking the guy is drunk or something.

And then I hear the guy crying his eyes out. I'm not exactly sure I heard everything he said but I heard him say, choked up with tears, "I still think this is the greatest sports franchise in the world".

That pretty much sums up how I feel. I mean I feel like I'm just like this guy that called in. When I try to find the words to explain what the hell just happened I can't do it. I just start to ramble on and on about the emotions and the circumstances and the bad luck just like this guy was doing (as he was about to get cut off by the station). Then I step back and think about it and I still believe that we're still the greatest sports franchise in the world.

And here's what we have to deal with ahead:

A team that finds a way to lose

A fanbase that can't seem to agree on anything

A funeral

Two days of practice

NO luck

Another emotional Bears home game on Thursday

I don't know about everyone here... but for Redskins fans like me... this is a reason to go to the Bears game and cheer for the Redskins when they need it most. I'm a junior at NC State but I'm gonna do my best to go up and see this game if I can find a way. I'm proud to be a Redskins fan--especially in a state full of Panthers fans--not one over the age of 18 who can tell you what it means to be a lifelong, born-and-raised fan.

So let's just cheer on the Redskins and let everything else take care of itself.

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I don't have any extra tickets, but seeing as it is a school and work night, I expect that you should not have any trouble getting one for yourself. I also expect it to be a lighter than usual crowd, with some space for you to spread out in most sections so you aren't a cramped sardine.

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Man, I wish I could be there on Thursday night. I know we've got a short week, and I know that it's going to be an emotionally hard week, but after today, I really want to see our guys back out on the field trying to get a W.

Maybe I'm expecting too much, but I'm desperate to get this bad taste out of my mouth. I hope our guys are just as desperate.

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Man, I wish I could be there on Thursday night. I know we've got a short week, and I know that it's going to be an emotionally hard week, but after today, I really want to see our guys back out on the field trying to get a W.

Maybe I'm expecting too much, but I'm desperate to get this bad taste out of my mouth. I hope our guys are just as desperate.

I think they are desperate. One thing I was particularly pleased with was the emotion that our secondary played with. I mean Shawn Springs before he was hurt played so hard, Fred Smoot played hard and with more emotion than anyone else, and Reed Doughty really did play like they wanted to win.

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I Love this post. That's what being a fan is about. I am by no mean mad at the team right now and for those who are, you really need to try and put yourself in the teams position. I think the greatest tool in life is empathy. All I have to say to the team isk weeping may endure for the night but joy cometh in the morning time. To my beloved Redskins, know that TROUBLES DON'T LAST ALWAYS AND THE SUN WILL SOON SHINE AGAIN. I love you guys always, and I know that you are trying to win and that's all that matters to me. Keep fighting men--keep fighting.

Love L,

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All I have to say to the team is weeping may endure for the night but joy cometh in the morning time. To my beloved Redskins, know that TROUBLES DON'T LAST ALWAYS AND THE SUN WILL SOON SHINE AGAIN. I love you guys always, and I know that you are trying to win and that's all that matters to me.

Love L,

Well I hope you're right. Everyone just wants to see a win at this point. No one is worried about finishing 4-0 I don't think. I'm just worried about going 0-5 in the last five games. Need to stop this losing streak.

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I I think the greatest tool in life is empathy. All I have to say to the team is weeping may endure for the night but joy cometh in the morning time. To my beloved Redskins, know that TROUBLES DON'T LAST ALWAYS AND THE SUN WILL SOON SHINE AGAIN. I love you guys always, and I know that you are trying to win and that's all that matters to me. Keep fighting men--keep fighting.

Love L,

God bless you! I say total ditto!

And great post, raperry2.

As a fan, our job is not to coach. Our job is not to play on the field. Those are not our positions. And at this time, the only thing this team can benefit from, from us, is support, compassion & empathy. And of course, our cheers and prayers.

com·pas·sion [kuhm-pash-uhn] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation


1. a feeling of deep sympathy and sorrow for another who is stricken by misfortune, accompanied by a strong desire to alleviate the suffering.

–verb (used with object)

—Synonyms 1. commiseration, mercy, tenderness, heart, clemency.

sup·port [suh-pawrt, -pohrt] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation

–verb (used with object)

1. to bear or hold up (a load, mass, structure, part, etc.); serve as a foundation for.

2. to sustain or withstand (weight, pressure, strain, etc.) without giving way; serve as a prop for.

3. to undergo or endure, esp. with patience or submission; tolerate.

4. to sustain (a person, the mind, spirits, courage, etc.) under trial or affliction: They supported him throughout his ordeal.

5. to maintain (a person, family, establishment, institution, etc.) by supplying with things necessary to existence; provide for: to support a family.

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at this point, i'm not even thinking about this season... there's a million reasons why... campbell is still progressing and i think 12td:11int is very good for where he is right now... our o-line is banged up... we lost the face of our franchise to death (the biggest one)... and everyone knows the patriots are gonna win it all, so what's the point?? i'm over this year.

here's to the 08-09 season and Super Bowl XLIII :cheers:

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I really miss Sean Taylor guys. If it had been anybody else I'm not sure it would've effected me as much. It was just his style and the way Sean played the game that I'll miss so much. He was already a great player when he left the game maybe a top3 safety, but we all know he could have been so much more. He could have gone on to the hall of fame someday. I'm gonna miss seeing him dish out those hits on opposing players like it could have been the last shot they ever take and I'm gonna miss his fumble recoveries for touchdowns and to set up game winning fieldgoals. He was a playmaker and a Redskin who made big time plays in big time situations and as a Die hard redskin fan, I am deeply saddened to see him go especially the way he did. he was so young, how much more tragic does it get? I so wanna cry right now.

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Great post. We heard that caller on the way out of the game and he made a great impact on Kevin, Joe & us. We are season ticket holders from NC. At the beginning of the season, we decided to go to the Chicago game instead of Buffalo. So, we sold our Bills tickets. After everything that happened last week, we really felt like we had to be up there to share in the tribute. We found great tickets on eBay at a reasonable price. But, now we will not be able to go to the Bears game because a 5 hour drive twice in one week is too much. If we had not sold our tickets to the guys behind us & my brother, I would definitely offer them to a great fan like you. I will keep you in mind for future games though!


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Great post. We heard that caller on the way out of the game and he made a great impact on Kevin, Joe & us. We are season ticket holders from NC. At the beginning of the season, we decided to go to the Chicago game instead of Buffalo. So, we sold our Bills tickets. After everything that happened last week, we really felt like we had to be up there to share in the tribute. We found great tickets on eBay at a reasonable price. But, now we will not be able to go to the Bears game because a 5 hour drive twice in one week is too much. If we had not sold our tickets to the guys behind us & my brother, I would definitely offer them to a great fan like you. I will keep you in mind for future games though!


well thanks a lot. i was able to see us play miami this year. im 6-0 at redskins games, so if im ever able to buy your tickets you can feel pretty confident we will win :)

im on the waitlist for season tickets right now. i signed up my freshmen year in college hoping to time it so that i can get the tickets at a time i can afford them.

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