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Dan Snyder is cursed! (merged)


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Ignorant logic my ass!

I agree! EVERY FREAKING WEEK its the same crap! This team is cursed!

Although we could be Miami Dolphins haha.

And when I say cursed obviously its not LITERALLY......but something is up....I mean this is unreal. I live in Pats Country (NH/MA) border, and my God do I wish I could just switch fav teams. Redskins make me wanna VOMIT.

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This evil man has cursed everything that he has touched. Analyze every player he has signed, they have all been superstar before taking money from Snyder. He brings back a HOF coach and he coach's worst than a high school coach. He buys into Six Flags, and the company stock has lost over 70% value and probably will go BK. Everything this man has touch has gone down the tubes. Now he's trying to dictate this web site from freedom of speech by banning people who threatens his EVIL POCKET. You will give in one day when you realize this man is cursed. Just look back at everything he has done. He's a freakin loser.

He must have done shady things in the past and it's all coming back to him.

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You know, people complaining about football stuff right now is fine, and makes sense.

This however is ignorant. After a week like this with all Snyder has done and you post this drivel is just down right wrong. What, is Taylor's daughter going to be "Cursed" by this "Evil man" since he just put half a million dollars into a trust fund for her? What about our team? Will the plane ride he's providing for the entire team to go down to the funeral be "Cursed".

Go blabber on about this nonsense elsewhere

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You know, people complaining about football stuff right now is fine, and makes sense.

This however is ignorant. After a week like this with all Snyder has done and you post this drivel is just down right wrong. What, is Taylor's daughter going to be "Cursed" by this "Evil man" since he just put half a million dollars into a trust fund for her? What about our team? Will the plane ride he's providing for the entire team to go down to the funeral be "Cursed".

Go blabber on about this nonsense elsewhere

uhh i think the OP meant it more as a joke...and I dont think he intended to direct it at anything Sean Taylor related...

just trying to make light of the bleek situation our team is in.

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I''ve told you guys before, it's not a curse. It's a voodoo hex.

All of the employees he kicked to the curb when he first took (Despite sending them all letters saying their jobs were safe) over have voodoo dolls of him

Every weekend they fill those dolls full of holes and hex him

Every weekend except this weekend, at least in my Mom's case. She said because it actually appeared that he had a heart this week, that she would cut him a break

The residual juu juu must be strong

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uhh i think the OP meant it more as a joke...and I dont think he intended to direct it at anything Sean Taylor related...

just trying to make light of the bleek situation our team is in.

For some reason the first post I saw when I clicked this thread was the thing from the guy about how evil snyder was, and six flags, and all the people he pays money to doing bad. Was responding to that.

Critizinging football decisions right now based on their football outcomes is one thing. Critizing a man as "evil" when he's been doing nothing but good this whole week is a bit low imho, that's all

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You are truly ignorant. Its the devil for sure???

Research him a little more and know he has been successful with business more than you could ever imagine. He is an owner that spends, it could be the other side and it would be even more horrific.

I don't have an opinion on this one way or the other...but the money argument gets kinda limp after a point. not everything about winning reduces to how much you make or how much you are willing to spend.

dan has done some good things...quite a few in fact......and presided over some miserable football as well.

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Are we cursed? No matter what happens, we WON'T win. And we lose in the most oddest fashion. Once again we lose, but we lose to 5 field goals and a safety.

I didn't really care about making the playoffs this year (although i did). I just felt we would win this week after everything we went through. Do we continue to cheer as fans or just accept the fact that we are cursed and it's not meant for us to win at this time?

Man being at the game today was just depressing to say the least.

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