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Sean Taylor ESPN news story(and other complaints)-let these jerks know how we feel


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They also took a cheap shot at him in regards to his hit on Moorman in the probowl. ALL the media outlets who are running this viewpoint of Taylor as a thug right now are pathetic. All you are reading, for the most part, is Taylor is a dirty player and gets in trouble because he is a thug. Pathetic. Of course there is zero mention, as the OP pointed out, of all his charitable work; or anything positive in his life. Yet these a-holes have no problem putting a guy like Irvin in the Hall.

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Death is sacred and I can understand the emotion here, but that's no reason to be illogical. The fact is Sean Taylor ran around pistol whipping people and acting like a thug. When you do stuff like that, there are consequences. Maybe this incident is completely unrelated, but that would be one hell of a coincidence.
I agree with you MJ.

People make mistakes, and maybe his mistakes were different then the mistakes you made in your life but everyone makes mistakes. ST made poor judgement calls in his youth but since his legal problems have been resolved he has a clear effort to make changes in his life. Everyone has the right to have a second chance and Sean Taylor was making the best at his. No matter what happened in his past he does not deserve to be fighting for his life. He has the right like everyone else to a better life.
No doubt. Unfortunately some of our choices come back to haunt us later. Perhaps this is what this is, perhaps not. The details will come out eventually. I think that is all MJ was getting at.
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if this happened to Romo sits to pee or Brady (not wishing any injuries, just example) you know that they would have it all day long...remember when TO took pills last year? it was all over the news..all Sean gets is a quick segment

This ia a good thing. I wouldn't want it all over espn if it were me. His family wants there privacy so why complain

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I feel that it's a tragedy that Sean Taylor is in the position he's in.

And I also think it's strange how trouble seems to follow him around. If it wasn't a Redskin player you wouldn't be appalled. If Pacman Jones ended up in the hospital tomorrow and ESPN had a similar report on their site, would you even raise an eyebrow?

I doubt it.

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.remember when TO took pills last year? it was all over the news..all Sean gets is a quick segment

Good point. I was thinking the same way.

ESPN seemed to have AROUND THE CLOCK coverage on that joke of a human being when he almost killed himself. Sean Taylor isn't a media darling, so his coverage is next-to-none. They are a pathetic network.

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I know the press has a right to report the news, but i have a problem with anyone that think it is ok to judge someone that's on his death bed.

Every major newspaper in the country has a file filled with pre-written obituaries of high-profile people. When Sonny Jurgenson dies, it is going to take the Washington Post 8 seconds to put the story on their website because it is already written. All they need to do is add the date. (I actually stumbled upon this file once when I was an intern years ago. It was surreal).

Likewise, most sports departments have pre-written profiles on athletes. So anytime a story on Sean Taylor is run, his run-ins with the league and the law will be listed.

I mean, if TO died tomorrow, do you think that his obituary should leave how tumultuous his career was?

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If it wasn't a Redskin player you wouldn't be appalled. If Pacman Jones ended up in the hospital tomorrow and ESPN had a similar report on their site, would you even raise an eyebrow?

I doubt it.

Wow you are an idiot. Its times like this you really get to see what people are made of and what they think. You certainly fly your colors.

To compare Sean Taylor, someone with admittedly a checkered past(minor stuff comparatively, I dont consider Floridas gun paranoia to be anything of concern), to Pacman Jones, someone who was arrested more times or involved in more serious incidents and shootings then you can even imagine in such a short period of time, who has made no effort to change things, is just ridiculous. I dont know where your hatred for ST came from, but it certainly hasnt been anything that has happened the past couple years. So rarely do you get a case of someone who genuinely has tried to change, and has done a good job, maturing over such a short period of time.

And to say that we wouldnt care if it was Pacman Jones, or any non redskins player... Shame on you.

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ESPN seemed to have AROUND THE CLOCK coverage on that joke of a human being when he almost killed himself.

What do you know of his personal life that would lead you to say this? If this tragedy didn't make you realize this, let me spell it out, LIFE IS BIGGER THAN FOOTBALL, IT'S JUST A GAME. He has done some ***hole things I understand, but you have no idea what he's like away from the cameras.

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Wow you are an idiot. Its times like this you really get to see what people are made of and what they think. You certainly fly your colors.

I'd normally tell you what I think of you, but I'll just let the mods handle your insult.

To compare Sean Taylor, someone with admittedly a checkered past(minor stuff comparatively, I dont consider Floridas gun paranoia to be anything of concern), to Pacman Jones, someone who was arrested more times or involved in more serious incidents and shootings then you can even imagine in such a short period of time, who has made no effort to change things, is just ridiculous. I dont know where your hatred for ST came from, but it certainly hasnt been anything that has happened the past couple years. So rarely do you get a case of someone who genuinely has tried to change, and has done a good job, maturing over such a short period of time.

Where did I state that I had a hatred for Sean Taylor? The guy has been in trouble with the law almost every year he's been in the league and he's gotten off with probation. He has a well earned reputation.

And to say that we wouldnt care if it was Pacman Jones, or any non redskins player... Shame on you.

Shame on you for thinking that's what I was implying. If Pacman Jones was in the same situation the media would be reporting on his past as well. Meaning it's TO BE EXPECTED.

Think before you call someone else an idiot next time.

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I just read this and was about to post the same thing, I'm so glad you started a thread about this. This is absolutely disgusting, as I'm reading, I'm wondering what in the hell does any of him hitting punter in a Pro Bowl game have to do with this situation, then to read on, so they can list HIS criminal acts, my goodness.

Pathetic, Pathetic, Pathetic....

What, the writer wanted to make it seem like he actually had a story or more info than he had? Did that "complete" the arcticle.

What a jackass.

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People's reactions to this article referencing ST's run-ins with the law would be laughable if they weren't so sad.

Comeon folks, get a grip. You all are taking this blurb way to seriously and letting emotion get the best of you. 1% of you might care if it wasn't a Redskin.

But hey, this is the age of "I'm offended and I don't have to explain my reasoning".

And remember "don't embarrass the Redskins."

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People's reactions to this article referencing ST's run-ins with the law would be laughable if they weren't so sad.

Comeon folks, get a grip. You all are taking this blurb way to seriously and letting emotion get the best of you. 1% of you might care if it wasn't a Redskin.

But hey, this is the age of "I'm offended and I don't have to explain my reasoning".

And remember "don't embarrass the Redskins."

It could have been a Cowboy, and it'd still be the same. Off of the field, they are the same as us. When somebody's life is on the line, and their fighting for it, you'd think people would have enough sensitivity to leave all of the negatives behind, even if they had to wait till a later date. When did you ever hear anybody mention that Sean Taylor has now turned his life around for the better? All they want to report on, is what trouble he's been in, in the past.

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This is problem with modern news. It's become lazy. ESPN, CNN, Fox News, etc, don't bother writing thier own stories, or sending reporters to Miami, or try for an in-depth piece of their own. They can buy AP stories much cheaper than they can create their own. And the AP just uses stock biographical information to fill out any story they put out in the interests of speed. Two paragraphs of the latest news, copy and paste old bio information and put it on the wire

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What do you know of his personal life that would lead you to say this? If this tragedy didn't make you realize this, let me spell it out, LIFE IS BIGGER THAN FOOTBALL, IT'S JUST A GAME. He has done some ***hole things I understand, but you have no idea what he's like away from the cameras.

Please don't make this into a Terrell Owens thread, because I know Cowboys and their fans think the world revolves around them. If you want to start another thread on how great a person TO is away from the field be my guest.

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It could have been a Cowboy, and it'd still be the same. Off of the field, they are the same as us. When somebody's life is on the line, and their fighting for it, you'd think people would have enough sensitivity to leave all of the negatives behind, even if they had to wait till a later date. When did you ever hear anybody mention that Sean Taylor has now turned his life around for the better? All they want to report on, is what trouble he's been in, in the past.
Sadly, its the nature of the beast as far as journalism goes. Always has been, always will be to focus on negative 99% of the time. Like it or not, you are judged by your actions, past and present. If they want to say that, then let them. We know the truth, right? Or do we? I don't. Personally I don't know the man. I know what he does on the field, but off it he's somewhat of a recluse with the media. So I can't say what he's like.:2cents:
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What I think is more offensive now is that on ESPNNEWS the breaking news on the bottom right box is that Houston Nutt was fired at Arkansas, not Sean Taylor.

They just talked about the game this weekend and didn't even mention Sean Taylor at all....

And of course now the lead story is the ****ing Patriots winning last night. Un-freaking-believable. What a joke of a network.

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I have only started a few threads in all my time on this board, but this report makes me so freaking mad- I emailed them this following letter, and I think we all in Redskins nation need to let them know how we feel.

Notice that I sent it as a Sean Taylor fan, not as a Redskins fan.

ESPN's contact us link:


9/26/07 9:29am Pacific Time

Dear ESPN,

How more disgusting, biased of a report can you have when a person’s life is in jeopardy?

Sean Taylor might freaking DIE, and your 'network' goes with the (and I quote) "Taylor has been in trouble numerous times since he was drafted as the No. 5 overall pick" angle?

He is my most favorite player in the entire NFL (I am a diehard football fan, I live and die the NFL, ask my wife) - along with other NFL players, coaches, 100's of thousands of other fans and their wife’s and future children fans. I’m sure I don’t need to mention the people who lives he has changed with his charitable work.

Unless Sean Taylor ever plays on your network again (if he ever plays again) and I am forced to watch, the worst I can do is never to watch your networks again, and forward my opinion to your sponsors as well.

-A Proud To Be a Sean Taylor Fan

ESPN's 1st take asked a Miami Police detective how many times they had been called out there in the past...while sean was lying on a table fighting for his life. you can see it on espn.com now. please write and call to demand an apology.

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