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Planted Question(s) at Clinton Rally

USS Redskins

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Hillary is by her own estimation the worst candidate for president ever. Why?

go and research her answers to tough questions asked her about her husband, white water and other things, and the response is always, she didn't know, she wasn't aware.

She doesn't know anything and is never aware of anything, yet wants to run this country. don't you have to kinda keep on top of things in order to run this country??

He main problem is she doesn't like being asked tough questions. Look what happened at the last debate, and look what Bill did to chris mathews for asking about the papers during and after the debate?? Whenever someone asks them or her a tough question, they attack that person. Or they don't answer it, which happened in the last debate.

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Business as usual.

You hawkeyes who spend your life looking for truth and honesty in our government will die very disappointed.

But, in essence, this is one 'tactic' i don't have an issue with. There may be specific points that a candidate may want to address that may not come up in the Q&A. they're only going to get one chance in front of this audience to get these points across, so they have a plant to ask so the candidate can then espouse their views on it.

I expect these plants should be quiet and give the real audience a chance to ask the question first, but if they don't, I don't see anything wrong with a nudge.

I mean, as long as they aren't puffball "Senator, is it true your the greatest person ever?' type questions..


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I thought this was common practice. Did Bush make people have to sign a loyalty oath to get into his 'Town Hall' talks?
I believe that's correct. Most campaigners only field "approved" questions. Its so you don't end up with stuff like the "Don't taze me bro!" incident.
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Candidates and elected officials have gotten away with this plenty of times in the past, but this year is different. A huge part of the campaign this year is about the concern that we have been manipulated and lied to by the current Administration, and the media, and that everything is carefully scripted and spun.

Hillary should know this, but she doesn't. She is going to get blasted for this, and rightfully so.

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Candidates and elected officials have gotten away with this plenty of times in the past, but this year is different. A huge part of the campaign this year is about the concern that we have been manipulated and lied to by the current Administration, and the media, and that everything is carefully scripted and spun.

Hillary should know this, but she doesn't. She is going to get blasted for this, and rightfully so.

Interesting point P. Who will blast her for it?

The right will try, but it's getting close to cry wolf for them regarding Hillary.

Taking the next step, do you think that a Clinton Administration WONT manipulate and lie to us, or wont have everything perfectly scrip[ted and planned?

There are no statesmen anymore.

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Interesting point P. Who will blast her for it?

The right will try, but it's getting close to cry wolf for them regarding Hillary.

The Right will blast her, and it will resonate with those who are on the right. Consistency is not necessary when you are preaching to a receptive audience. Go to FreeRepublic and see what they are saying there.

I also think that the non-Hillary moderates and leftists will jump on this to show that Hillary is either unelectable or is more of the same old nonsense. I don't know how much it will resonate with the voters in the long run, but in the short run it is going to be a big distraction.

Taking the next step, do you think that a Clinton Administration WONT manipulate and lie to us, or wont have everything perfectly scrip[ted and planned?

No, not at all. It would be business as usual, image is everything, spin spin spin. I like to think that a Clinton Administration would not blatantly lie quite as much as the current Administration has, but that is only because I think that the current Administration has set such a high standard that it would be impossible to reach it. Sort of the "Joe DiMaggio hitting streak" of lying. :)

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don't you have to kinda keep on top of things in order to run this country??

No--The Liberal Gay Jewish Black Transgendered Feminist Environmental Agenda is taking care of everything just fine. Look--American Idol is on--look: Dr Phil is on and today's show just might change your life--look: NBC is going green (did you know that leaving your car running all day to keep it heated in the winter is NOT good for the environment? Learn this and more . . . ) Hillary Clinton unveils her new plan to come up with better euphemistic catchphrases than the Republicans--how that will effect the stock market and the kitten stuck in the tree in the local neighborhood and the paraplegic who learned how to fly--tonight at 11.

Just sit back and let your TV do the thinking for you.

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