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My solution for the Iraq and NK problems


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We go to Saddam and tell him that he can stay in power, we will lift the sanctions and allow him to run roughshod in the region in exchange for the following.

1- He sells us all of his oil (us meaning the US and our allies, not France/Germany et al) at a price slightly below OPEC.

2- He bombs the bejeezus out of Iran/Saudi Arabia/France/ and North Korea with the promise from us that we will protect him if they respond.

3- He assists us in our fight against Militant Islam. Both terrorist groups and Governments. By providing spies to infiltrate and help destroy them.

That would sure piss off the Frogs and Krauts.

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If I were Bush,

I'd start with establishing a diologue with Northern Korea and give it the support it desperately needs to prevent it's nuclear arsenal from being seen as a threat through better relations between our countries. They are in desperate times and our support would do more than help our relation and defuse this nuclear threat before it goes anyfurther.

Now regarding Iraq, they are playing games. What we have to do is let the games the UN, who have already admitted to playing with Iraq, be played out. Iraq is a UN issue not a US ... so the ball should be in the UN's court not our's. They have not attacked us, and an attack on them outside of the UN would be frowned upon, and raise the terror threat by other countries far beyound what it is now. We have to let the Authority of the UN deal with Iraq. A threat does not warrant an attack and that is the only ground we have to stand on outside of Un authority, Especially when the Iraqy people prefer peace over war, even for liberation. We have to either play the game or get out to save face in this whole mess with Iraq. Bush needs to tell the UN that if they are going to play games with Iraq he will not have any part of it and pull out his troops to come home. This would be huge.

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North Korea is easy.....we let them starve. Then, there is no one left around to use nukes.

If we go into Iraq and set up a successful democracy, it will destabilize the rest of the surrounding countries run by dictators. Hopefully, the people could throw off the current regeimes and set up their own democracies, eventually stabilizing the region.

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Originally posted by Jagsbch

If I were Bush,

I'd start with establishing a diologue with Northern Korea and give it the support it desperately needs to prevent it's nuclear arsenal from being seen as a threat through better relations between our countries. They are in desperate times and our support would do more than help our relation and defuse this nuclear threat before it goes anyfurther.

Now regarding Iraq, they are playing games what we have to do is let the games the UN, who have already admitted to playing the game with Iraq be played out. Iraq is a UN issue not a US ... so the ball should be in the UN's court not our's. They have not attacked us, and an attack on them outside of the UN would be frowned upon, and raise the terror threat by other countries far beyound what it is now. We have to let the Authority of the UN deal with Iraq. A threat does not warrant an attack and that is the only ground we have to stand on outside of Un authority, Especially when the Iraqy people prefer peace over war, even for liberation. We have to either play the game or get out to save face in this whole mess with Iraq. Bush needs to tell the UN that if they are going to play games with Iraq he will not have any part of it and pull out his troops to come home. This would be huge.

Your "solution" to N. Korea has been tried by Clinton and all it did was delay a real solution and pass the problem on to this administration. N. Korea continued to develop it's weapons, and we paid them to do it. :shootinth

I sugest you read this....


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Originally posted by Jagsbch

Doing nothing is not an answer, We don't need to neccessarily send money mind you, food, and coal would be a good start to creating a healthier diologue. People are starving over there.

Dude. Educate yourself. That is exactly what Clinton did. IT DID NOT WORK. Food shipments and money were diverted to the military while their people starved. N. Korea has adopted a policy of nuclear blackmail. Giving in to their demands will only confirm to them that this stratagy works as it did with Clinton and they will continue to use this stratagy. The fact that their people are starving is not our fault.

Did even you bother to read the article I pointed to?

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Nuclear Blackmail is an anti diplomatic way to view their primitively and desperate cry for help. They obviously need other resources of power, and nuclear energy is an alternate source that they can't deny considering their dilema and the technological resources at their disposal thanks to Clinton. We don't have to give them money, coal and food would do more to ease tensions than doing nothing at all. Look at the tension over there now with our new Black mail view to their cry for help. They have the technology and more than likely the nuclear arsenal, time to accept it and move on. Closing diologue is very imature, and only creates a bigger crisis in that region. How much money did we give the Russians... What if Bush would have used the blackmail approach to them back in the day?

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Originally posted by Jagsbch

Nuclear Blackmail is an anti diplomatic way to view their primitively and desperate cry for help. They obviously need other resources of power, and nuclear energy is an alternate source that they can't deny considering their dilema and the technological resources at their disposal thanks to Clinton. We don't have to give them money, coal and food would do more to ease tensions than doing nothing at all. Look at the tension over there now with our new Black mail view to their cry for help. They have the technology and more than likely the nuclear arsenal, time to accept it and move on. Closing diologue is very imature, and only creates a bigger crisis in that region. How much money did we give the Russians... What if Bush would have used the blackmale approach to them back in the day?

What article:laugh: :laugh:

Anti-diplomatic?!!!! That is one of the dumbest things I have read yet! We helped them build nuclear plants that could not be used for weapons. We gave them money and food.

You have no knowledge of what has already been attempted, no knowledge of Kim Jong Il and propose to use the same FAILED policy yet again. Cry for help? I suppose the next time somone commits armed robbery, we should consider it a "cry for help and give him money and food with no concideration that he has commited a crime.

And really. When you laugh at your own ignorance you invite others to laugh at you as well.

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Originally posted by Air Sarge

Mad Mike,

You're wasting your breath and typing energy, dude. If you read some of his other posts, you'll find he's so far into left field it's pathetic. Ignorance is truly bliss in his case.

Yeah, I know. But I am not writing my responses just for him. I write for the fence sitters who might mistake his ignorant posts for a reasonable argument.:cheers:

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I know a little about the playboy and his harem of swedish women...;)

Granted I don't know everything regarding the matter, never claimed too but whats this new hardline approach to diplomacy gonna do, but create more hostility towards us and koreas Neighbors than it already has. You'd rather have these escalating tensions in the region than any diologue between us?

When we use terms such as nuclear blackmail we build walls between eachother rather than sollutions to the pending problem at hand, I call that anti-diplomatic.:gus: We are talking about a country which possess the threat of a preemptive nuclear as well as biological attack to our west coast here.

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Jag...you are so hopelessly behind the times in terms of how technology and terrorism work that it is almost amusing. and your turn the other cheek philosophy while admirable is too cheeky for many of us in the day and age of WMDs. writers have been predicting the events that have been unfolding before us for years. It is precisely folks like you who get even more people killed - no matter how well intentioned you may be.

btw....according to Sen McCain there are 200,000 people in concentration camps in NK. when can we meet to plan a protest march in DC???????:rolleyes:

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Behind the times...

Look all I want to do is postpone the inevitable. Building walls, and attacking countries who are a threat are not my Idea of dealing with any crises. Like anything we do will make a difference in the inevitable. All we can do at this point is postpone it, all this posturing is doing nothing but speeding up the process, the fat lady is on stage... Behind the times ya ok. Posturing is good, but this is rediculous, the President needs to find ballance. This selfrighteous foot to the floor approach to dealing with the issues of the world is more primitive than it is reflective to even being considered a modern approach to dealing with the pending crisis that are causing our relationships with the world to dissolve with our mad dash for war and hostility towards anyone who does not share our radicle views.

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Originally posted by Jagsbch

Behind the times...

Look all I want to do is postpone the inevitable. Building walls, and attacking countries who are a threat are not my Idea of dealing with any crises. Like anything we do will make a difference in the inevitable. All we can do at this point is postpone it, all this posturing is doing nothing but speeding up the process, the fat lady is on stage... Behind the times ya ok. Posturing is good, but this is rediculous, the President needs to find ballance. This selfrighteous foot to the floor approach to dealing with the issues of the world is more primitive than it is reflective to even being considered a modern approach to dealing with the pending crisis that are causing our relationships with the world to dissolve with our mad dash for war and hostility towards anyone who does not share our radicle views.

Look all I want to do is postpone the inevitable.

NOW THAT is THE most moronic post yet. Reading such stupidity makes me want to bash my head into a wall. :gus:

Postponing the inevitable is what alowed Hitler to take over 90% of Europe and kill 6 million jews. What kind of idiot thinks that is a reasonable state policy?

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Originally posted by Mad Mike

NOW THAT is THE most moronic post yet. Reading such stupidity makes me want to bash my head into a wall. :gus:

Postponing the inevitable is what alowed Hitler to take over 90% of Europe and kill 6 million jews. What kind of idiot thinks that is a reasonable state policy?

Look how far it got Bill Clinton...:laugh: :rotflmao: ;) :rotflmao: :laugh:

Radicle Look at powells speech yesterday... This no nonsense approach to Iraq is radicle to the rest of the world. It's sudden and coming out of nowhere... so the whole world is supposed to jump when we say Jump... Hardly. Bush has pulled this countries pants down and revealed our balls and *** to the rest of the world. How embarassing... Now thats radicle...

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