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Buchanan: The Global Warming Hucksters


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The global-warming hucksters

Posted: October 23, 2007

1:00 a.m. Eastern

The scaremongers are not always wrong. The Trojans should have listened to Cassandra. But history shows that the scaremongers are usually wrong.

Parson Malthus predicted mass starvation 250 years ago, as the population was growing geometrically, doubling each generation, while agricultural production was going arithmetically, by 2 percent or so a year. But today, with perhaps 1 percent of our population in full-time food production, we are the best-fed and fattest 300 million people on Earth.

Karl Marx was proven dead wrong about the immiseration of the masses under capitalism and the coming revolution in the industrial West, though they still have hopes at Harvard.


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I like Pat. He's not a man who thinks deeply about issues. He doesn't need to because most issues are black and white to him decided along moral lines. He's not right all the time or even most of the time; but he is consistent and he tells you what he believes no matter who it offends. When you agree with him, he's a strong vocal ally carrying your flag. When he disagrees with you, he labels you among the pagan hoard, who the nation needs to be protected against. I've been a Buchanan fan and listener for 30 years, I like Pat.

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Many of Karl Marx's ideas were adopted which he didn't forsee. That probably stopped the "revolution" as much as anything.

More, I find it interesting that Pat, who frequently represents the Republican party, has the gall to speak about "scaremongers" when it is his party that repeatedly claims that a vote for a democrat will lead directly and immediately to mushroom clouds on your front doorstep. Scaremongering is the favorite tactic these days of the Republicans. Even today, that's their pitch for staying in power.

"You can't trust the Dems with your security. If you do you'll be dead"

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Many of Karl Marx's ideas were adopted which he didn't forsee. That probably stopped the "revolution" as much as anything.

More, I find it interesting that Pat, who frequently represents the Republican party, has the gall to speak about "scaremongers" when it is his party that repeatedly claims that a vote for a democrat will lead directly and immediately to mushroom clouds on your front doorstep. Scaremongering is the favorite tactic these days of the Republicans. Even today, that's their pitch for staying in power.

"You can't trust the Dems with your security. If you do you'll be dead"

This post just proves you have absolutely no friggin' clue what you're talking about. Buchanan was adamantly opposed to the Iraq invasion and often offers scathing criticisms of the Republican party for its handling of the WOT.

Republicans don't like Buchanan any more than Buchanan likes Republicans.

Was there anything else you want to make up?

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This post just proves you have absolutely no friggin' clue what you're talking about. Buchanan was adamantly opposed to the Iraq invasion and often offers scathing criticisms of the Republican party for its handling of the WOT.

Did you read Burgold's quote? Did you read what he said? It was not about the Iraq war, it was about "scaremongering". Do you think the republicans have used the tactic since 9-11??? Do you??? Comment on that issue, not something which has nothing to do with what he said.

Get your head out of your arse, and stop jumping to conclusions, it makes you look foolish.

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Did you read Burgold's quote? Did you read what he said? It was not about the Iraq war, it was about "scaremongering". Do you think the republicans have used the tactic since 9-11??? Do you??? Comment on that issue, not something which has nothing to do with what he said.

Get your head out of your arse, and stop jumping to conclusions, it makes you look foolish.

:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

Hypocrisy!! Coming from a Mass communist-wannabe who'd probably take up arms against his own country to spite Bush.

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I also want to add this. . .it shows how far off the deep end the Republican party has gone when Pat Buchanan is the voice of reason :doh:

Did you read my post? Did you read what I said?

Buchanan no longer represents the Republican party. This article (did you even read the article?) isn't even about partisanship. It's about calling out the GW alarmists for the nitwits they are. Have you bought your carbon off-sets yet?


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:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

Brilliant and well thought out rebuttal. The chief political weapon the Republicans have relied on since 9/11 is fearmongering or being "scaremongers." It was used in every political speech and every time, Bush's poll numbers dipped during his first term, there would be a rise in the terrorist threat level. Bush's popularity was practically color coded.

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I like Pat. He's not a man who thinks deeply about issues. He doesn't need to because most issues are black and white to him decided along moral lines. He's not right all the time or even most of the time; but he is consistent and he tells you what he believes no matter who it offends. When you agree with him, he's a strong vocal ally carrying your flag. When he disagrees with you, he labels you among the pagan hoard, who the nation needs to be protected against. I've been a Buchanan fan and listener for 30 years, I like Pat.

Personally, I think you are making Pat more complex than he is. He is a simple minded fool who hides behind his faith. He doesn't have to make decisions - because they are already made for him.

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Brilliant and well thought out rebuttal. The chief political weapon the Republicans have relied on since 9/11 is fearmongering or being "scaremongers." It was used in every political speech and every time, Bush's poll numbers dipped during his first term, there would be a rise in the terrorist threat level. Bush's popularity was practically color coded.

My bad. I guess I should just make **** up like you do.


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did you just say that Buchanon doesn't represent the Republicans anymore? Really? I suppose that must be true. I've also read within the last month on this board that Coulter, Rush, O'Reilly, and now Buchanon do not represent Republican viewpoints despite being paid to be analysts and commentators for the Republican side.

So, basically no one represents the Republicans? Does the President? Because a lot of Republicans are saying he isn't actually a Republican President.

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My bad. I guess I should just make **** up like you do.


Hookay, prove me fictional. Find a link where Buchanon has renounced being a Republican? Or that he has been excommunicated from the Republican party. Prove that Republicans haven't used fear as a primary political tool. Prove that the mushroom cloud thing wasn't said over and over again.

I rarely lie. Although, sometimes I do exaggerate. :)

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Pat Buchanon is a huckster on pretty much every issue for that very reason.

Buchanan was strongly against the Iraqi war. He is a strong Union man who is on the right side of the massive deficites the governments of both parties traditionally choose to run on trade. I don't think Buchanon is wrong on every issue. I don't think compromise is a word he's familiar with, but that's just Pat.

Pat shoots from the lip true enough, but he doesn't always miss the mark. When he hits the mark he's incredible refreshing. On the Mclaughlin show we just lived through one of the 7 harbengers of the apocolypse. Pat spent the last two years agreeing with Elenor on most issues.

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Hookay, prove me fictional. Find a link where Buchanon has renounced being a Republican? Or that he has been excommunicated from the Republican party. Prove that Republicans haven't used fear as a primary political tool. Prove that the mushroom cloud thing wasn't said over and over again.

I rarely lie. Although, sometimes I do exaggerate. :)

I thought Pat was part of the Reform Party or whatever its called?
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:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

Hypocrisy!! Coming from a Mass communist-wannabe who'd probably take up arms against his own country to spite Bush.

I'm not sure what is more comical:

1. Neocons still calling people communists

2. People that associate a dislike of Bush and his policies as being unpatriotic or selling out the country.

3. Bush supporters who've been sitting on their hands since 9-11 having the nerve to try and point an accusing finger at liberals while doing nothing themselves.

Do us all a favor and try some new tricks because these old ones are played out...

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This post just proves you have absolutely no friggin' clue what you're talking about. Buchanan was adamantly opposed to the Iraq invasion and often offers scathing criticisms of the Republican party for its handling of the WOT.

Republicans don't like Buchanan any more than Buchanan likes Republicans.

Was there anything else you want to make up?

Buchanan still has a soft spot in his heart for Republicans even if they don't like him. Republicans still hold a grudge against Pat for his speach in the GOP convention during Bush Senior years which likely cost papa Bush the election. His own damned fault if you ask me, putting Pat in Prime time. What was he thinking?

Oh and there was the little issue about Pat running as a third party nominee against Bush Jr. I actually think the GOP liked that though

No I think Burgold has a point about Capitalism adapting to Marks rather than defeating Marks. We don't have a real example of Capitalism in the world today. We are the most Capitalistic market and we have a mixed economy. We had a strong union movement. We have worker pensions, healthcare, and rights which did not exist during the industrial revolution. Pure capitalsm doesn't work any better than pure communism. It's just the representative elements of our Republic government forced compromise on the Capitalists long before the Comunists which allowed us to win out over Communism.

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I thought Pat was part of the Reform Party or whatever its called?

I don't think so. I think he ran as an independent, but it was sort of like Joe Liebermann running as an independent. Joe's still a dem and flocks with the dems on most issues. Pat's still a die-hard conservative and a Republican.

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You do know why Buchanan is against the war (much like the Persian Gulf War), hokie4skin?

TEG, are you asking, or are you patronizing me? Given our banter in the NCAA forum, I'd expect a little more respect. But if you're asking...........

Buchanan is an isolationist. He claimed the Iraq War was contrary to U.S. interests from the VERY beginning and that we were no more than a puppet for Israel and its lobby on Capitol Hill. He's a conservative of the truest form and mourns the fact neocons (or as he call them, the "War Party) have hijacked the party of Reagan. His ultimate fear for our WOT is the notion that the war will be endless. For every one Jihadi we kill, we create a hundred. As if things were just peachy before the invasion of Iraq.


I like Buchanan. Some of what he says I agree with. Other things? Not so much. He calls people out for their lunacy which I can respect.

It's funny this thread spun into a "War on Iraq" thread. I posted it because Buchanan exposed global warming alarmists for the fraudulent imbeciles they are.

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I always think of the Child Labor laws to which was a major point of the Marx Revolution that never came to be. Industrialization and Monopolies led to really horrific working conditions, especially for children. The advent of unions and child labor defused a lot of building class anger. That was back in the day were Unions were actually important and fought for much more significant issues.

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