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It's In The Numbers: Why The 'Skins Have A Great Shot At Beating New England

[S.S.F. | Nero]

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We as fans can look past whoever we want! Us overlooking ANY team is COMPLETELY OKAY! Man I am tired of people acting like it matters.

There is no doubt in my mind we will put it to New England, If our receivers can actually make catches we will be set.

One thing that sticks in my mind is watching some bump coverage with Landry on the line.. Then coming off that WR and blasting Brady. Think of how the game will dramatically take a turn if we were to get that done in like the 1st or 2nd drive??

Maybe I am just dreaming, but man I would be stoked!

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First of all I love the way you put your argument together. I happen to completely agree. So far we're going to be the best matchup against NE. I think we've proven we have an elite defense after shutting down 2 #1 passing attacks in a row, and being in the top 5 of many defensive categories. We also are fortunate to be deep at CB/DB. With the range of ST we should be able to at least slow down NE's deep game and maybe come out with a turnover or two from our secondary. A big key here is going to be if Shawn Springs is able to play because of his father's situation.

As the great Patrick Crayton (:laugh: ) said, their defense isn't for real. I think we match up here pretty well also. If our offensive line can execute we should be able to beat their older LB's with perimiter runs and a few blasts up the middle with Sellers to keep them honest. I would expect Cooley to have a big day as well.

I'm not sure why people are so doomy and gloomy about this game. This isn't the first time a team has gone 6-0. Indy has looked better than this multiple times and everyone eventually loses. Maybe if NE can beat another real team I'll start worrying.

Like when? Im not on the NE kool-aid either but dude, Brady has 21-2 td/int ratio.. They are a lot better then Indy has looked.

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After last year's performance of our defense, it's awesome to see how they have greatly improved. They were the main reason why we were 5-11 last year.

However, now it's the offense that seemed to be sputtering. But, I still believe that we will get better, and this offense will be able to score at least 24 points a game...this will be a lovely compliment to our beloved defense.

This game against the Cardinals remind me of the game against the Lions. We lost a winnable game against the Giants...the next following game, we smashed the Lions. We lost a very winnable game against the Packers...this Sunday, against the Cardinals...well, you know.

With the offensive weapons the Redskins have, I would like to see them score at least 30 points the next two games. If we score 30 points against the Patriots, with the way our defense have been playing, things could get very interesting for the Pats.

With that being said,

Redskins 35

Cardinals 10

Redskins vs Patriots

Redskins 30

Patriots 21 or 24

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The one thing you have to remember is that this early in the season, one game skews stats!

So, 4/6 teams NE has played are in the bottom 5 in total D. Don't you think the 400-500 yard/30+ point game vs. NE had something to do with that? Additionally, if your records are correct, their opponents' record would be a much more respectable 14-14 if you took their games out of the equation...

I'm not saying we don't have a shot because I do think we'll be the best D they've faced to this point, but all of this stuff goes hand in hand when you are doing your evaluations.

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Dream on. New England will pound us.

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Did we not beat the Patriots before they went on some long winning streak?

Let's make it a perfect pair of bookends and beat them again....only this time, to end their streak.

I believe they were 14-2 the year your referring to.. We were half of their losses..

SonnyRules, you rule..lol Good way to look at it and lets watch this go down :point2sky

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Y'all understand that we are a team that lost to both the Giants and the Packers, right? Y'all understand that we are a team that tied the winless Dolphins at home, right?

Y'all understand that we have had a lot of injuries while the Pats are getting back their best defensive player?

Y'all understand that the Patriots have an offense on a record-setting pace as well as having, arguably, the best defense in the league, right?

Y'all understand that we are playing at New England in the cold, right?

Is it possible? Of course, but our fans have lost all perspective if they are thinking we have a good possibility of beating these guys. We should be worried about beating the Cardinals because that's the level we are on. But we have fans who are talking about how we have a good chance to beat the Pats? It's mind boggling.

And it becomes problematic when we invest this much in a longshot: we get let down. We don't need to win every game. We can probably lost 5. We should be looking at NE as a probable loss, but a great luxury if the improbable happens and we win.

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Put this another way:

If I have to race Carl Lewis in the 100 meter dash, there is a possibility I can beat him. Maybe he will fall; maybe he will blow his Achilles tendon at the start; maybe he drops dead of a heart attack. Maybe I win. But I suspect everyone here would question my sanity if I was trying to suggest that I have a legitimate chance of beating him if we both run a good race.

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Come on guys, JC has played his least experienced game last week. He will be better this week , he will be better against NE. Bill can throw what ever he wants at us, it wont matter.. Have you actually seen JC panic or look confused by the coverage? Do you see him looking at the sidelines with his hands up like " What was that defense"? Hell no you haven't and you wont. If we can CATCH the ball and call a good game JC has all the tools and has just as good a chance to beat them as any QB in the game outside of Payton...

If JG and AS call a good game and Buges gets us a line that can hold up and we CATCH the damn ball no one in this league is going to stop us. Go ahead rush 4 , CP and LB will run the ball down your throut!

We have yet to be out played or out coached. That doesn't mean we haven't made our share of mistakes. But with that said, we are only loosing because of our misques not because we have been beaten by the opposition.

JC is the one player that makes us a contender in every game, you will see, if we catch the ball he will get his share of 300 yard 3 TD games this year and maybe a couple 400 yard games. ( I have personally removed the invisible force field that is stoping EL from getting in the end zone).

I am not woried about NE but I bet they sure as hell are woried about JC and our D. We wont fold we aren't going to quit! We are going to knock the crap out of every damn NE player we can find and JC is going to play his best game of the year... ( You know what the best part is? JC is going to be so much better with a few more games under his belt, and next year the guy may be in the top 3 QB's)

Last year I allways felt like we would lose, if the D steped up out QB was a dead duck anyways. This year, hmmm ... on any given snap JC can throw 65 yards down field to any reciever we have. And pretty damn accurate. When JC is done it won't be remeber that Dallas game it will be remember all those dallas games, remember all the championships!

redskins 24 patriots 13

ST with 2 more INTs

You will see ! :cheers:

HTTR !!!

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[s.S.F. | Nero]---Forum Rule #11. Please do not use the “Quote” feature to quote huge blocks of text or pictures. If you would like to respond to the contents of a particular post, simply quote the sentence or idea that you're commenting upon, not necessarily the entire post. It wastes space on the database and unnecessarily extends and clutters threads.

Nice Post S.S.F. | Nero

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You can say all you want about "Who they have played"...and if their wins were by 1, 2, 3 points or something, than I'd put alot more into that...but they are just DESTROYING teams....

Now, I also think we have a chance, and I think it will be close game next week....and New England is beatable, but we have to play a mistake free game against them, because they are that good.

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i dont get it.. we as fans can look ahead.. we have 0 impact on the game. Lets look forward to NE

It is true we dont impact the game, but if we go out and get pounded by AZ (god i hope not) then this whole discussion is pointless and a complete waste of time.

Lets get AZ then discuss how we can beat NE.

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Did we not beat the Patriots before they went on some long winning streak?

Let's make it a perfect pair of bookends and beat them again....only this time, to end their streak.

I second that optimistic outlook.

Spurrier defeated Bellichick. Maybe Gibbs can too.

Why not? I hope to catch them on an off day...

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Okay, I like the original post for the most part...some good points. For me, I don't believe in the Pukes b/c of one thing. They struggled badly against the Bills. That's pitiful. The Pats haven't played anyone, including the Pukes. We've killed ourselves. So, I think we can win, but its going to be very tough. I'm only interested in the Pats game from the standpoint that a win would give this team the confidence it needs especially on offense. Once we play tomorrow, I'll get a feel for what kind of team we are. If we struggle against the Cards, we're not going to have a chance in Hades against the Pats. Struggling against the Cards, would mean that the Defense would've taken a step back. Do I think they'll struggle against the Cards?, no fuggin' way. But, they [the D] better stay as consistent as they have, and the offense better pick it up big time tomorrow. Then and only then do I think we have a chance to go into New England and show them what we're made of....momentum is what we need boys and gals of ES. Come on Skins, lets kill the VA state birds tomorrow :laugh: :2cents:


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No one seems to be mentioning our greatest advantage in this game. We will be HUDGE underdogs. The pats got seriously up for the Dallas game since it was "the battle of the 5-0 teams" but since we already have two loses and are playing up in NE no one will give us any chance. The media will be all about "the big showdown" the following week.

I guarantee Gibbs uses that to its full effect. This team loves the underdog role. Human nature being what it is NE will be feeling pretty invincible by the time the Skins bus pulls in. Once the game gets started our D will start putting the whammy on them and they won't know what hit 'em.

Really that game is going to be fun since we have nothing to lose and everything to win (exactly the opposite of our game this week).


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