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Quarters 1-3 are on the Players, Quarter 4 is on the Coaches


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Coming in the 4th Quarter, you have every right to be furious with the players. Moss blew the game by giving the packers 7 free points, which is a lot more than the margin of victory, and there were plenty of drops/fumbles to go around on other players. There were more dropped 3rd down conversions than I can even remember, and that changed the face of the game right there. But, even after all this, the game was STILL winnable.

In the 4th Quarter, we saw terrible coaching, terrible play calling, and terrible TIME MANAGEMENT. I honestly have no idea what Gibbs is doing out there but apparently his thinking is so 1-dimensional that he doesn't even consider what he wants to do on the NEXT play given various outcomes. This is a huge problem. Too many bad run plays called. A terrible wasted time out, a terrible call on 4th down where Betts is the 1st option on a route that has been consistently UNSUCCESSFUL for us all season long (including the goalline pass to Sellers in the Giants game).

This game has crystallized what has been quite apparent to some of us for a very long time. Jason Campbell is our best player on offense. This isn't a running team. Yea, I'm looking at you Gibbs. You can blame our O-line injuries, you can blame our backs, you can blame whoever you want. It doesn't matter why - the bottom line is our running game is our weakness. We have a lot of good receivers. We unfortunately don't have a great one. The one we thought might be great - Moss- clearly is not. Get them on the field, and get a bunch of them on the field. No one receiver consistently gets open, but we can always someone open when we spread it out. Use the pass to set up the run.

Oh, and it's becoming sadly apparent that McCardell is our most reliable and aware receiver. Maybe start using him more? Just a thought...

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I disagree. 1-3 on players, 4th on injuries and PLAYERS.

Campbell overthrew Lloyd on what was a sure TD. Game was probably over at that point. Campbell has held the ball a split second too long multiple times and gotten sacked. Some of that is on the o-line injuries.

That time management at the end turns out to have been meaningless. We had no opportunities with more injuries, mistakes, etc. It looks bad but was not what directly led to the loss.

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That time management at the end turns out to have been meaningless. We had no opportunities with more injuries, mistakes, etc. It looks bad but was not what directly led to the loss.

I do agree that it turned out to be meaningless. But, you want to keep your team in the best position to win at all times. Gibbs has consistently been unprepared to make decision and squandered time outs over the past 4 years. In order avoid that becoming an issue that DOES decide a game in the future, he needs to get it fixed. He has failed to do that after 4 years.

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I have to agree. Portis just doesn't look that good right now. Betts' performance last season was an aberration. Moss isn't a true #1 receiver.

However, Campbell is playing great football. ARE and McCardell are a great tandem of receivers. Sellers and Cooley are elite at FB and TE. Unfortunately, our coaches don't seem to be utilizing the right players in the correct plays.

The defense is playing lights out. If not for them, I dunno what to say about this team.

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Its an unfortunate loss where too many mistakes cost us. It would have been a very hard game to win against a good GB team at home coming off a loss last week. I still like this team and think they'll make the playoffs. Catching dallas will be tough unless they start losing too. We'll be okay. Hopefully our O-Line guys aren't too bad off and we get Rabach, Heyer, and Wade back. Things starting falling apart after they went out, in particular Rabach.

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I disagree. 1-3 on players, 4th on injuries and PLAYERS.

Campbell overthrew Lloyd on what was a sure TD. Game was probably over at that point. Campbell has held the ball a split second too long multiple times and gotten sacked. Some of that is on the o-line injuries.

That time management at the end turns out to have been meaningless. We had no opportunities with more injuries, mistakes, etc. It looks bad but was not what directly led to the loss.

Good point there. JC has to get better touch on those deep balls, because we do win this game if there is air under that throw

I am really worried about the o-line now

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Players that wanted to win: Sean Taylor, Chris Cooley, Keenan McCardell, Jason Campbell, All of the Defence (excluding Carlos Rogers).

Why we lost: Santana Moss, Carlos Rogers, O-Line Injuries, Horrible 4th quarter clock management, Lack of effort at the end.

Now I know why Sean Taylor lateraled the ball to Rocky Mackintosh...cuz he knew the offence wasnt going to put any points on the board.

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I do not agree with you.

The coaches did not lose the 4th quarter.

I have much I would like to say........but want to regroup before I speak.

Jason made mistakes, our receivers were almost non existant, CP was less than stellar........and OUR O LINE IS GONE.

I do not this any of this is on the coaches.

But.....will say more once I am calmer.

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I do not this any of this is on the coaches.

You can not in good conscious absolve the coaching of their mismanagement of the last quarter. To waste 30+ seconds AND not think far enough ahead to call two plays with the use of another time out is inexcusable.

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Guest sith lord
The team certainly blew this one. I'll let Moss have his bad game, but Portis has been shaky this year. Seems to have a bout of fumbilitis. And JC just can't seem to hit his receivers on those long balls--we see it week after week.

Here's to next week...

Moss have also been VERY shaky this year.

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Good point there. JC has to get better touch on those deep balls, because we do win this game if there is air under that throw

I am really worried about the o-line now

In that jackoff thread calling people out for game thread posts, one of mine about our season being over after Thomas went down was selected.

Well, the reason I said it is because you don't STOP getting serious injuries. If an entire side of your O-line goes down, you will continue to suffer injuries throughout the season. Unless we get healthy REAL quick, we cannot win without decent O-line play.

Our running game now sucks and our passing game will look terrible against any quality defenses.

I'm not saying our season IS over but it's looming in the distance if these injuries turn out to be even semi-serious. And with Moss, ARE and Portis...well, it ain't just the o-line.

We escaped with Jason's knee in preseason but it seems like Final Destination where we're JUST NOT escaping these injuries, even though we all breathed a sigh of relief against Pittsburgh.

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I have to agree. Portis just doesn't look that good right now. Betts' performance last season was an aberration. Moss isn't a true #1 receiver.

However, Campbell is playing great football. ARE and McCardell are a great tandem of receivers. Sellers and Cooley are elite at FB and TE. Unfortunately, our coaches don't seem to be utilizing the right players in the correct plays.

The defense is playing lights out. If not for them, I dunno what to say about this team.

Moss is the biggest disappointment, maybe he was trying to show up for the team but he was a definite drag, could not freaking catch or hold onto the ball....

Kudos to Jason and Cooley and the D, the rest sucked...

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I disagree. 1-3 on players, 4th on injuries and PLAYERS.

Campbell overthrew Lloyd on what was a sure TD. Game was probably over at that point. Campbell has held the ball a split second too long multiple times and gotten sacked. Some of that is on the o-line injuries.

That time management at the end turns out to have been meaningless. We had no opportunities with more injuries, mistakes, etc. It looks bad but was not what directly led to the loss.

You're joking right? So time left on the clock and number of timeouts left in no way dictates what is called right? Way off base. With time and timeouts left, we could have used the middle of the field and or utilized screen passes(correctly) to put us in position for the tying fieldgoal.

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