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A few thoughts..........


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First and foremost, I would like to thank the members of ES for their outstanding conduct during the game today. With all the excitment of opening day, and the game going back and forth, people kept their cool, and kept it enjoyable for everybody. It was a pleasure to be on board today.

NNT........ Being it was the first game of the year, I cut people a lot of slack. I had to do over 40 merges today on threads that easily fit into existing threads.

Please people, take a look before you start a thread. As the season moves along, I'll be more apt to just close the thread, and place the member in the NNT group.

For any who wound up in NNT today, please contact me later tonight during the Dallas / Giants game via PM.


Pete :cheers:

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Thanks for this post Pete. This place gets a little crazy after games due to emotions mixed with alcohal mixed with the Skins' usual heart stopping finishes to games.

If there's one thing I hope everyone takes from the game today its that we won a very close, ugly game. It's wins like today, however, that seperate the 10-6 club from 2 years ago from last year's 5-11 club.

If we can keep the games close, not lose them with turnovers and mistakes, and let our D and running game to the heavy lifting we could have a good year. There was plenty room for improvement in this one. I know everyone wants to disect every drop and missed throw and questionable play call, but before you post take a deep breath, think, and check the front page. Someone has probably alreay started a thread about it, this place is humming right now.

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Mods, you guys really do an outstanding job here, but I have just one complaint. I know that emotions run high during the game, especially a close game at the begining of the season. We have been waiting for this for 7 long months and frustrations are deep when our team makes mistakes.

My complaint is this, there was an awful lot of people using the Lord's name in vain in their posts. I know this may not seem very important to too many on this site, and I am in no way a Saint. But this is supposed to be a family oriented message board and I was extremely disappointed with amount of profanity invloving the Lord's name.

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Maybe require members to have at least 250 posts before they can create a thread? I can't think of the last thread worth reading made by someone with like 6 posts

Actually a lot of the threads started by people with 1,000's of posts aren't worth reading either sometimes. Just because someone posts alot doesn't mean they're intelligent. I've actuall read some pretty good threads from some who don't post a lot.

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Pete, I sure hope you got to see the game, I kow you guys get real busy during this time of year.

I pretty much caught it, but I'll be re-watching the game shortly to really get a good look at how we did.

Actually a lot of the threads started by people with 1,000's of posts aren't worth reading either sometimes. Just because someone posts alot doesn't mean they're intelligent. I've actuall read some pretty good threads from some who don't post a lot.

You hit the nail on the head. It's not just newer people who don't look. Just as many people who have been around for a long time make the same mistake.

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