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This weekends predictions...

The Evil Genius

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Originally posted by StinkNugget




So many of you are picking the Falcons out of spite! How funny. You hate the Eagles so much that you've lost all sense of reality and football knowledge...



Actually for me it wasnt out of spite. I dont hate Philly - I just hate their fans.

I picked Philly because:

1.) McNabb is rushing back to play QB.

2.) Vick is on a roll.

3.) This game seems like a blowout for Philly. Thus, I pick Atlanta.

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Stink Nugget, of course it doesn't make sense, nothing in the NFL makes sense nowadays. You'll notice that I'm one of the few fans that has some belief that sensibility will hold true this weekend in the NFL, but in this case the Falcons are rolling. A lot of us picked them last week too on a gut feeling and look what happened. As this is a Redskins board, we can take the liberty of not caring whether we hurt other teams' fans' feelings when we pick them to lose in an upset.

Either way though, I'm with you, Falcons aren't going any further. I could be wrong, but then again, so could all of these guys.

I am surprised that everyone seems to be buying what the Jets are selling (myself included.) Steve Young said they were the best team in football... at 9-7?!? You have to be kidding me right? The best team in football can't be 9-7 can they?

Someone once told me that there is a big difference between a GOOD team and a HOT team. The way I see it, Philly has been the most consistent all year, and I expect them to play like it, but that's just my personal opinion, and I will by no means be cheering for them.

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Originally posted by CBMGreatOne

Stink Nugget, of course it doesn't make sense, nothing in the NFL makes sense nowadays. You'll notice that I'm one of the few fans that has some belief that sensibility will hold true this weekend in the NFL, but in this case the Falcons are rolling. A lot of us picked them last week too on a gut feeling and look what happened. As this is a Redskins board, we can take the liberty of not caring whether we hurt other teams' fans' feelings when we pick them to lose in an upset.

For the record, I also picked the Falcons last week... the Packers have been pretenders for most of the season, reminiscent of the Bears from last year. But I completely disagree with the assertion that the Falcons are on a roll... they went 1-3 to end the season. Vick's rating was miserable and the only reason they even got into the playoffs is because New Orleans choked the donkey at the end of the season.

They beat the Packers because GB's defense was banged up and because Favre played terribly. They only had one decent scoring drive and the rest of the game they had a short field to work with.

Anyway, you seem to have your facilties about you, unlike some, so have fun rooting against the Eagles even if you know it is a lost cause.


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Originally posted by THiTo11

Stinky, if the Iggles lose, will you still come out to play?

not sure what i'd do a whole offseason without you crying about how the Iggles 'choked the donkey'

we'll be here to console you... :high:

THiTo11, of all of the idiots on this board, you are by far the biggest. You never fail to impress. I'll be here rain or shine reminding you of just how much better the Eagles are than the Redskins. And after years of living in the DC area, that's all it takes to make me happy...


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Originally posted by StinkNugget

THiTo11, of all of the idiots on this board, you are by far the biggest. You never fail to impress. I'll be here rain or shine reminding you of just how much better the Eagles are than the Redskins. And after years of living in the DC area, that's all it takes to make me happy...


that means a lot to me, Stinky

i have geared my entire existence towards impressing you, and with that last comment, i see my goal has been reached.. i only have you to thank

you mean a lot to me and i don't know where i'd be without you.. and if that day comes where the Iggles *finally* win the big one, i'll be here to remind you just how long it took.. and i might even throw in the fact that you would still have some catching up to do.. 1 superbowl is nice, 3 is even better

isn't it beautiful, Stink?


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Originally posted by Bufford

1 winner, 31 losers. After a team loses the Superbowl, they are the same as whoever has the 1st overall pick.

Spoken like someone who's team used to be good and is now terrible and who can't come to grips with the fact that there IS a difference between 12-4 and 7-9...


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Originally posted by THiTo11

a better draft pick?

Close. Its the difference between living with the knowledge that your team is one of the best in the league versus living with the knowledge that your team is garbage. Its knowing that every franchise in the league wishes that they had your front office versus the knowing that your front office is an utter joke. It knowing that even if you don't win this year, there are players and coaches and a system in place that will be in place for years to come versus rooting for a team that changes coaches, players and systems year in and year out.

And really THiTo11, don't you realize that the long wait for a championship, no matter when it happens, makes it that much sweeter?

Nice try though.


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Originally posted by StinkNugget

And really THiTo11, don't you realize that the long wait for a championship, no matter when it happens, makes it that much sweeter?

:laugh: convincing yourself?

seriously man, that's something *losers* say...

but hey, whatever floats your boat

it's gonna be a long, hard offseason if there's no Lombardi in Philly this year...

well, maybe not, Philly fans are used to that, right?


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StinkNugget, you guys have the best record in football, a great QB, and a coach and core of players who have been around for a few years now. You have a solid team and front office, but it only has amounted to one thing: a CHANCE at winning the Super Bowl this year.

Say what you will about our front office, but don't bother with the remarks that the media KNOWS it's a joke, because we all know that the national media's bias against the Skins is the joke.

All that aside, you'll get your props IF you guys pull it out this year, but anybody who watches this game knows that fortunes change very quickly in the NFL.

There isn't a Redskins fan on this board that doesn't believe that we're going to the playoffs next year and why not? In this day in age of parity in the league every team except the Bengals has a chance for next year. Also every team faces the possibility of collapse, see the 2002 Rams.

Talk is cheap and trash talk is cheaper. Until you win the big one, you are a loser just like Tampa, Atlanta, Cinci, Minnesota, Detroit, Seattle, New Orleans, Carolina, Arizona, Buffalo, Cleveland, Tennessee, Jacksonvile, Houston, and San Diego (hope I didn't make any mistakes there). So go win it, then you can tell us to live in the now, because right now, we have three Lombardis in the case, and all you have is the hope of getting one this month, which is still nothing. Those are the facts.

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I don't know, CBM........while I think all of us Skins fans would like to be optimistic and wish for a playoff berth, and while you're right that teams can turn it around quickly in the age of parity, given the past 10 Redskin seasons, and particularly the past three (8-8, 8-8, 7-9), I find it hard to go out on a limb and predict a playoff berth for us. At this point, I hope to be plesantly surprised.

We can let Stink Nugget have the bragging rights for now.......but I sure hope the Vickster can give them fits and pull it out for the Falcons. After beating the Vikings in the NFC title match in early '99, if Atlanta can knock off the Eagles Saturday, I may have to adopt them as my second favorite team.

Ah......the picks:

Tenn 20 Pitt 13

Phil 24 ATL 10

TB 30 SF 14

Jets 27 Oak 24

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yeah, I suppose I was a bit rash saying we all believe we're going, what I essentially mean was that we can go. Besides the point was just that it's a crapshoot and we have stuff torom last year. I believe we're going, but I understand not everybody would necessarily predict we will.

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1. I like the Falcons as a breath of fresh air but the Eagles are in the playoffs to win something and the Falcons are happy to have made it this far. Not a good omen for the Dirty Birds. Eagles big, 35-14.

2. I don't like the 49ers or the Bucs, although Owens and Garcia are fun to watch. The Bucs are a slow plodding team on offense and Warren Sapp is easily the most obnoxious defensive player in the NFL. This guy has been perfecting his Super Bowl shuffle for 6 years...........still the 49ers are not a very good team on defense and Garcia won't outrun the Bucs defense as he did the Giants. Bucs 21, 49ers 13.

3. I sure hope the Jets beat the Raiders. That would make my weekend :) Al Davis reminds me of a family member that continually screws over his relatives and then shows up at the door on Christmas Eve expecting a free meal and a place to stay for the night...........yeah, right Al, the 'tuck rule' play was a contrived attempt of the NFL to prevent YOU from winning the Super Bowl..........:laugh:.........and it worked :D

Jets 28, Raiders 24.

4. Titans vs. Steelers. This is the snoozer. There always has to be one, eh? :) McNair and George are warriors and Fisher is one of the most underrated coaches in the NFL, but watching the Titans is about as interesting as watching paint dry. Pittsburgh? Are we finally seeing the evolution of the Steelers into an offensive team? With Kendrell Bell likely out this week, Cowher better hope so. No home cooking for Steelers equals no victory.

Titans 24, Steelers 17.

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