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I don't follow Nascar so I don't know and why I am asking. Basically the reason people are so pissed about Toyota being in Nascar, to start off with, and with Gibbs switching to them is because it's a foreign company? Is that correct?

Yep. Actually, I think it's good for the sport. For the past 20 years, manufacturer labels have been nothing but a decal on the front of the car. GM dumped Pontiac, which Gibbs was racing so he switched to Chevy. No JGR didn't wan't to play second fiddle to Hendrick and made the smart move to Toyota. In NASCAR, the top team gets the most funding and Research. Evernham gets the pick of the litter with Dodge with Penske a close second. Rousch gets all of Fords money and Hendrick is the focus of GM. If there is anyone to blame, it's GM for not keeping JGR on board.

As far as Dodge getting caught cheating. All teams cheat, it's a matter of getting caught.

As far as Toyota F1, they finally met their match. The other predominant teams are so far ahead of Toyota that they can't buy a championship. They got in over their heads and are just dumping money into a bottomless pit.

For those that will never buy a foreign car, if you don't know how to maintain a car for 20yrs plus, enjoy that turdcicle. Lucky for me I have an '85 Aries that looks like hell and runs like a champ followed by a '94 Cherokee that gets me through the rough weather. We've entered the era of disposable cars.

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Red Bull/Toyota may be lethal together, but apart, not so much. Just look at the four Red Bull F1 teams. They're almost Minardi bad.

Unless Kerry Earnhardt's son becomes the second coming of the Intimidator, after Jr. retires I think I may be done with NASCAR. Jr. going to HMS was bad enough, but JGR to Toyota is almost worse.

Yeah, I agree...they need to be together to be lethal. But you bring up a question in my mind....which fans are more ticked...

Jr's fans for going to HMS (who is a family friend, and the Gordon/Sr fued was not much of a feud to begin with) or Stewart/Hamlin fans for JGR switching to Toyota and both drivers backing this move 100%?

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Yeah, I agree...they need to be together to be lethal. But you bring up a question in my mind....which fans are more ticked...

Jr's fans for going to HMS (who is a family friend, and the Gordon/Sr fued was not much of a feud to begin with) or Stewart/Hamlin fans for JGR switching to Toyota and both drivers backing this move 100%?

All Jr. fans I know are up in arms at the move to Hendrick.

I personally haven't heard too many JGR fans that are ticked. I know I'm not.

It will be killer to see our team next season go one, two, three!


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I am with you on this. Some will argue that Toyota is as American as apple pie in the global market.

Nice to see that there are others out there who can see the truth.

What if one of the Toyota's had Smith & Wesson as a sponsor?

I'd be more likely to boycot Smith & Wesson (which I've done in the past) than to root for the Toyota. Then again I'd be talking to a couple of the marketing people at the next match (I shoot at their range in Springfield - where a number of their employees shoot) about it as well.

I've never understood the "I will only drive Chevy" or "Ford is the only thing worth driving". Seriously, so you guys are telling me you'd rather drive an inferior car? Because that's exactly what you're doing. Toyota blows both Ford and Chevy out of the water.

I won't touch ANY foreign car. It's that simple. Not under any circumstances.

I don't follow Nascar so I don't know and why I am asking. Basically the reason people are so pissed about Toyota being in Nascar, to start off with, and with Gibbs switching to them is because it's a foreign company? Is that correct?

Yes, that is correct. It's just too bad Earnhardt Sr. isn't still around. He always said the first foreign car on the track he'd put in the wall. Unfortunately NASCAR is becoming too civilized for that sort of self-censorship.

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It's just too bad Earnhardt Sr. isn't still around. He always said the first foreign car on the track he'd put in the wall.

He put EVERYONE in the wall, which I think is pretty ironic considering the way he passed.

Todays NASCAR wouldn't tolerate him. Some of us didn't back then.


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He put EVERYONE in the wall, which I think is pretty ironic considering the way he passed.

I seem to remember a particular quote from him about putting anyone driving a foreign car on the track. Just out of spite, compared to his bump-pass style.

Todays NASCAR wouldn't tolerate him.

That might be part of why some of us don't follow NASCAR as much now as we did in the past.

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This will be the last season I can root for any JGR car. I don't care if somebody makes all the COT cars exactly alike and it's just a matter of a different sticker on it. I will not support a team with a foreign car sponsor. Pure and simple.
I would suggest checking the labels of all your goods and consulting the manufacturers of the origin of the all the components of all your goods. Just to be consistent.

Toyota Camry is #2 on the cars.com made in America list. (Ford F-150 is #1)

Monte Carlo is not on the list.

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I would suggest checking the labels of all your goods and consulting the manufacturers of the origin of the all the components of all your goods. Just to be consistent.

Actually, I already do quite a bit of that.

Toyota Camry is #2 on the cars.com made in America list. (Ford F-150 is #1)

Monte Carlo is not on the list.

Where it's manufactured is only part of the equation in my mind. It's also where the company is located. That's why the whole American-made concept for Toyota rings hollow to me.

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Toyota Camry=built in Kentucky

Ford Focus= built in Mexico

Chevy Monte Carlo= built in Canada

If you really think things through Toyota is feeding more American's than the big 3 who have taken there jobs out of the country.

Gibbs was alway's 3rd fiddle in the money dept from Chevy, now he's secured the future of his business moreso now than ever.

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Toyota Camry=built in Kentucky

Ford Focus= built in Mexico

Chevy Monte Carlo= built in Canada

If you really think things through Toyota is feeding more American's than the big 3 who have taken there jobs out of the country.

That's part of why I'm going to have trouble when I go looking for a new SUV next year... I won't buy from a foreign company but I also won't buy a vehicle manufactured outside the US.

If one has to give, I'll take the American COMPANY over the American construction... I've never been real interested in supporting Unions.

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I think JGR is setting itself up to be the dominant team in NASCAR.

With Tony, Denny, and Kyle having so much talent and Toyota giving JGR tons of cash (I can only assume), they will be tough to beat for a long time.

Go 11!

What do you wanna bet the Gibbs team becomes the main engine provider for BDR, MWR and Team Red Bull like Hendrick is with Chevy and Yates is with Ford.

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I would suggest checking the labels of all your goods and consulting the manufacturers of the origin of the all the components of all your goods. Just to be consistent.

Toyota Camry is #2 on the cars.com made in America list. (Ford F-150 is #1)

Monte Carlo is not on the list.

They base their "made in America list" on sales?

What Are the Top American-Made Cars? Cars.com's American-Made Index rates vehicles built and bought in the U.S. Factors include sales, where the car's parts are made and whether the car is assembled in the U.S.


What does sales have to do with being made in the USA? Camry is the best selling car in the country so I am sure that bumps up car.com's "made in America rating"

Given the choice I will always buy American, and no I do not at all consider Toyota to be American.

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They base their "made in America list" on sales?
Of course they don't, it is part of the index. Sales do have a large impact when rating the significance of U.S. made products to our economy, so it may tip the scales unfairly. The bottom line about NASCAR (so as not to hijack this thread), Chevy races Monte Carlos (mostly) which are certainly NOT made in the U.S. and Toyota races Camrys, which are. It would seem to me that anyone who would drop their allegiance to Gibbs racing based on the origin of the car has it sort of backwards IMO.
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I've never understood the "I will only drive Chevy" or "Ford is the only thing worth driving". Seriously, so you guys are telling me you'd rather drive an inferior car? Because that's exactly what you're doing. Toyota blows both Ford and Chevy out of the water.

Let's change that a bit.

I've never understood the "I will only root for the Redskins" or "the Ravens are the only team worth watching." Seriously, so you are telling me you'd rather watch an inferior team? Because that's exactly what you're doing. The Patriot blows both the Redskins and the Ravens out of the water.

Maybe not the best example, but you get my drift.

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