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Updated: South Korean Hostages in Afghanistan


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This has been huge news everywhere except for in the US. A week ago, the Taliban captured a group of 23 missionaries/aid workers giving out aid in Afghanistan. These groups were not supposed to be in the country. They demanded South Korea withdraw all troops, and I think are also demanding $$$ and or hostages to be released. This has been going on since at least over the weekend, yet not as much as a peep in our media. The Church that sent the missionaries is under heavy scrutiny by the secular Korean people... in fact my wife has watched the Korean News and says most people don't think their government should help, and wonders why the Christians would go into a dangerous place like Afghanistan where they will get killed for preaching the Bible.

Anyway, I think this thing is coming to a head now... reports are that 8 hostages have been released, and 1 is dead... whether that's from illness or gunshot is unknown.

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My wife agrees that they shouldnt be over there in the first place. I did not know that there where 18 women. One man was killed earlier today and they are threatining to kill one ore more by 1400 today. Its a travisty.
Well, I could've got kidnapped in Mexico City, does it mean I shouldn't go down there to give people relief aid?

By the way, here is a brief article about it.


Taliban say they have killed one of 23 South Korean hostages Wednesday

July 25, 2007, 4:47 PM (GMT+02:00)

Spokesman Yousuf Ahmadi said: Since Kabul’s administration did not free our prisoners, the Taliban shot dead a male Korean hostage. Most of the group are women members of a Christian aid group who were abducted in Ghazni southwest of Kabul last Thursday. There is no independent claim of the murder.

A German journalist and his Afghan translator were released Wednesday.

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Anyway, I think this thing is coming to a head now... reports are that 8 hostages have been released, and 1 is dead... whether that's from illness or gunshot is unknown.

It's known.

Bullet riddled body of S. Korean found

KABUL, Afghanistan - The bullet-riddled body of a South Korean hostage was found by police Wednesday in central Afghanistan after a purported Taliban spokesman said the militants had killed one of the captives.

The male victim had 10 bullet holes in his head, chest and stomach, and was discovered in the Mushaki area of Qarabagh district in Ghazni province, said police officer Abdul Rahman.

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Well, I could've got kidnapped in Mexico City, does it mean I shouldn't go down there to give people relief aid?

As I understand it, they were asked by the US and the Gov't of Afganistan not to come to Afganistan until things calmed down, precisely for this reason.

I feel bad for these people, but they should not have been in a quasi-war zone, especially not when one of the sides is militant Islamicist terrorists just itching to grab some hostages, especially those seeking to spread Christianity.

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As I understand it, they were asked by the US and the Gov't of Afganistan not to come to Afganistan until things calmed down, precisely for this reason.

I feel bad for these people, but they should not have been in a quasi-war zone, especially not when one of the sides is militant Islamicist terrorists just itching to grab some hostages, especially those seeking to spread Christianity.

When you feel the call...

Anyways, if it was me, and I went into there for that reason, I would not want my country to ransom me. IMHO, S Korea should not comply with the Taliban's demands.

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Predicto, it is my understanding they were helping in the medical field.

Just to put a face to them




The abductees' church said it will suspend at least some of its volunteer work in Afghanistan. It also stressed that the Koreans abducted were not involved in any Christian missionary work, saying they only provided medical and other volunteer aid.

South Korea has about 200 troops serving with the 8,000-strong U.S.-led coalition in Afghanistan. The South Korean troops are working on humanitarian projects.

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My wife has been keeping up with this story, and we've had a few discussions about it.

- Taliban didn't really plan this out. They just knew there were foreigners in their country, but not Christians from a church.

- South Korea has asked America not to take any military action to find them.

- South Korea wouldn't pay any ransom, the ransom would be from Afghanistan government (if there is going to be any)

- The parents of the hostages are desperate to get their daughters and sons back.

- A lot of the outrage is over the fact that these people are not older people, but young and considered to be relatively vulnerable... kind've like the college group. The pastor was the college group pastor. A lot of people don't think they realized the risk.

- There's a lot of backlash against Christian groups and that church in particular going on. Similar to Predicto's sentiments.

I had a discussion with my wife regarding our viewpoint of the war. It was my contention that this should make Korea send more troops into Afghanistan... but Korea considers this America's war and didn't want to send any troops at all. I was surprised to hear it, but the Korean people feel like America uses the Army to blackmail them into doing what we want. We are not strong allies with them. Since they only care about getting their people back, I imagine they'll give in to whatever the Taliban demands. I suggested that they should pledge to send 1,000 more troops for every hostage that gets killed, yeah right. Anyway, they are still waiting to hear news and will probably hear it soon...

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Please don't get me wrong, I feel terrible for these people. No one deserves this. It is a scary place right now, pure and simple.
Actually, it wouldn't surprise me if this starts to be news again. I'm not blaming anyone... it's just one of those stories that doesn't get a lot of play in America... we're more interested in Natalie Holloway or the next white woman in trouble or some kidnapped kids.

There's been a lot of sad news recently... Bill Walsh passing away... and yesterday 2 off-duty LAPD officers died in sepearate incidents just 7 hours apart from each other. I passed one of the accidents and didn't hear it was fatal (although seemed like the car flipped down an embankment) until this morning.

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Actually, it wouldn't surprise me if this starts to be news again. I'm not blaming anyone... it's just one of those stories that doesn't get a lot of play in America... we're more interested in Natalie Holloway or the next white woman in trouble or some kidnapped kids.

There's been a lot of sad news recently... Bill Walsh passing away... and yesterday 2 off-duty LAPD officers died in sepearate incidents just 7 hours apart from each other. I passed one of the accidents and didn't hear it was fatal (although seemed like the car flipped down an embankment) until this morning.

I couldn't get the search working, but do you remeber the thread about "is an Americans life worth more than". Maybe thats why it's not on the news.

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