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TSN: Redskins Team Report 7-24-07


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Team Report

By Paul Woody

For Sporting News

July 24, 2007

Part of the grand hope for marked improvement in the passing game this season has been based on the increased comfort level between Jason Campbell and his receivers. There were all manner of plans for Campbell, Santana Moss, Brandon Lloyd and Antwaan Randle El to spend time together on the practice field this offseason. Instead, the bulk of the time they've spent together has been during OTAs and minicamp workouts. The plan for Campbell to spend time in Florida with Moss did not work out. This is not the way to get the most out of the passing game. Campbell and his receivers will get plenty of time together in training camp. But in this era of the NFL, that's not enough to perfect a passing game. No one should be surprised if the duo that shows the most comfort working together this season is Campbell and TE Chris Cooley. They've put in time other than the OTAs and minicamps. Whether that will be enough to raise the level of the entire passing game is the question.

SCOUTING REPORT: Some look at DE Renaldo Wynn and see a player who is aging and no longer capable of putting up numbers that have any impact on the defense. But that overlooks several things. Wynn struggled last season because he was coming back from a horrific broken arm suffered in a playoff game in January. And he was asked to be a backup for the first time in his career. Wynn is more accustomed to his role now and more confident in his arm. He is a smart player who gives a relentless performance on the field. He can play left end or move to tackle in nickel situations. He is one of the team's true leaders, a person players on both sides of the ball listen to. Wynn's career is in its twilight, but he can be an effective player for one more season.

TRENDING UP: DT Kedric Golston is bigger, stronger and a bit quicker than he was a year ago. Some of that is to be expected. Golston was a rookie last season and a year in the weight room should make any player bigger and stronger. But Golston is not quicker simply because of the explosive strength he has gained in the weight room. He's also quicker because he has worked diligently to grasp the defense and his role in it. Golston has been a dedicated worker this offseason and has shown the coaching staff that he's ready to take on expanded responsibilities this season. Last year, Golston did his best to hang in as the season wore on. This year, he'll be expected to hold his own and occupy blockers, taking pressure off Cornelius Griffin and keeping blockers off the linebackers. » Full story | 2 User commentscomments

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INSIDE DISH: Linebackers coach Kirk Olivadotti is as quiet and unassuming as any coach in the league. He deflects praise and gives credit to his players and fellow coaches. But if the team's linebackers excel this season, Olivadotti will be a primary reason. Olivadotti is a teacher. He rarely raises his voice to players, focusing instead on helping them improve by understanding their mistakes well enough that they don't make them again. His demeanor is perfect for Rocky McIntosh, the young linebacker the team is counting on heavily on the weakside this year. One reason McIntosh has had such a solid offseason is the coaching method employed by Olivadotti.

That's good to hear :applause:...

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Paul Woody lol...wow I am definitely sleepy

He's our local beat guy, and his stuff is usually about as enlightening as a sack of doorknobs, but this wasn't half bad.

He seems to have spent more time at the park recently than JLC.

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Team Report

By Paul Woody

For Sporting News

July 24, 2007

Part of the grand hope for marked improvement in the passing game this season has been based on the increased comfort level between Jason Campbell and his receivers. There were all manner of plans for Campbell, Santana Moss, Brandon Lloyd and Antwaan Randle El to spend time together on the practice field this offseason. Instead, the bulk of the time they've spent together has been during OTAs and minicamp workouts. The plan for Campbell to spend time in Florida with Moss did not work out. This is not the way to get the most out of the passing game. Campbell and his receivers will get plenty of time together in training camp. But in this era of the NFL, that's not enough to perfect a passing game. No one should be surprised if the duo that shows the most comfort working together this season is Campbell and TE Chris Cooley. They've put in time other than the OTAs and minicamps. Whether that will be enough to raise the level of the entire passing game is the question.

SCOUTING REPORT: Some look at DE Renaldo Wynn and see a player who is aging and no longer capable of putting up numbers that have any impact on the defense. But that overlooks several things. Wynn struggled last season because he was coming back from a horrific broken arm suffered in a playoff game in January. And he was asked to be a backup for the first time in his career. Wynn is more accustomed to his role now and more confident in his arm. He is a smart player who gives a relentless performance on the field. He can play left end or move to tackle in nickel situations. He is one of the team's true leaders, a person players on both sides of the ball listen to. Wynn's career is in its twilight, but he can be an effective player for one more season.

TRENDING UP: DT Kedric Golston is bigger, stronger and a bit quicker than he was a year ago. Some of that is to be expected. Golston was a rookie last season and a year in the weight room should make any player bigger and stronger. But Golston is not quicker simply because of the explosive strength he has gained in the weight room. He's also quicker because he has worked diligently to grasp the defense and his role in it. Golston has been a dedicated worker this offseason and has shown the coaching staff that he's ready to take on expanded responsibilities this season. Last year, Golston did his best to hang in as the season wore on. This year, he'll be expected to hold his own and occupy blockers, taking pressure off Cornelius Griffin and keeping blockers off the linebackers. » Full story | 2 User commentscomments

To me, reports and evaluations are always "suspect" simply because they render a biased opinion based on the writers viewpoint. Had this been a "synopsis" submitted by a panel of qualified assessors, it would have carried more value and a reason to take notice.No one can measure the "heart and determination" of a player. Lets give them a chance before we assail their abilities and attack their desires. The true story will be delivered between "goal-lines and side-lines. !!! :)
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Doesn't seem to note that the main reason Campbell and the guys didn't hook up on their own was due in great part to Moss's injuries (as I understand it) and that to make up for the lost time they've all been at camp all this week working out together prior to the beginning of training camp. I'm not too worried by this.

Glad to see someone actually gives props and shows some potential for the defense. I really don't buy into a top five squad dropping to last because of scheme and lack of quality players. I have to think the injuries and experience (or lack thereof) of the backups had to play a huge role. I look for big things from them this season.


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DT Kedric Golston is bigger, stronger and a bit quicker than he was a year ago.....But Golston is not quicker simply because of the explosive strength he has gained in the weight room. He's also quicker because he has worked diligently to grasp the defense and his role in it. Golston has been a dedicated worker this offseason and has shown the coaching staff that he's ready to take on expanded responsibilities this season.

How can you not be excited about this? I think Golston may be the N.D. Kalu of this season. :logo:

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Doesn't seem to note that the main reason Campbell and the guys didn't hook up on their own was due in great part to Moss's injuries (as I understand it) and that to make up for the lost time they've all been at camp all this week working out together prior to the beginning of training camp. I'm not too worried by this.

Glad to see someone actually gives props and shows some potential for the defense. I really don't buy into a top five squad dropping to last because of scheme and lack of quality players. I have to think the injuries and experience (or lack thereof) of the backups had to play a huge role. I look for big things from them this season.


not only that...but it seems to assume that this kind of workout is critical to success. while this makes sense at first blush...I don't see it as a necessary condition. I have heard Aikman and other QBs note that repetition - over years - breeds the kind of familiarity Woody is suggesting a couple weeks in Fl would have created. would it have hurt? no. was it vital? no. it takes time - more than just a couple weeks in FL.

don't forget...these guys have lives of their own during off-season.

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not only that...but it seems to assume that this kind of workout is critical to success. while this makes sense at first blush...I don't see it as a necessary condition. I have heard Aikman and other QBs note that repetition - over years - breeds the kind of familiarity Woody is suggesting a couple weeks in Fl would have created. would it have hurt? no. was it vital? no. it takes time - more than just a couple weeks in FL.

don't forget...these guys have lives of their own during off-season.


While it is unfortunate that the Florida trip was cancelled due to Moss' injuries, it was not a make or break trip for their cohesion.

I'm pretty sure Peyton Manning and Tom Brady don't spend the ENTIRE off-season practicing with their WRs, either. :)

Also, Woody forgets that their is more to chemistry between a QB and his WRs than simply working on timing on the practice field.

It is getting to know them personally.

Moss, ARE, and to some extent, even Lloyd have spent a lot of time together with Campbell this off-season, just getting to know each other.

Kinda bonding.

Getting to know his WRs, and his WRs getting to know Campbell is the kind of chemistry that will help them communicate better on the playing field as well.

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