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Who's your favorite Redskin player and why?


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im surprised no one has Darrell Green as there all time yet.

well ofcourse D.G for all time and now the one and only Sean #1hit Taylor.

Absolutely. Unquestionably the best Redskin of all time. Pure Class. Pure Performance. Pure Endurance. He IS the Redskins


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Past: Darrell Green. He was the man. One of the greatest of his time. I also got a chance to meet him at training camp one year. :D

Present: Santana Moss. Dude has great hands, amazing speed, and is pretty humble about it. He's one of our greatest offensive weapons.

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If you are going current, I would say either cooley because of his second effort style of play or Sean Taylor because he hits the hardest of any safety I have seen in a while and is tough as nails. If you have to go retro, I would say John Riggins, because of his toughness and second effort style of running. I liked Wilbur Marshall because he was always around the ball and seemed to make a lot of plays. For my underrated players I would pick Neal Olkewicz. That guy was awesome.

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#28 Darell Green - Excellent character and work ethic. Played every down of his career with Washington. Proven selflessness. Fastest man in the NFL. The true face of the Redskins.

Now: #53 Marcus Washington - The energy level that he plays at and brings to the team and game instantly makes the defense better (he was hurt last year). Seems like a pretty humble guy too in all the interviews I have seen.

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From the past:

Darrell Green - the only Skin I ever met. I stood in line over 30 minutes at a conference in Vegas to just shake his hand. He was signing some little toy football. I told him I wouldn't stand in line for 5 minutes to see Joe Montana or any other football player of that day (early 90's), but waiting for him was worth it. Like someone else said, a totally class act. People who were at the booth with him all said they had dinner with him the night before and he had no ego, just a 100% nice guy.

From the present:

Jason Campbell: even if he never does another thing in his career, he has shown that every well-known and highly paid professional football player is not a loud-mouthed ego who is only about himself. As a person, he's already shown his class is leaps and bounds above the T.O.'s and the PacMan and the Michael Irvin's this league is so proud of. I only hope his career can match his class.

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