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Looking for a good Anti-Bush T-shirt for trip to Ireland

E-Dog Night

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It's funny how a bunch of clueless people who have never left the US somehow discuss and defend the original posters silly idea. This is why many foreigners think Americans are ignorant. Trust me, Europeans aren't lining up when you visit to discuss american politics,
I remeber being chased through the streets of Venice and Naples for having an American flag sewn onto the sleeve of my bomber jacket in 92'. It sucks getting your butt kicked by 4 anti-US Italians, thats for sure, especially for loving America.

I like the shirt in the OPs post. Bush, International Terrorist.

To say we will be okay when the white house and congress are both Democrate controlled is rediculous. We need a Republian, just not the BS Neo Cons, who promise one thing and deliver the opposite.

Our country is no laughing stock, we are far to feared or hated to be laughed at. We are dangerous.

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I remeber being chased through the streets of Venice and Naples for having an American flag sewn onto the sleeve of my bomber jacket in 92'. It sucks getting your butt kicked by 4 anti-US Italians, thats for sure, especially for loving America.

:laugh: better watch out or you'll find yourself on the wrong end of an Italian skull! :laugh:

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Guest RideorDieChic

I haven't read this thread in it's entirety because (like all other long threads) I'm sure there is a lot of irrational discussions.

All I have to say is if E-dog Night wants to wear a anti-Bush shirt, is his right to do so, regardless of what anyone feel or think.

E-Dog Night, I'm curious about one things. Have you, worn anti-Bush apparel here at home? I ask because it seems that you're going out of your way. If wearing anti-Bush clothing is common to you then do what you do. If you're wearing this t-shirt only because you're going abroad, then that is why you're looking a little punk-ish to some folks...

Honestly I've worn anti-Bush t-shirts, here at home on U.S. soil (I had the audacity to wear it when I worked at the Pentagon back when Bush's ratings were high). I've been abroad a few times and never had the inclination to take any anti-Bush gear. Staying under the radar always works best. Just a though.

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Forum Rules

Unlike the false accusations of illegality leveled at this president to date, YOU, have clearly violated, at the very least rule #6, quoted above. While others in the thread, myself included, have possibly crossed the civility line, you walked up to it and did a somersault over it, landed, then flashed the moon.

How do you plea?

Will you accept being banned?

Does this make you a ****?

Mods: I will remove the quoted picture as soon as sentencing is through.

Sooner, if you require.

Circumventing the profanity filter is purposly trying to make the curse word visible. Trying to bypass the filter. If I type ****er and the 'er' continues to show.. that is not my fault. The filter should have caught that... etc. I have yet to circumvent the filter at all in this thread.

Also, I am not a ****.. My parents were married when I came about. I have a father. :)

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Right. :rolleyes:

In the political world.. we are laughed at. If you hadn't noticed, you might want to take a look around.

Hey, SHF.. notice who took this last part of the thread off course.:)

I look around and see a lot of 2 bit DICTATORS and

You want to take a DEMOCRATIC POLL of the world?

Lets ask China!

Just hand the White House keys over to the UN!.....:doh:

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The world does laugh at us because they understand how weak one portion of the American public has become, essentially making us paper tigers, incapable of fortitude or resilience, because one group will cry for their blankies in a very French fashion whenever it's a little windy outside.

I agree. The left in this country has become a mass of whining nancy boys. The problem is that the other side is dumb as a box of rocks. The Iraq war wasn't complicated, knock out the current regime and occupy the country. Sadly the all balls and no brain party decided: You know what, this is too easy. Let's try to do it with less the half the troops history and military leaders tell us we need. Hell yeah!

The world doesn't see the US as cowards so much as they see the US as stupid. When Iran starts defeating us diplomatically it's hard to argue with them.

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If the world hates us soo much, then why do so many people want to come here? (money in know). But if they hated us so much they wouldn't come no matter what jobs awaited them.

I don't think they hate us as much as they hate War in general.

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If the world hates us soo much, then why do so many people want to come here? (money in know). But if they hated us so much they wouldn't come no matter what jobs awaited them.

I don't think they hate us as much as they hate War in general.

The world is not a single group. The poor are looking for any chance they can get. Those not poor and happy where they are would prefer the US not cause problems for them. The US has a very nationalistic attitude the rest of the world can plainly see. Americans think they are better then everyone else and make their decisions based on that.

"Better to fight them there then here" is a good example. How do you think that statement sounds to an Iraqi who has car bombs going off in his neighborhood? You think he finds it fair that a war between the US and Al Qaeda be waged in his neighborhood instead of an area belonging to either of the combatants? The cold war was the same way, a war between the US and the USSR was waged in other nations at their cost of their lives so as to spare those actually warring with eachother.

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ok, I don't get it. Why would you feel the need to wear an anti-anything t-shirt just because you're going to another country?

went to Cork, Ireland last year. Went out "pubbing" with two other Americans and 3 locals,,,,guess what, not a problem. just for the record, neither of us felt the need to draw attention to ourselves by advertising our "pro" or "anti" anything.......

"I remeber being chased through the streets of Venice and Naples"

just as an aside, since Venice and Naples aren't exactly neighboring cities in Italy, was it the same 4 bad Italians in both cities or was it just coincidence that you managed to find 4 "bad" Italians in both towns?

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The world is not a single group. The poor are looking for any chance they can get. Those not poor and happy where they are would prefer the US not cause problems for them. The US has a very nationalistic attitude the rest of the world can plainly see. Americans think they are better then everyone else and make their decisions based on that.

"Better to fight them there then here" is a good example. How do you think that statement sounds to an Iraqi who has car bombs going off in his neighborhood? You think he finds it fair that a war between the US and Al Qaeda be waged in his neighborhood instead of an area belonging to either of the combatants? The cold war was the same way, a war between the US and the USSR was waged in other nations at their cost of their lives so as to spare those actually warring with eachother.

very true. only thing i'd say is that any country in the world would have it that way, if they could.

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