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Cruiser video shows Cop shooting


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Hate to see this. Looks like the police officer got a little complacent after pepper spraying the suspect. Sounds like a passerby took care of the guy that shot the officer. How much you want to bet, he gets sued by someone? There is a video showing the shooting, but, luckily, you can't see the officer.

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That is sick... I hope those criminals are caught in a "firey shootout" and both killed (several times)....

It's also sick that the news released the footage (Unless they haven't found the suspects yet, but I still don't see why they had to show the shooting)

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Damn, that horrible, I'm glad that guy got what was coming to him from the Ex-Marine, but feel so bad for the officer and his family =(

I hope the scum who was riding with him gets thrown in the slammer, too.

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When new officers are trained, it's these type of videos that are used to show them about what can happen when they let their guard down. The officer unfortunately made a bad mistake, and it cost him his life. Never turn your back on a suspect. From looking at the video though, I'm not sure he'd have been able to survive that even if he was facing the guy. He just drew and fired. In this situation, the officer would have been hit no matter what he did.

Another name for the wall this year. :(

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It looks like the officer and the kid who shot him had a past. The officer may have used excessive force. Read this:


I'm not defending the kid who shot the officer at all, but I'm not going to rule out the possibility that the officer may have used excessive force himself. No one deserves to get shot, but it does seem as if the cop had something personal against this kid. If there's one thing I can't stand is a person of authority abusing their power. I'm not going draw any conclusions, but I am a little skeptical about why this really happened.

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It looks like the officer and the kid who shot him had a past. The officer may have used excessive force. Read this:


I'm not defending the kid who shot the officer at all, but I'm not going to rule out the possibility that the officer may have used excessive force himself. No one deserves to get shot, but it does seem as if the cop had something personal against this kid. If there's one thing I can't stand is a person of authority abusing their power. I'm not going draw any conclusions, but I am a little skeptical about why this really happened.

But you clearly have drawn a conclusion - you think the cop was in the wrong. The kid should have stayed put during the initial stop - he didn't and attempted to flee which is why the officer employed the actions he did at the second stop.

What did you read that makes you skeptical?

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What's not clear about that? No one deserves to get shot and killed. My point is that I'm not going to draw a conclusion.
Because your original post says:
It looks like the officer and the kid who shot him had a past. The officer may have used excessive force. Read this:


I'm not defending the kid who shot the officer at all, but I'm not going to rule out the possibility that the officer may have used excessive force himself. No one deserves to get shot, but it does seem as if the cop had something personal against this kid. If there's one thing I can't stand is a person of authority abusing their power. I'm not going draw any conclusions, but I am a little skeptical about why this really happened.

You are basically saying that the cop used excessive force. Everything I have bolded in your original post points to you defending Kenney and placing the blame on the shoulders of the cop. The guy fled the first stop. He was convicted of assaulting this same officer. Now he has killed the officer. Who has the vendetta against again?
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Because your original post says:You are basically saying that the cop used excessive force. Everything I have bolded in your original post points to you defending Kenney and placing the blame on the shoulders of the cop. The guy fled the first stop. He was convicted of assaulting this same officer. Now he has killed the officer. Who has the vendetta against again?

NO. I said it's a possibility. The kid fled, he has a gun, I agree he's a thug. But at what point do you see the kid deserving of that amount of pepper spray? Why not pull out your gun and tell him to get out of the car, hands on the hood of the car or on the ground etc? I'm guessing (NOTE GUESSING) because these two had a past, this cop let his own anger get in the way of good judgement. It seems possible the cop's anger fueled the kid to shoot him. Oh, but you know, it doesn't matter because the cop gets shot so he's a hero, end of story. I'm just trying to point out that there are two sides to every story.

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Oh, but you know, it doesn't matter because the cop gets shot so he's a hero, end of story.

I'd rather live and not be a hero, than die and be a hero... That's just my take on it...

I felt the pepper spray was justified, because the cop didn't want the suspect to flee again... Which from the video, was a good possiblility...

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Well, I look at it this way. . .both ended up dead and both had a tumultuous past. The cop knew who the kid was, and knew the kid had already requested to have another officer deal with him because of the history. The cop, using his position of authority, most likely went over the line in the past (judging by statements in the article), and should have had hit guard up when pulling the kid over.

I mean if the cop knew the kid had it out for him, why turn your back? Why not call for backup? When even approach the kid alone?

I agree there are two sides to every story, the kid is dead, and he deserved to be shot. The cop, may or may not have done things in the past which caused the kid to act in this manner, but he should have been aware knowing the history with him. . .

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NO. I said it's a possibility. The kid fled, he has a gun, I agree he's a thug. But at what point do you see the kid deserving of that amount of pepper spray? Why not pull out your gun and tell him to get out of the car, hands on the hood of the car or on the ground etc? I'm guessing (NOTE GUESSING) because these two had a past, this cop let his own anger get in the way of good judgement. It seems possible the cop's anger fueled the kid to shoot him. Oh, but you know, it doesn't matter because the cop gets shot so he's a hero, end of story. I'm just trying to point out that there are two sides to every story.
First, this guy was convicted of assaulting the very same officer.

Second, he had already fled once.

Third, pepper spray is a non violent way to deal with a violent person (see the assault conviction).

Fourth, doesn't matter what the cop did or did not do to anger the suspect. The shooting was in no way justified or provoked.

Fifth, if you think the cop let his anger get in the way of good judgement, what did the suspect do? He KILLED the cop. The cop sprayed him with pepper spray Which one is lethal again?

Sixth, after shooting the cop several times the suspect proceeded to run him over with the car not once, but twice.

You are correct, there are two sides to every story. One side is the boo-hoo story of a violent convict who was "intimidated" by a cop so he shot him and ran him over twice in "self defense".

The other side is a cop who is doing his job trying to apprehend a suspect who has already assaulted him and fled a traffic stop and losing his life.

Hmmmm, which side would I fall on? The side of the cop. Call me biased all you want.

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Well, I look at it this way. . .both ended up dead and both had a tumultuous past. The cop knew who the kid was, and knew the kid had already requested to have another officer deal with him because of the history. The cop, using his position of authority, most likely went over the line in the past (judging by statements in the article), and should have had hit guard up when pulling the kid over.

I mean if the cop knew the kid had it out for him, why turn your back? Why not call for backup? When even approach the kid alone?

I agree there are two sides to every story, the kid is dead, and he deserved to be shot. The cop, may or may not have done things in the past which caused the kid to act in this manner, but he should have been aware knowing the history with him. . .

Exactly, I agree with every word.

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In a summary report, prosecutors said McKay, 48, was justified in using non-deadly force on Kenney, 24, partly because of a violent confrontation between the two men four years earlier

The attorney general also said Floyd was justified in shooting Kenney as he tried to protect McKay.

"All of the actions by Corporal McKay constituted a reasonable use of nondeadly physical force by a law enforcement officer," the report said.

Also, "Liko Kenney's use of deadly physical force against Corporal McKay was not justified," the report said.

Macaulay said Kenney was upset and asked to deal with another officer instead of McKay. Kenney's relatives said he had that agreement with police; Attorney General Kelly Ayotte said that wasn't practical or reasonable.

Kenney and McKay had met four years earlier, in a confrontation that ended with Kenney being taken down by McKay and two other officers. Kenney eventually pleaded guilty to assaulting McKay and resisting arrest, though relatives insisted Kenney was beaten by McKay. The bad blood had continued ever since.

As recently as April, McKay urged fellow officers to beware of Kenney, in a memo describing him as armed and having "potential for volatility."

The family and friends of the kid felt he was being bullied (shocker) although no disciplinary action was ever taken against the officer to validate such claims which likely would have been included in the article if such action was ever taken.

You either believe what IMO is a born loser degenerate or the police officer - I'll go with the officer on this one.

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You either believe what IMO is a born loser degenerate or the police officer - I'll go with the officer on this one.

Not saying that I disagree with the police officer, but he should have taken precautions.

If, as a police officer, I was assaulted by a person. . .AND that person was a threat to me, I would have undoubtably. . .

1. Asked for backup

2. Had my gun drawn

3. Never turned my back on the suspect and taken every precaution necessary

Because he did none of the above things, and just basically ran up to the guy, maced him and turned his back, leads me to believe that he was the bully in this case. Am I justifying the kids actions? Hell no! He was a thug and deserved to die. . .but. . .I also am objective enough to understand people and personalities. If this kid did assault the cop, wouldn't the cop have been on heightened alert from the get go?

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Not saying that I disagree with the police officer, but he should have taken precautions.

If, as a police officer, I was assaulted by a person. . .AND that person was a threat to me, I would have undoubtably. . .

1. Asked for backup

2. Had my gun drawn

3. Never turned my back on the suspect and taken every precaution necessary

Because he did none of the above things, and just basically ran up to the guy, maced him and turned his back, leads me to believe that he was the bully in this case. Am I justifying the kids actions? Hell no! He was a thug and deserved to die. . .but. . .I also am objective enough to understand people and personalities. If this kid did assault the cop, wouldn't the cop have been on heightened alert from the get go?

Chom, he pepper sprayed the kid only AFTER having to pursue him again. If the kid stopped the first time, complied with the officer's orders, and THEN was sprayed - I would understand your argument.

We agree that the officer should not have turned his back on the kid.

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Chom, he pepper sprayed the kid only AFTER having to pursue him again. If the kid stopped the first time, complied with the officer's orders, and THEN was sprayed - I would understand your argument.

The kid was pulled over stopped, and when he saw it was the same cop he had problems with, he fled. The cop then had him cornered on the road, ran up to the car, maced him and turned his back. If the cop was threatened by the kid, why did he act in the manner in which he did?

now, please don't think I am justifying the kid's actions, I am in no way doing that. I am just saying that there is validity to what the family is saying based on the scant evidence I have seen. The video shows a police officer who pulls a suspect over. when the police officer exits the car, the suspect flees. The police officer then chases down the suspect, rams the suspect's car with his patrol car, and corners the suspect. The police officer then jumps out of the car, not with his gun drawn, but with mace, and proceeds to mace the suspect.

IMO, watching the video, I tend to agree that the cop was the bully in this incident, and it may have indeed been the case. The kid may have been acting in what he thought was self defense, who knows. He was mentally unstable, we know that, because nobody would in their right mind shoot a cop. He also has a past and a history with the officer.

We agree that the officer should not have turned his back on the kid.

And that single point, that he DID turn his back on the kid, leads me to believe that he was the one who has used power in the situation with this kid before. . .

If it was anyone else, would he have approached with a gun drawn? most likely, but IMO, because he knew the kid, and he had a past with him, he felt like he had control of the situation and did not see the need to draw his gun. if the cop was doing his job correctly, he would still be alive, as would the kid.

Again, not defending the kid's actions, he is dead and deserves it, but if the cop acted as he was supposed to as well, they both would be alive. . .

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The kid was pulled over stopped, and when he saw it was the same cop he had problems with, he fled

Chom, you can't just decide your not going to comply with an officer's orders regardless of how justified you may feel it to be. The kid was 100% wrong and guilty of fleeing at that moment.

Try it sometime and see how far you get ;)

I understand your points though chom and I don't think you felt the shooting was warranted or are celebrating it in some way.

I have an interview in about ten minutes.

take'r easy...

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IMO, watching the video, I tend to agree that the cop was the bully in this incident, and it may have indeed been the case. The kid may have been acting in what he thought was self defense, who knows. He was mentally unstable, we know that, because nobody would in their right mind shoot a cop. He also has a past and a history with the officer.
I understand your points. And while some may be valid, I disagree with your premise. The cop used his car to prevent the suspect from fleeing only after having to chase him down after he fled the first stop. He used pepper spray based onthe act of fleeing and the previous assault by the same suspect. The suspect then not only shoots him multiple times but runs him over twice after shooting him. And you call the cop the bully because he was in a position of authority? In my eyes, the suspect was the bully and he supplied the evidence himself in the form of assault, assault with a deadly weapon (gun), and murder (car).
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I don't agree with everything that Chom said (especially the 'nobody would in their right mind shoot a cop' bit. Sometimes people are perfectly sane *******s) but I do think, based on what I've read here, that the cop was very sloppy in the way he handled this situation, and probably because he's dealt with this kid before. As the authority figure, it is his responsibility to control the situation. He didn't do that, and now both he and the suspect are dead.

The kid's a punk. Shooting a man in the back is a punk move, period. But he never should have been given that opportunity.

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I agree with Chomerics. We are not justifying what the punk thug did at all. The possibility that the cop had something personal against this kid exists and the cop was not acting normal relative to the situation. To say that the cop provoked the kid is not an unlrealistic assumption at all.

And in reference to the Attorney General and Police report saying the cop used reasonable force. Of course they're going to say this, the kid shot a cop in the back. You think they're going to give the kid anything? Any justification? I'm sure there's an unwritten agreement among people of authority in this situation.

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I agree with Chomerics. We are not justifying what the punk thug did at all. The possibility that the cop had something personal against this kid exists and the cop was not acting normal relative to the situation. To say that the cop provoked the kid is not an unlrealistic assumption at all.

And in reference to the Attorney General and Police report saying the cop used reasonable force. Of course they're going to say this, the kid shot a cop in the back. You think they're going to give the kid anything? Any justification? I'm sure there's an unwritten agreement among people of authority in this situation.

You think pepper spray is unreasonable force?

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