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I love you guys

Big Weirdo

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I know I've started a lot of threads recently but I really love what the ATN has become recently. A lot of bickering but all in good fun. This is a tight knit group of the best fans of the best division on the net. I think I'm going to cry.

Guys, come on, group hug?


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Who-Del's night, in smiley format...

:pint: :beerglass :beerglass :beerglass :beerglass :2drunks: :refill: :refill: :refill:

:puke::toilet: :snore:


Bird you know me so well. You're a good guy around here. I'm not going to say I'm attracted to you or anything but I like your style. So, lets just leave it at that.

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I know I've started a lot of threads recently but I really love what the ATN has become recently. A lot of bickering but all in good fun. This is a tight knit group of the best fans of the best division on the net. I think I'm going to cry.

Guys, come on, group hug?


Getting a little personal now are we? :rolleyes: :2drunks: :rubeyes: :yikes: :poke: :laugh:

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Yeah, so what? I've been here for two years now. You guys are great people to be around. Believe that.

I know. Just messing with ya. I've been trying to come into the ATN more often as the complaining threads in the stadium have been too much to swallow lately.

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ATN is the 3rd floor of ES party. If you DO make it up the three flights of stairs (most people don't) to get here, you enter a smoke-filled loft with the barely-audible music coming up thru the floorboards.

The room is populated by a motley cast of characters... of course, no women because they're all huge dorks... but the discussion is lively and heated.

Your first reaction is to turn right back around and go down the steps of course... like you just crashed a private party... but if you can somehow manage to stay for just a bit, you discover some pretty interesting conversation going on amongst some pretty cool guys.

But soon enough you realize... again.... that all the women are downstairs. So you leave. But you come back often to check on the room full of dorks and see what they're up to... because damnit, the conversation is pretty interesting and the personalities are, for the most part, great. :)


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