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Skins on Sportscenter - Merge Me


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To be fair to the analysts, when you see our team and the way it's run from the outside, what would you expect them to think? Sometimes I think it helps to take a look from the outside and see what others who are not fans really think and feel about the Redskins and our organization. When you do, you'll realize that what a lot of the analysts and "expert" writers have to say about us really does have some merit, and that we are in serious need of some help in the draft. If this were another team we were looking at like the Lions or Cardinals, what would we all say? That they're just another pathetic team with bad management.

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I felle you. But until we start winning its going to be the same ol s***

I get that, really. I know we are losers until we prove otherwise.

It just makes me sad that none of these "experts" has the heart to go out on a limb every once in a while like they do for Arizona. Some one always says Arizona is gonna be good this year... and they NEVER are. We have at least as much going for us as they do, but we don't get ANY hope.

It's just disappointing.

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we did nothing to address our HORRENDOUS AND RECORD SETTING AWFUL dline so until we do, these two guys are correct. you think were making the playoffs with a beaten down old Dline? think again.
You know? What did you really expect them to say?

I love the Skins as much as the next guy, but as of this moment in time, yes, we are the worst team in the NFC East. We'll be an improved team if we don't muck up this draft pick and get consistent play out of Campbell, but playoffs isn't something I'd rush to Vegas and bet on.

I don't think Synder is as much of a problem as ESPN thinks, (Vinny is the real brainchild IMO), but the numbers don't lie ... we're 54-58 since he's been here. He'll get his ring though, as well as his legacy. Infamous or not, he will be the poster-child of profitability and revenue in this league.

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A lof of you keep using the phrase "cheap shots".

They are not.

"If it walks like a duck........................"

...you get my point.

Until we have CONSECUTIVE winning seasons...all of these "cheap shots" will be plain fact. Front office mistakes...losing records...flipping of players and coaches...bringing in Free Agents for the quick fix / win now mentality...

It is what it is - don't be bitter.

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Yeah they are saying that we trade too many draft picks, rely too much on free agency and haven't been successful. LOL, how dare they mischaracterize our team!

Look when you have such a long bad run as we have. They aren't going to say all is right in Redskins land after a 5-11 season just because we weren't the biggest spender in this FA market.

And arguably all signs of the old ways of the Skins doing business haven't gone away -- the Briggs trade attempt, is vintage Skins of late. Get less in the draft and add a star.

I think we are going to be all right. But IMO the fact that we get a beating by the media seems to be on course.

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You know? What did you really expect them to say?

I love the Skins as much as the next guy, but as of this moment in time, yes, we are the worst team in the NFC East. We'll be an improved team if we don't muck up this draft pick and get consistent play out of Campbell, but playoffs isn't something I'd rush to Vegas and bet on.

I don't think Synder is as much of a problem as ESPN thinks, (Vinny is the real brainchild IMO), but the numbers don't lie ... we're 54-58 since he's been here. He'll get his ring though, as well as his legacy. Infamous or not, he will be the poster-child of profitability and revenue in this league.

i honestly think the giants will finish behind us, theyll be in total disarray. their arrington experiment backfired, their defense struggles big time, and they lost tiki barber, who pretty much carried that entire team. theyre going to miss him more than any team misses any other player. you dont just replace a guy like that on a whim.

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I get that, really. I know we are losers until we prove otherwise.

It just makes me sad that none of these "experts" has the heart to go out on a limb every once in a while like they do for Arizona. Some one always says Arizona is gonna be good this year... and they NEVER are. We have at least as much going for us as they do, but we don't get ANY hope.

It's just disappointing.

Read my last post. They went out on a limb for us LAST YEAR. And got burned for it. So naturally they'll hate on us this year.


"Last week they ranked them, and this week they put all the pieces together as to who they think we'll see in Miami next February. First, they had Redskins beating Falcons, Cowboys beating the Bears, Seahawks over Cowboys, Panthers over Redskins, and Panthers coming out of the NFC."

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Good grief guys what do you expect them to say, Lies? Most likely we are not going to make the playoffs and will finish last in the NFC East. I have been saying for years that we wont win a Superbowl unless Synder turns the team over to a real GM. I think they are picking a team to talk about the draft everyday, it was our day, they didnt go out of thier way. We really are a bad team, come on guys, get real.

We "were" a bad team with #8 at QB, #57 at WLB, and an unhealthy #26 to say the least. We do need a GM but come on do you really think the Giants will finish ahead of us w/o Tiki?

Personally I dont need ESPN to "crown" us because before the '05 season it was the same story and we made the playoffs, so F the critics.

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Don't listen to the fools at ESPN. No way we finish last in the NFC East this year, the Giants lost Tiki and their defense is a year older, I expect them to finish at the the bottom. ESPN loves the Cowboys and Donovan, so they're never going to pick us to do anything. These predictions are stupid anyway, considering these guys have no idea what we're going to pick up in the draft. I think we finally found our identity last year on offense, and if the defense can force some more turnovers and play better against the run, then we should definitely make the playoffs. There was nothing cute about our offense at the end of last year, and imagine teams trying to stop Portis and Betts next year while trying to contain Santana and Cooley. I actually like it when ESPN picks against us, because we are better as underdogs. I honestly get worried whenever ESPN starts picking us, because we usually lose.

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Kipers mock draft has the lions takes gaines adams and us taking Laron Landry. If that is the case will the skins give up two 2008 picks for the panthers DT and then just save money for potential UFA Julius peppers in the offseason??

Mike Smith did say after he said fiction with Danny and making the superbowl that the owner has to change his philosophy for that to happen in other words build thru the draft and stop going primarily with fantasy pick aka trading card team building and build the team emphasis on chemistry instead of a big name every year.

While it sounded like a slam they both said that we abandoned Gibbs football after we got the toys and that is what will keep us out of the playoffs I disagree because I believe we will play with a hybrid of both offenses.

I do agree with the on the we have alot of holes on defense that can keep us out of the post season.

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Read my last post. They went out on a limb for us LAST YEAR. And got burned for it. So naturally they'll hate on us this year.

But we made it two rounds into the playoffs the year before that... that's not that much of a limb compared to Miami and Arizona. They don't get torn to shreds like we do over it.

None-the-less, I do see your point. Our sucking did make a couple of them them look bad. :silly:

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Yeah let me know what they say, I dont have cable so I never see ESPN!


THey did say that Campbell is the real deal, which he is. Other than that, they were pretty dead on. Sure, we're trading picks away, but we havent done that yet this offseason (lets keep it that way.) I don't think they say we didn't draft well, just that we don't draft.

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It's up to this organization to start turning it around on the field. I can't get too caught up into what a couple of clowns on ESPN have to say. Start winning consistantly, and we won't have this problem. Michael Strahan was in D.C. over the weekend and made the comment that "the Redskins are the least of our problems." I'm a bit more concerned about this than I am about what was said by a couple of chumps on a tv show.

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It's up to this organization to start turning it around on the field. I can't get too caught up into what a couple of clowns on ESPN have to say. Start winning consistantly, and we won't have this problem. Michael Strahan was in D.C. over the weekend and made the comment that "the Redskins are the least of our problems." I'm a bit more concerned about this than I am about what was said by a couple of chumps on a tv show.

Sweet, maybe we can take the underdog role again like we did in '04 and just sneak up on everybody! :D

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They also picked Carolina and Dallas to win the NFC Championship game neither two teams won a playoff game. They said the same thing during the 05' season nothing new. I bet they pick the Saints to fall in 06'. In my opinion anyone can win the NFC East.

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Tha last time the skins were picked to tank and finish last in the division, they won their last five games of the season and 1 playoff game before running our of gas in Seattle. That said, I'm ok with the media sleeping on the skins...hopefully the other teams start sleaping on us too...then BOOM...SKins rush for 120yds in the first half...so much for the offense being pooey...

If we run the ball, the passing game will come.

We added a leader and run stuffer at MLB, we just need a pass rusher and some turnovers and we are in the mix. I believe that being in the mix is all a team can hope for going into the season unless you are the Colts, Pats or Chargers. Parity rules, everyone else is divided by the slimmest of margins.

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I would'nt put any stock into what these guys say. The sports media monopoly at ABC/ESPN will once again have to eat their words. They keep ripping us and Snyder will buy their network and fire all of the Redskins haters. Then we'll show Redskins reruns every week opposite of the NFL Network. Hail!

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