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Going snowboarding for the first time tomorrow...

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I'm taking a trip with a friend and his family up to Colorado, and I'm going snowboarding. I'm pretty damn excited, I just hope I don't spend too much time falling on my ass. Any tips from you experienced snowboarders out there? I know how to ride a skateboard down a slope, if that counts for anything.

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Copper mountain has a good rep for some good skiing. Haven't tried boarding.....yet. But have skiied with some who have. All I can say from what they have told me is, be prepared to fall on your as...backside for a bit. However, once you start to get the hang of it, they say it comes along faster than skiing.

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Guest sk1nzHEAD
i'm pretty sure it's called copper mountain, my friend's got a condo there

copper is a good resort. I don't ski there because my pass only lets me go to 5 other mountains, but they always have some of the best snow of all of them.

it's also good for beginners, so have a good time!

by the way, snowboarding is absolutly nothing like skateboarding. thats like comparing driving a car and racing formula 1. :)

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Ive been snowboarding since I was five, so here is some advice on your first day (hopefully its not too late by the time you get this.)

1. dont worry what other people think. Just have fun. Its your first day and you arent going to be very good yet. It takes time. HAVE FUN with it.

2. Take a lesson, there are definitly two types of instructors out there and hopefully you get the one that wants to really teach you.

3. Think about your center of gravity (keep it low but without bending your knees too much.)

4. oh yeah (WEAR A HELMET)

edit- you should prob start with heel side turns!!!!it all depends what you are more comfortable with.

5. Toe side turns=to start your turns, keep your back foot flat and push your front toe into the snow slighty (this will twist your board) and then let your back foot dig in and do the same and come around as you complete the turn. Its very quick though!! Start your turn with your front foot and follow it with your back foot.

6. Do the same for heel side turns, keep the back foot flat and start the turn with the front foot, by digging your front heel into the snow

Anyways learn from your instructor, HAVE FUN! and if you ever are in Vermont, and want to snowboard at Smugglers Notch or Stowe, just drop me a line, that goes for anyone on ES too. I ussually ride park, pipe and backcountry but I have fun anytime im on a snowboard. If anyone ever is in VT and they need a lesson, just look me up.

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it wont be that hard if you know how to skate board...

You know I find that people that can skate, can ussually pick up snowboarding fairly easy!! same muscles that are used basically and thats the hardest part of beginning with snowboarding. People that are beginners dont have the correct muscles built up to stay on an edge for very long (unless they are a balarinia, Skater or Surfer)

I suck at skating but I can do it, the same might go for a skater who snowboards. Its not really too far fetched what he said.

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#1. You're going to be sore the next day... it's just the way it is until you know what you're doing.

#2. LEARN FROM AN INSTRUCTOR. You'll show a lot more improvement, much quicker and hence enjoy yourself a lot more... than spending half the day trying to figure out what to do and watch other riders. Start small... and don't have high expectations for the first day.

It's a lot of fun... but I had to quit because I couldn't take the face plants when my front edge got caught. Knocked the crap outta me. Falling on your backside is no problem though :)

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I've been snowboarding for over 10 years.

1. Stretch you muscles before you go!!! This is a must unless you want to be hurting the next day.

2. I agree with everyone else, take a lesson for halfday. You will see much improvement by the end of the day.

3. find out if you are goofy or regular footed. Nothing worse than being regular and trying to learn goofy or vice versa.

4. Have fun. Copper mountain is a REAL mountain. Not like wisp, ski liberty, white tail, etc. which are basically big hills.

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Thanks a lot for all the advice guys, I really appreciate it. I'm in the townhouse right by the lifts, just got done with my second day of snowboarding. The weather is great. You gotta love the smell of crisp air and burning wood in the fireplace. Here's a little log:

oh btw, because I hadn't read your posts until now, we didn't get an instructor to start off. I would have if I had read your posts sooner. It took awhile to get the hang of everything, and while we were "learning" it was tough, but I think we've got it now. I hope.

Day 1: My friend and I got out there, took a lift up to the top. Missed the sign that said "Beginner entry not advised." Pretty dumb, I know lol. We got to the top, had some trouble getting off the lift. Once we got on our feet, we tried the slopes out. You see, we thought we were tough lmao, little did we know. Right next to the lift was a blue ranked slope. If you experienced boarders were there, you would've been crying with laughter. There were some crazy wipeouts, we got some of them on camera. One of the times, I had decided to go full speed down the slope. I tried to turn while going down, and the tip of my board wedged into the ground, catapulting me face first down the slope. I rolled and rolled, my friend just saw a blaze of snow dust as I tumbled downhill. But hey, it was fun as hell and well worth it. Towards the end, there was a bump. I tried to ollie. I don't need to explain what happened next.

After we got to the bottom we decided to call it a day, so we came back to the house.The lifts are like 5 minutes (walking) from the house. We collapsed as soon as we got back. You guys weren't kidding around when you said I'd be sore. It felt (and still does) like I just got home from 2-a-day football practice. We went tubing at night though, and built a snow fort. We got some lawn chairs and crashed in the fort for awhile.

Day 2(today): We were feeling a little more confident, but not ****y this time. We learned our lessons the first day. We didn't spend as much time on our backsides though, **** YEA! Managed to go down the mountain more than once, and it felt good. Tomorrow should be even better.

Once again, thanks a lot everyone, the trip is going great.:logo:

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If you didn't today, definitely wear wristguards. A friend of mine learned to snowboard the same weekend I did. I invested in wrist guards, he didn't. Literally the first time he fell down he snapped his wrist in two.

To add insult to injury, when he was in ER I did his girlfriend in the can.

Okay, that last part isn't true. But it could happen if you don't wear wristguards.

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Guest sk1nzHEAD
If you didn't today, definitely wear wristguards. A friend of mine learned to snowboard the same weekend I did. I invested in wrist guards, he didn't. Literally the first time he fell down he snapped his wrist in two.

To add insult to injury, when he was in ER I did his girlfriend in the can.

Okay, that last part isn't true. But it could happen if you don't wear wristguards.

hehe no wonder the locals make fun of the texans and californians

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