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Hindsight on the Smoot ordeal


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I know there are numerous welcome back SMOOOOOOOOOOOT! threads. This one, however, is a little different.

Looking back on the whole ordeal Smoot actually hurt our team in the long run rather than helping. Here's the 2005 offseson timeline.

- FA begins and Fred Smoot signs with Minnesota.

- No replacement picked up in 2005 FA period.

- Redskins select Carlos Rogers with the 9th pick in the draft

Let's take a look at what could have been.

- FA begins and Redskins resign Fred Smoot

- Redskins select Shawne Merriman with the 9th pick in the draft

- Redskins resign Ryan Clark because they cannot shell out a bus load of cash to Adam Archluleta due to the resigning of Fred Smoot

- 2006 Draft Redskins DO NOT trade up to get Rocky and they still have a 2nd Round pick in 2007

I know this is hindsight, but our front office really needs to think aboout this and realize that sometimes retaining our homegrown talent is better than signing big name Free Agents.

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i see what you are saying but more than a few things have to fall in line for that to happen just like that. First off your assuming our FO would make a good move like drafting merriman and then resigning Clark. Its hard telling really and its all a big 'what if' question now.

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I know there are numerous welcome back SMOOOOOOOOOOOT! threads. This one, however, is a little different.

Looking back on the whole ordeal Smoot actually hurt our team in the long run rather than helping. Here's the 2005 offseson timeline.

- FA begins and Fred Smoot signs with Minnesota.

- No replacement picked up in 2005 FA period.

- Redskins select Carlos Rogers with the 9th pick in the draft

Let's take a look at what could have been.

- FA begins and Redskins resign Fred Smoot

- Redskins select Shawne Merriman with the 9th pick in the draft

- Redskins resign Ryan Clark because they cannot shell out a bus load of cash to Adam Archluleta due to the resigning of Fred Smoot

- 2006 Draft Redskins DO NOT trade up to get Rocky and they still have a 2nd Round pick in 2007

I know this is hindsight, but our front office really needs to think aboout this and realize that sometimes retaining our homegrown talent is better than signing big name Free Agents.

Actually, this falls more on Smoot than our FO. They made Smoot a very nice offer that Minn. beat out by mere pennies by NFL standards, and Smoot CHOSE to leave.

Now, before anyone says that we could have countered the offer, it looks like in hindsight our FO made the RIGHT decision. Look at how well things worked out for Smoot in Minn., and now he is back for a much cheaper price than what he was offered two years ago.

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I know there are numerous welcome back SMOOOOOOOOOOOT! threads. This one, however, is a little different.

Looking back on the whole ordeal Smoot actually hurt our team in the long run rather than helping. Here's the 2005 offseson timeline.

- FA begins and Fred Smoot signs with Minnesota.

- No replacement picked up in 2005 FA period.

- Redskins select Carlos Rogers with the 9th pick in the draft

Let's take a look at what could have been.

- FA begins and Redskins resign Fred Smoot

- Redskins select Shawne Merriman with the 9th pick in the draft

- Redskins resign Ryan Clark because they cannot shell out a bus load of cash to Adam Archluleta due to the resigning of Fred Smoot

- 2006 Draft Redskins DO NOT trade up to get Rocky and they still have a 2nd Round pick in 2007

I know this is hindsight, but our front office really needs to think aboout this and realize that sometimes retaining our homegrown talent is better than signing big name Free Agents.

Thats interesting. I always wanted Merriman in the B&G.

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Hindsight is always 20/20, though you make some good points. I'm not actually sure that signing Smoot would have prevented us from signing AA, however. Once we get it into our heads that we like a certain player, well, it pretty much happens at that point.

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In re-signing Smoot back then, we would not have had the cap to sustain the Coles hit in the trade for Moss, and still get Rabach, and still sign two first round picks in Merriman and Campbell. We still had Arrington though, so why would we have taken a tweener LB? We might have taken, gulp, Mike Williams instead.

But as you said this is all hindsight. If we had that capability we could have drafted Hester and Marques Colston. Hindsight doesn't fix anything, yet so many on here base all their bashing of the FO directly off of it, and none ever want to praise the FO for the smart moves they make. Hopefully we will have a winning season soon so a lot of those people will either shutup or just go away completely.

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In re-signing Smoot back then, we would not have had the cap to sustain the Coles hit in the trade for Moss, and still get Rabach, and still sign two first round picks in Merriman and Campbell. We still had Arrington though, so why would we have taken a tweener LB? We might have taken, gulp, Mike Williams instead.

But as you said this is all hindsight. If we had that capability we could have drafted Hester and Marques Colston. Hindsight doesn't fix anything, yet so many on here base all their bashing of the FO directly off of it, and none ever want to praise the FO for the smart moves they make. Hopefully we will have a winning season soon so a lot of those people will either shutup or just go away completely.

I can understand where you are coming from. My thoughts are that while our FO makes some great moves (Coles/Moss, Cooley, Taylor over Winslow) the have made far more bad moves (Clark, Lloyd, Archuleta, Patten, Pierce, etc). Maybe they can learn from this and work a bit smarter.

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An if it is Fred Smoot not Carlos Rogers in the Seattle Playoff Game he holds on the the INT and takes it to the house and not drops it like Carlos and the Redskins beat the Seahawks and face Carolina in the NFC Championship Game. :silly:

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We still had Arrington though, so why would we have taken a tweener LB? We might have taken, gulp, Mike Williams instead.

That's exactly right - we weren't looking at Merriman in that draft - if we hadn't gone with Rogers, MIKE WILLIAMS would have been a 'Skin.

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