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I agree. I love when Michael said to Karen...'So was your Dad a GI?'

The whole gay episode cracked me up too.

I liked the fire drill episode too, where the chick "burned" because he didn't want to offend her by opening the door for her. :laugh:

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I love the basketball episode and how Michael thinks Stanley will be great cuz he is black and when he starts dribbleing Michael is just like "WHAT!?"

M: Ok, let’s put together a starting lineup shall we? Stanley…of course.

S: I'm sorry?

M: What do you play, center?

S: Why "of course?" What’s that supposed to mean?

M: I don’t know. I don’t remember saying that…


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The Office is the only show I watch religiously. Multiple times. I haven't missed an episode yet.

With that being said... you guys are seriously overrating Pam. She's attractive... I'd try and date her if I was in that office environment. But "Hot"? Give me a break. Heck, Jim's current fling Karen is "hot".... and I wouldn't be jumbling my words around her either. Surely, there are more attractive females on TV.

The recent Christmas episode may very well be the best episode of sitcom TV ever.

And my favorite moment in The Office archives was the scene when Dwight and Jim go on a sales call... and Jim opens the door for Dwight and Dwight insists Jim goes in first because he never passes through doors first as 70% of all physical attacks occur from the year... and Jim ****slaps him just as he finishes up his thought and walks through the door. Friggin hilarious.

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Easily the best show on TV. Dwight makes the show, but Michael is funnier.

And I totally love they way they make fun of PC.

Jim: I just had a manicure.

Michael: Oh, that is so queer(looks at the camera as if to say "Oops") eye for the straight guy.

****ing hilarious!

I also like the one where Michael is buying the house. He tells the lady that if the price doesn't come down, he is walkin'. She tells him that he will lose $7,000 if he walks away. He takes it all in . . . and in the very next scene, Dwight and him are sitting on the floor eating sandwiches talking about how good of a purchase Michael just made. :laugh:

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With that being said... you guys are seriously overrating Pam. She's attractive... I'd try and date her if I was in that office environment. But "Hot"? Give me a break. Heck, Jim's current fling Karen is "hot".... and I wouldn't be jumbling my words around her either. Surely, there are more attractive females on TV.

Agree 100%

Pam is Cute, not hot

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And my favorite moment in The Office archives was the scene when Dwight and Jim go on a sales call... and Jim opens the door for Dwight and Dwight insists Jim goes in first because he never passes through doors first as 70% of all physical attacks occur from the year... and Jim ****slaps him just as he finishes up his thought and walks through the door. Friggin hilarious.

Is that the same one where Dwight asks Jim for the keys to the car? Then, he blasts Motley Crue's "Kickstart My heart"? :laugh:

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yea....Also do you remember the fire drill episode when he gets upset at somehting (i forget what) and locks himself in his car and blasts R.E.M.'s "everybody hurts"


:laugh: It's because Michael said that the "temp" knows more about business than Dwight would ever know.

EDIT: Michael's "thing" for Ryan the temp is funny as hell too. The scene where he goes to Ryan's school and gives a speech was great! He takes the kid's book and starts tearing out pages. :laugh:

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Is that the same one where Dwight asks Jim for the keys to the car? Then, he blasts Motley Crue's "Kickstart My heart"? :laugh:

Yep, that's the episode. You may recall Dwight doing the same thing in a staircase - in a previous episode - getting pumped up to ask Michael for a raise.

People can say Dwight makes the show... but I'm not sure how you can say that. It's a perfectly casted crew. They all bring something to the table.... whether you like the character or not.

I think the only character that really needs to go is Karen. She doesn't add much to the comedy... just the drama. she's just there to drag out the Jim/Pam storyline.

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Hey, btw, does anybody know where Ed Helms character went? Last I recall, he forced Dwight's hand and got him to resign... the next episode Michael gets him back and Helms' character hasn't been seen since. Did I miss something?

You didn't miss anything Die Hard. I've had this conversation with multiple people and no one can explain it. The show certainly hasn't addressed it in any of the plot lines. I hope he comes back soon, he's pretty funny.

As for the British version, I would say it's easily as funny as the American version if not funnier. Ricky Gervais pretty much invented the main character. Any fan of the American version should check out the British version.

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Pam haters are A) dont like women with senses of humor B) metrosexual seeking fashion

Pam is hot cause of her personality period, I would take a Pam over any of the booty shots you guys paste on this board anyday

I see. I suppose the rest of have defined "hot" as physically attractive as opposed to your interpretation of a "cool" chick with a good sense of humor.

The difference is... the rest of us are judging her by her natural assets... and you are judging her by what 10 guys in a room are telling her to say.

So, you don't like Pam... you really dig 10 writers (most likely men) with warped senses of humor.

Always thought there was something strange about you.

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