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Is it just me, or was Prince AWESOME at halftime?


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Prince is the ****. He has to be mentioned in top 10 guitarist ever discussions, and has a HUGE catalog of songs. Yet he only played one of his own, right? Purple Rain? The rest were all covers, and he still blew it up. He's got a Hendrix-like quality in that he could pick up his axe, play Mary Had a Little Lamb, and shred it.

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I personally would not call a 49 year old running around in tights a good show. To me, its just some old guy playing the guitar well and "singing" pretty bad. That would be why I hated it, oh and ONE man can't carry the whole half time show. What do people who don't appreciate Prince do? Well I sat there for 5 min and watched this dude running around in tights. It was enough for me.

I am not a product of the "always on, entertainment now, MTV rules all" generation. I love classic rock. I would love it if they got a bunch of really talented musicians from great bands and had them cover really great classic rock songs.

But no, I had to watch a 49 year old running around the stage in tights. No thanks:2cents:.

Different strokes for different folks, I guess. I can understand if a person that wasn't really into guitar and rock music didn't enjoy the halftime show. I can't understand how someone who supposedly loves classic rock could watch that performance and not think it was incredible.

Again, I don't even really LIKE Prince. But that performance, in the driving rain, actually SINGING (unlike Aerosmith's lip sync job a few years back), and rocking the house was fantastic.

And the guitar playing was closer to Jimi than just about anything I've seen in a loooooooong time.

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I personally would not call a 49 year old running around in tights a good show. To me, its just some old guy playing the guitar well and "singing" pretty bad. That would be why I hated it, oh and ONE man can't carry the whole half time show. What do people who don't appreciate Prince do? Well I sat there for 5 min and watched this dude running around in tights. It was enough for me.

I am not a product of the "always on, entertainment now, MTV rules all" generation. I love classic rock. I would love it if they got a bunch of really talented musicians from great bands and had them cover really great classic rock songs.

But no, I had to watch a 49 year old running around the stage in tights. No thanks:2cents:.

what show were you watching? he wasn't in tights...they were pants.

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You're right, you never have listened or seen Prince. One thing he has never been accused of is being tame. I was waiting for him to gyrate with his guitar when they raised the curtain and when you saw his shadow his guitar resembled a, well you know. :D

I heard that he recently found Jesus and now won't play 80% of his old music. Maybe I was misinformed.

am not a product of the "always on, entertainment now, MTV rules all" generation. I love classic rock. I would love it if they got a bunch of really talented musicians from great bands and had them cover really great classic rock songs.

But no, I had to watch a 49 year old running around the stage in tights. No thanks.

These two statement contradict eachother, guy. 49 year-olds are the ones who play classic rock. Hence the use of the word 'classic.' :)

You didn't like the show. That's fine. I thought he did a hell of a job considering the conditions. And I don't even like the guy.

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For someone who doesn't listen to or watch Prince you sure do know a lot about him. ;)

Doh! :)

My wife is a huge fan. She keeps trying to get me to go with her to Prince concerts, and after 15 years I've still managed to avoid it. Halftime was a very odd moment in my house, as my wife was basically making me watch part of a football game. :) If she hadn't made such a big deal about watching Prince I would've tuned it out until the second half started.

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Prince like most performers who reach his level are strange. But he as a musician has an incredible range and ability. I think his talents rank up in the top 1% of all musicians. He also is very theatrical and high energy. Face it, like hime or not as a person, he is a very good entertainer.

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Doh! :)

My wife is a huge fan. She keeps trying to get me to go with her to Prince concerts, and after 15 years I've still managed to avoid it. :)

Hey everybody has their faults. My wife was trying to drag me to the friggin' Rascall Flatts concert in two weeks. Ain't happening. No way, no how do I want to listen to that whiny **** for two hours.

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These two statement contradict eachother, guy. 49 year-olds are the ones who play classic rock. Hence the use of the word 'classic.' :)

You didn't like the show. That's fine. I thought he did a hell of a job considering the conditions. And I don't even like the guy.

I give credit to Prince for being very talented but his music doesn't do it for me. And when I imagine other classic rockers, I don't imagine them running around like Prince. But yeah, maybe its my intense dislike for the artist formerly known as a "sign". Maybe when I turn into an old fogey I might understand all this man love for him :silly:

Different strokes for different folks, I guess. I can understand if a person that wasn't really into guitar and rock music didn't enjoy the halftime show. I can't understand how someone who supposedly loves classic rock could watch that performance and not think it was incredible.

Hes incredibly talented and I did admire his skill (damn I wish I could do that), but his music does not sound very special to me. I grew up listening to rock/metal and Prince came off as a wierd pop rocker (when I grew up alteast)...and what guy calls himself "The Artist Formerly Known As..." he creeped me out. He still does.

what show were you watching? he wasn't in tights...they were pants.

Okay, they were tight pants. I dont approve of tight pants; especially on a 49 year old :puke:

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ITG, I actually totally agree with you about his weirdness. Prince was never a Classic Rocker to me either.

My point was that the networks are getting older acts that they know won't offend people, but aren't so wholesome they make you want to puke. It's a pretty fine line.

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A silly halftime show. Don't get me wrong, Prince is extremely talented and unique.

But why do artists keep playing other peoples songs?? Why doesn't the NFL or whoever pick the band that played those songs originally? I think it's extremely lame to play someone else's song when the artist has the world's biggest spotlight on them. Hell, they could have gotten a Three Doors Down COVER band to play those songs.

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Justin Timberlake is a multi-talented individual. Young men hate him because young women love him.

Please tell me your joking. I don't hate him because little teeny-boppers love him. I hate him because his music is awful. He can't sing worth a lick. That whole high pitched singing like a girl thing is just terrible.

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