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Milla Jovovich....and her phone number!!!


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The pictures don't do her justice, she has a badunkadunk for reals! And when I met her, MK had just come out about the eating disorder, and Ashley was sitting there eating a GIANT tub of popcorn and a large soda :laugh:

bro Im not sayin i like mary kate better im sayin that you are lucky that you met them. I would imagine Ashley is a nice piece of A in real life. Mary Kate is just ugly.

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bro Im not sayin i like mary kate better im sayin that you are lucky that you met them. I would imagine Ashley is a nice piece of A in real life. Mary Kate is just ugly.

Hey take what you can get. And 2 is always better than 1. They'd both look alike face down anyway. ;) (j/k)

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LOS ANGELES, California (AP) -- For those who haven't yet, somehow, had their fill of Paris Hilton, there's a new Web site that has posted a seemingly endless offering of the celebutante's belongings.

The Web site, ParisExposed.com, launched Tuesday. It boasts that it has an array of Hilton photographs, home videos, diaries, love letters, recorded phone conversations and phone numbers of friends and celebrities, all left behind at a Los Angeles based storage facility.

The items were sold to an unidentified buyer after a third party failed to make payments to the facility, and eventually wound up in the hands of a broker aiming to sell them, Hilton's spokesman, Elliot Mintz, told The Associated Press Tuesday.

Hilton's first big-time exposure came through a sex tape that also took a circuitous route to the public, first appearing in bootleg form in 2003 and then put up for sale in 2004.

All the new goods "were acquired by me through a broker," said Bardia Persa, who created ParisExposed.com. He noted that he obtained the Paris possessions in September.

Users must pay a monthly fee of $39.97 to gain access to the site, which promises footage of the 25-year-old heiress in a "sexy bubble bath" video. It also says it has various shots of Hilton in "racy situations," and footage of her drinking with friends and using illegal substances.

"We certainly are going to explore all of our legal options about this matter," Mintz told the AP

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I think it's kind of creepy that so many people here are willing to text/call somebody they don't know just because they are a celebrity. Imagine if that were you. Would you want a bunch of gys from some message board texting/calling you?

Users must pay a monthly fee of $39.97 to gain access to the site, which promises footage of the 25-year-old heiress in a "sexy bubble bath" video. It also says it has various shots of Hilton in "racy situations," and footage of her drinking with friends and using illegal substances.

becuase that is something NOBODY has seen before. :rolleyes:

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I think it's kind of creepy that so many people here are willing to text/call somebody they don't know just because they are a celebrity. Imagine if that were you. Would you want a bunch of gys from some message board texting/calling you?

becuase that is something NOBODY has seen before. :rolleyes:

Besides, the vids are already on rapidshare. :)

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I think it's kind of creepy that so many people here are willing to text/call somebody they don't know just because they are a celebrity. Imagine if that were you. Would you want a bunch of gys from some message board texting/calling you?

Oh please, you act like they're texting Mother Teresa or something :doh:

I think if it were me that was the celebrity worth millions, I wouldn't be checking my voicemail. I'd be too busy, well, nevermind.

And I think I'd also realize that part of being a dumb celebrity is receiving dumb voicemails from websites that steal my number. It's okay, the same dumb people leaving me voicemails are probably the same dumb people buying my crappy album / sex tape / tabloid pics / etc.

So no, I wouldn't mind. If I were a celebrity.

Why the need to interject a post like that into this conversation? Lighten up man.


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Why the need to interject a post like that into this conversation? Lighten up man.


Because I don't think it's ok to call/txt people you don't know other than seeing them on TV or a movie. Why on earth do you think it's ok?

Just because they are a celebrity, that does not make it ok for people to invade their personal life.

If they wanted random people to call them, they would list their numbers.

I'll make sure from here on out I'll PM you to make sure it's ok I post an opinion on something in any given thread. :rolleyes:

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Because I don't think it's ok to call/txt people you don't know other than seeing them on TV or a movie. Why on earth do you think it's ok?

Just because they are a celebrity, that does not make it ok for people to invade their personal life.

If they wanted random people to call them, they would list their numbers.

I'll make sure from here on out I'll PM you to make sure it's ok I post an opinoin on something in any given thread. :rolleyes:

That comes with the territory. The second that they accept that movie or record deal.. their personal life is no longer. Welcome to America.

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I'll make sure from here on out I'll PM you to make sure it's ok I post an opinion on something in any given thread. :rolleyes:

Now you're just pouting because someone called you out for trying to take the moral high-ground in a thread about Paris Hilton and Jack Osbourne :laugh:

No need to PM me though. But next time you get on your moral high-horse so you can feel better about yourself in a discussion where everyone is having a good time, and the subject is something as trivial as this, expect someone to call you on it. Might be me, might not be...


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Now you're just pouting because someone called you out for trying to take the moral high-ground in a thread about Paris Hilton and Jack Osbourne :laugh:

No need to PM me though. But next time you get on your moral high-horse so you can feel better about yourself in a discussion where everyone is having a good time, and the subject is something as trivial as this, expect someone to call you on it. Might be me, might not be...


Pretty typical of you to deflect the topic at hand.

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I agree with Rictus.

zonny, if the topic is so trivial, why'd you bother to respond to rictus' post in the first place? He disagrees with the invasion of someones private life. He let it be known. Last time I checked, an ES member didn't need anyone elses approval to comment on something.

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Pretty typical of you to deflect the topic at hand.


You were acting like the Church Lady in a thread about Paris Hilton where everyone is laughing and having fun. I called you on it, you pouted, now you're accusing me of deflecting. And you also threw in a 'typical'.

Good job on making no sense.

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