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'Smoking gun' report to say global warming here


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Crazy scientists making it seem like Global Warming is something other than a doomsday prophecy created to scare people into electing Al Gore.


WASHINGTON (AP) -- Human-caused global warming is here -- visible in the air, water and melting ice -- and is destined to get much worse in the future, an authoritative global scientific report will warn next week.

"The smoking gun is definitely lying on the table as we speak," said top U.S. climate scientist Jerry Mahlman, who reviewed all 1,600 pages of the first segment of a giant four-part report. "The evidence ... is compelling."

Andrew Weaver, a Canadian climate scientist and study co-author, went even further: "This isn't a smoking gun; climate is a batallion of intergalactic smoking missiles."

The first phase of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change is being released in Paris next week.

This segment, written by more than 600 scientists and reviewed by another 600 experts and edited by bureaucrats from 154 countries, includes "a significantly expanded discussion of observation on the climate," said co-chair Susan Solomon a senior scientist for the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

She and other scientists held a telephone briefing on the report Monday.

That report will feature an "explosion of new data" on observations of current global warming, Solomon said.

Solomon and others wouldn't go into specifics about what the report says.

They said that the 12-page summary for policymakers will be edited in secret word-by-word by governments officials for several days next week and released to the public on February 2. The rest of that first report from scientists will come out months later.

The full report will be issued in four phases over the year, as was the case with the last IPCC report, issued in 2001.

Global warming is "happening now, it's very obvious," said Mahlman, a former director of NOAA's Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Lab. "When you look at the temperature of the Earth, it's pretty much a no-brainer."

Look for an "iconic statement" -- a simple but strong and unequivocal summary -- on how global warming is now occurring, said one of the authors, Kevin Trenberth, director of climate analysis at the National Center for Atmospheric Research, also in Boulder.

The February report will have "much stronger evidence now of human actions on the change in climate that's taken place," Rajendra K. Pachauri told the AP in November. Pachauri, an Indian climatologist, is the head of the international climate change panel.

An early version of the ever-changing draft report said "observations of coherent warming in the global atmosphere, in the ocean, and in snow and ice now provide stronger joint evidence of warming."

And the early draft adds: "An increasing body of evidence suggests a discernible human influence on other aspects of climate including sea ice, heat waves and other extremes, circulation, storm tracks and precipitation."

The world's global average temperature has risen about 1.2 degrees Fahrenheit from 1901 to 2005. The two warmest years on record for the world were 2005 and 1998. Last year was the hottest year on record for the United States.

The report will draw on already published peer-review science. Some recent scientific studies show that temperatures are the hottest in thousands of years, especially during the last 30 years; ice sheets in Greenland in the past couple years have shown a dramatic melting; and sea levels are rising and doing so at a faster rate in the past decade.

Also, the second part of the international climate panel's report -- to be released in April -- will for the first time feature a blockbuster chapter on how global warming is already changing health, species, engineering and food production, said NASA scientist Cynthia Rosenzweig, author of that chapter.

As confident as scientists are about the global warming effects that they've already documented, they are as gloomy about the future and even hotter weather and higher sea level rises.

Predictions for the future of global warming in the report are based on 19 computer models, about twice as many as in the past, Solomon said.

In 2001, the panel said the world's average temperature would increase somewhere between 2.5 and 10.4 degrees Fahrenheit and the sea level would rise between 4 inches and 35 inches by the year 2100. The 2007 report will likely have a smaller range of numbers for both predictions, Pachauri and other scientists said.

The future is bleak, scientists said.

"We have barely started down this path," said chapter co-author Richard Alley of Penn State University.

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Can anyone explain to me how we cant forecast next weeks weather with 70% accuracy yet we should believe we can forecast whats going to happen in 100 years?

Heck you are better off planning for the opposite of what a meterologist tells you.

What is the difference between partly sunny and most cloudy? :mad:

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The irony is overwhelming.

This segment, written by more than 600 scientists and reviewed by another 600 experts and edited by bureaucrats from 154 countries, includes "a significantly expanded discussion of observation on the climate," said co-chair Susan Solomon a senior scientist for the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.
They said that the 12-page summary for policymakers will be edited in secret word-by-word by governments officials for several days next week and released to the public on February 2. The rest of that first report from scientists will come out months later.
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What is the difference between partly sunny and most cloudy? :mad:

Mostly cloudy means that it's mostly cloudy....outside. When they say partly sunny that usually means it's partly sunny (50%+ sun)


What's the difference between partly sunny and partly cloudy :paranoid:

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Can anyone explain to me how we cant forecast next weeks weather with 70% accuracy yet we should believe we can forecast whats going to happen in 100 years?

I can predict that you are going to die within the next 100 years. Based on trends I have observed I would estimate that prediction to have a fairly high level of accuracy. I would have a much harder time predicting your death a week before it happens tho.

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I can predict that you are going to die within the next 100 years. Based on trends I have observed I would estimate that prediction to have a fairly high level of accuracy. I would have a much harder time predicting your death a week before it happens tho.

No you wouldn't. He has a .008% chance of dying in the next ten minutes. Where did I get that statistic? Out of my butt like most meterologists. See how it works?

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Crazy scientists making it seem like Global Warming is something other than a doomsday prophecy created to scare people into electing Al Gore.

Could you rephrase this?.....

I don't understand if you are implying Global warming is part of Johns revelation or not......

I for one believe GLobal warming could be the 4th trumpet.....It especially applies to HONG KONG.

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Yawn. wake me up when it's 110 degrees in December, until then I'll happily watch the scare tactics used by the left to advance their environmental socialist agenda.

While you shudder in fear as the right uses their scare tactics to warn of a terrorist threat from a country that has no interest in attacking us, nor has the capability to carry it out. . .

Unfortunately for us all, the left relies on science, and the right relies on god. . .why is it not surprising the right is wrong so often?

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While you shudder in fear as the right uses their scare tactics to warn of a terrorist threat from a country that has no interest in attacking us, nor has the capability to carry it out. . .

Unfortunately for us all, the left relies on science, and the right relies on god. . .why is it not surprising the right is wrong so often?

and what does terrorism have to do with the topic of global warming again?

another example of a lefty using the proxy argument format to skirt the facts at hand.

Heck, if enough socialists say "global warming" (except when its cooling) is caused by man more than mother nature it must be true, right?

In the long run, I am pretty much on the side of protecting the earth. so if there are laws to be passed, then lets at least be sure that those poor "underdeveloped" and poor nations are held to the exact same industrial standards as the advanced ones.

hey, we all share the earth

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You have to have your head pretty deep in the sand to not realize that global warming is a real issue. If you wait until it's 110 in December, we will all be dead by May. The people who disagree with the premise in this thread are obviously just trying to change the subject.

While you shudder in fear as the right uses their scare tactics to warn of a terrorist threat from a country that has no interest in attacking us, nor has the capability to carry it out. . .

Unfortunately for us all, the left relies on science, and the right relies on god. . .why is it not surprising the right is wrong so often?

Why do you have to be such a prick about everything? Is it possible for you not to be anti-religion/anti-republican in any thread?

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So is the earth warming or cooling? Ive seen the reports of both, simultaniously, and both being called the "problem" of climate change (Formerly known as Global Warming)

Yes, both. All along "global warming" experts have claimed that we will see both simultaneously as a result of increased man made emissions.

I don't understand why that such a difficult concept to grasp.

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You have to have your head pretty deep in the sand to not realize that global warming is a real issue. If you wait until it's 110 in December, we will all be dead by May. The people who disagree with the premise in this thread are obviously just trying to change the subject.

Why do you have to be such a prick about everything? Is it possible for you not to be anti-religion/anti-republican in any thread?

There are many very reputable scientists who feel that Global Warming has yet to be proven as a "problem". (see Claude Allegre, and others). They do not also have their "heads in the sand" do they?


The recent hype is simply a political move to advance socialism (imho)

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Yes, both. All along "global warming" experts have claimed that we will see both simultaneously as a result of increased man made emissions.

I don't understand why that such a difficult concept to grasp.

Yes, that is difficult to grasp. I'm a lil dumb, care to explain how Global warming and global cooling can happen at the same time even though they are opposite events?

It's either warming, cooling or staying the same. You cant conveniently say every single weather event is a "problem" caused by humans and expect rational people to nuy into it.

Please note: I dont doubt we are trends of climate change, but what I do doubt is that it is a "problem" caused by man more than by nature.

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