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New Year's Resolutions

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I've found over the years that it's better to come up with a few reasonable goals than to go overboard with life changing dreams. So here goes:

1. Be a better dad. Leave no question in my kids' minds that their hapiness is my life.

2. Be a better husband. Fix what's broken. Try like hell not to break anything else.

3. Be a better person. Give my fellow human beings the benefit of the doubt. Empathize, and help where I can.

4. Get back under 200 lbs. (A full 27 pounds from here.) :doh:

5. Be able to look back at 2007 and finally be satisfied with what I accomplished in the course of a year. This one will be the hardest, especially since I can't completely define it. But accomplishing # 1, 2, and 3 especially will go a long way.

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Making those lifestyle changes that I haven't made already. All having to do with self dicipline. Cut out caffiene a little over a month ago. After this weekend, think I will do the same for drinking, (except maybe the odd social drink here and there. Say at a tailgate). Redidicate myself to the working out. The 5 days a week thing. I've taken a month off and now it's time to get back to it and try to maintain this boyish figure. Ending my tendency towards procrastinating. Start looking for that open window when it comes to what I do for a living. Sit down and learn this Macromedia stuff and of course, work on the photograpy.

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For me there are a couple things I would like to do in 2007:

1. Lose about 10 lbs.

2. Get back to shooting at least three times a month. Preferably more.

3. Attend at least one Heavy-List Fighting practice a week.

4. Start working on the reorganization of the medieval Siege community I am now in charge of.

5. Plan and complete the renovation to my room that's been in the works for 2 years.

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I typically dont do New Years resolutions, but this year I need to make one. I got into a car accident in May and hurt my back. Ive been fine for about 2-3 months and im still not back in shape. Time to get at it.

I tend to be the same way. If something needs changing, why wait? This year by coincidence or by fate, seems like things are happening at the right time for some resolutions. :)

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I tend to be the same way. If something needs changing, why wait? This year by coincidence or by fate, seems like things are happening at the right time for some resolutions. :)

Good to hear PCS. :cheers:

I never saw why people needed an arbitrary day to make positive changes, but this year i guess i just need a kick in the ass to get me started.

Im too hungover to hit the gym today. Good thing it isnt the New Year yet. :D

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