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So, just what IS "Redskin Football"?


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Against Carolina last week, we held the Panther's offense in check while "torching" them for around 130 yards rushing and roughly the same in passing yards. Yes, the game went well....after all, we won.

But, is that really how we've come to define "Redskin Football"?

Is it defined simply by the number of yards allowed versus the number we've gained? Is it defined, rather, by points allowed and points scored? Or, more simply, by wins or losses?

Could it be that it's actually defined by, not yards OR points, wins OR losses, but rather by attitude and pride shown on the playing field.....and off.

I was buoyed by the fact that we took the field last Sunday with both a gleam in our eyes and a sneer on our lips...and that both showed thru in the team's performance on the field. Sure, the offense is a work in progress this year....because we're attempting to absorb a 700 page playbook...and now because we've got a young stud quarterback who's learning on the job.....but we played with pride and with a swagger I'd not seen this year.

The defense, too, stepped up and hit people. And, even more than that, they TACKLED people. The scheme seemed to work again, almost miraculously, just like it had the last two years. Suddenly, it felt like we were a top five defense again....working solely to set up the offense in the best possible position.

Still, I've been listening carefully the last couple days to various media reports of a division among the ranks of the Redskins' defense....to reports of Giants players melting down....to Raiders coaches pointing fingers and calling on conspiracies. You don't hear it very often, but I'd be willing to bet that Vanderjagt was released as much for his attitude as for his play...and as such, I'm thrilled we're not going after him. I have no idea who this kid is that we picked up..he may have only ONE LEG for all I know....but I'll still take him over the poison that Vanderjagt might have brought along with him. Nothing is worth that..not anymore. We've been down that path already.

I'd like, instead, to think that wholeness of intent and the collective will of our team to succeed...that THAT'S what truly makes up "Redskin Football". I also believe that Joe Gibbs is on the right path....that he's accumulating players that will live and breathe that ideal...that will put the team ahead of themselves. I won't ever forget that, as much as I loved the guy as a player, Lavar Arrington was the ONLY player not willing to renegotiate his deal last year to allow the team to go after more players in free agency. Good riddance to LA, I say.

Back in 1973, the Redskins failed to make the conference title game.....and George Allen refused to allow a team photo for that year. I'm not making this up...go do the research. There is no team photo for that year. I admit, that's pretty extreme...but the point is that THAT is the ultimate in team pride.....in the spirit of "Redskin Football". I'm glad to see that pride returning to our players...and hopefully not for just one week. I hope they remember this feeling and put it to good use down the line...because it's certainly going to be put to the test. We're still just a four and seven team...with five games yet to go. The playoffs are just a dream at this point, although I've not completely given up hope....but I, for one, would like to see this team of ours come together, win or lose, and go out there and perform like the Redskins of my best and dearest memories. Not only the championship teams, mind you...but the teams that ACTED like champions. And, if they can pull THAT off...then I'll have high hopes for the future of this team.

And, for all of us.


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The Skins play in the NFC East. In order to be the "Beast in the East". (i.e.Playoffs, home field advantage, etc.), historically that means thou shall

" Run and stop the run..."

Joe calls it "physical, smart..." football.

Others call it....

SMASHMOUTH !!!!!!!!!

Once done, "play action" passes are back breakers

Bad guys are forced to pass every down, and that's not a good thing unless the oppositon QB is named "Peyton or Tom"

One of Founding Fathers of the Redskin Principles, when describing his reluctance to rely on a passing game, said " (with a pass )... only three things can happen, and two of them are bad".

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Team pride and a "blue collar go to work ethic" have always been a part of Redskins football in my opinion. That stems from the ability to run the ball, stop the run, and hit the deep play action pass.

Gibbs taking control back can get the team playing "Redskins Football" and can bring that tough image back.

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Redskins football:


Wear down the defense with a bruising power running game, force them to commit to stopping the run.

Bring out the play action and go deep when the defense comes up to stop the run.


Shut down the other team's WR's, stop the run, pressure the QB into making mistakes and get off the field on 3rd downs.

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I'd like, instead, to think that wholeness of intent and the collective will of our team to succeed...that THAT'S what truly makes up "Redskin Football". I also believe that Joe Gibbs is on the right path....that he's accumulating players that will live and breathe that ideal...that will put the team ahead of themselves. I won't ever forget that, as much as I loved the guy as a player, Lavar Arrington was the ONLY player not willing to renegotiate his deal last year to allow the team to go after more players in free agency. Good riddance to LA, I say.


That's it right there, but I disagree with your premise that Gibbs is "on the right path."

Redskins football is more than yards and points gained or allowed. It's discipline, being "super smart," togetherness, sacrificing personal goals for the team, playing hard regardless of the circumstance, digging down deep and playing hurt if you need to. Redskins football is about celebrating accomplishments made by the team (not those stupid dances Washington does every freakin' time he makes a play no matter how many yards the opponent gained - drives me nuts!).

Yes, it's smashmouth with some deep throws and occasional "trick" plays, but it's more about attitude than anything else.

This current team does not play Redskins football nor does it have Redskins players with Redskins attitude. Watch some old games and tell me if you see those players do the same crap these players do. I don't care if it is a different time, Redskins football changes for no one (or at least it shouldn't!).



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That's it right there, but I disagree with your premise that Gibbs is "on the right path."

Redskins football is more than yards and points gained or allowed. It's discipline, being "super smart," togetherness, sacrificing personal goals for the team, playing hard regardless of the circumstance, digging down deep and playing hurt if you need to. Redskins football is about celebrating accomplishments made by the team (not those stupid dances Washington does every freakin' time he makes a play no matter how many yards the opponent gained - drives me nuts!).

Yes, it's smashmouth with some deep throws and occasional "trick" plays, but it's more about attitude than anything else.

This current team does not play Redskins football nor does it have Redskins players with Redskins attitude. Watch some old games and tell me if you see those players do the same crap these players do. I don't care if it is a different time, Redskins football changes for no one (or at least it shouldn't!).



I'm with you....I HATE when Marcus Washington does his dancing around after a good play...and I HATED it when we got called for those TD celebrations. Still, we did have the Fun Bunch for a while there.....the truth is, it's gonna happen.

These things don't happen overnight, remember. I, just like you, get very frustrated with all the not so "super smart" gaffes we seem to have been making at such an alarming rate. But, we've got about 14 years of attitude to clean out....and I do think that Gibbs is on the job as far as that is concerned. As bad as it's been lately, don't forget just how much worse it was when Norv Turner and Spurrier were here....numbskull penalties and ridiculous mistakes were the norm then, not the exception. By "old games", you'd probably have to go back to Gibbs and even to George Allen's day. Certainly not anything since 1993.

"Redskin Football" does not, should not change for anyone....you're right. And, it's NOT just about smashmouth football...it's about innovation, too.

Most of all, it's an attitude....one we can only hope we can rejuvenate.

Have faith...


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:laugh: Close the thread.

Really... Redskins football is to demoralize your opponent in every way. Beat em up. Make them feel like they gotta put their career on the line to get some yards on us or to stop us from getting yards. That's it.

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I'm with you....I HATE when Marcus Washington does his dancing around after a good play...and I HATED it when we got called for those TD celebrations. Still, we did have the Fun Bunch for a while there.....the truth is, it's gonna happen.

These things don't happen overnight, remember. I, just like you, get very frustrated with all the not so "super smart" gaffes we seem to have been making at such an alarming rate. But, we've got about 14 years of attitude to clean out....and I do think that Gibbs is on the job as far as that is concerned. As bad as it's been lately, don't forget just how much worse it was when Norv Turner and Spurrier were here....numbskull penalties and ridiculous mistakes were the norm then, not the exception. By "old games", you'd probably have to go back to Gibbs and even to George Allen's day. Certainly not anything since 1993.

"Redskin Football" does not, should not change for anyone....you're right. And, it's NOT just about smashmouth football...it's about innovation, too.

Most of all, it's an attitude....one we can only hope we can rejuvenate.

Have faith...


Amen brother! Indeed, I was referring to Gibbs I, not the Norv Turner years.

I didn't mind the fun bunch because they were celebrating their accomplishment as a team. I know you can't do that now, but the mantra should then be "if I can't celebrate with my team, then I don't celebrate." Do it like Riggo and Byner did it.

But by all means, stop the celebrating during the game for routine plays. It's bush league and that's not what the Redskins are all about.



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I really think it is as simple as controlling the line of scrimmage on both sides of the ball.

If you control the line of scrimmage, you can dictate the pace of the game and the way the game is played (ball control, wear down the opposing defense, keep your defense off the field, creating bad plays by the opposition and striking when the time is right).

All of these are made much easier when your OL and DL are pushing the other team around. It means you ARE playing smashmouth physcial football.

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Oh, how I long for a good ol', fourth quarter eleven minute drive...capped off by a one yard plunge for the score.....THAT followed by the back handing the ball off to the offensive guard or tackle for the spike.

Casual domination is just so awesome.

But it's only a part of the whole.


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Gibbs came into town with his old idea of "Redskins" football, problem is, the team had no idea what the hell he was talking about, its a me me me NFL nowadays and team ball means sometimes turning down 10 dollars more from another team to stay with a team that you believe in and love. Those days are long gone, especially when we go after high priced free agents. I think the Patriots best embody the old redskins football mentality. Look at how many players they've continuously lost from their SB team and yet they continue to win and they don't have ANY household names on the team....of course Brady is now, but he wasn't always.

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I'm with you....I HATE when Marcus Washington does his dancing around after a good play...and I HATED it when we got called for those TD celebrations.


John Riggins had the best touchdown celebartion going, When he made a touchdown, he would walk over to the Ref and hand him the ball, it was saying I've done this before and expect to do it again sort of thing.

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Gibbs came into town with his old idea of "Redskins" football, problem is, the team had no idea what the hell he was talking about, its a me me me NFL nowadays and team ball means sometimes turning down 10 dollars more from another team to stay with a team that you believe in and love. Those days are long gone, especially when we go after high priced free agents. I think the Patriots best embody the old redskins football mentality. Look at how many players they've continuously lost from their SB team and yet they continue to win and they don't have ANY household names on the team....of course Brady is now, but he wasn't always.

Oh, I don't know...I think we can still have Gibbs' notion of what a true "Redskin" player should be like today. I don't disagree, the times have certainly changed, but even in the "old" days, there were some players that were paid much more than others...but I don't think the money necessarily was what made the "Redskin", but that it was the man who made the "Redskin". Even in the current days of free agency, if time is taken to sift thru the players available, it's possible to find those gems hidden in the silt, no matter how much they may make in salary. That's why I point out the importance of passing on players like Vanderjagt and jumping on players like Randy Thomas. There's a big difference in the quality of person there.

On the other hand, Gibbs did sometimes take on some "colorful" players in the past, too....but I think there's a distinction to be made between "colorful" like, say, Riggins, and "problem" like, say Kellen Winslow, Jr.. Jury's still out on Sean Taylor....but, you get my point.

In the end, we'll see if Gibbs was able to pull it off. I'm not sure if he'll ultimately succeed...but I really hope so. He's got the right idea and I hope he can pull everyone together and prove all the detractors wrong.

If anyone can do this, Gibbs can. I'm not in a position to doubt him just yet....I don't think any of us are.

I guess we'll see.


"You can observe a lot by just watching." - Yogi Berra

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It's funny because everyone seems to forget the 92 SB win..that was the best team the Skins had and may I remind you it was the only SB win that wasn't in a strike riddled season.

One thing I know for sure Redskins Football is definitely a killer O-line and a suffocating defense. But whether or not it's the John Riggins style running or the Counter Trey or Rypien to Monk, Clark and Sanders is debateable.

I always thought it was utilizing your personell to their fullest instead of molding them into something they are not...But apparently I could be wrong about that.

I remember Joe Gibbs who was the master of half-time adjustments. The Skins owned the second half of football games. I also remember an O-line that gave Rypien all damn day back there to throw the ball. He could have eaten lunch before throwing a pass that's how much time he had to throw.

Also...whether it was Jpohn Riggins, George Rogers,Timmy Smith, Kelvin Bryant, Ernest Byner back there, they ran the ball effectiviely too.

But the Rypien season the Skins were positively at their best and there was a whole lot of pin-point wide open throwing going on that season I recall.

That to me is Redskins football!!!!!

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I'll simplify it for anyone who didn't remeber the teams of the 80's and 90's. It starts up front, that means good blocking, and good pass rushing. It means being smart, and not creating stupid penalties like false starts, and personal foul penalties.

It also means just playing smart football. Making the plays you should make. Keep your nose to the grinding wheel, in other words, never giving up.

It's really simple. Nothing heroic, just playing your position, being physical, and not doing stupid things to hurt your team.

That my friends is Redskin football, nothing fancy, just smashmouth physical play that usually earns you a win.

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