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Time to Perform Major Surgery on the Coaching Staff


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In light of Mr. Friend's article about our defensive coaching staff's ineptituide. http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/columns/story?id=2672668

Here is my step by step way to solve our Coaching Woes.

1) Fire Jackson

Give him a severance, do whatever it takes, just give us the old Taylor back. I want to see the Taylor that would take a receivers head off and play by his instinct.

2) Give Gray the Secondary

The corners have had a solid year when the safeties have been on the same page. Unite the secondary under one coach.

3a) Fire Gregg Williams

Too strong? Try 3b

3b) Give Gregg Williams 1 year to get his house in order and to lose the ****iness.

Who are we kidding here...we've all gotten ticked at a coach at some point or another. Sometimes that anger results in motivation to play harder and hit harder. But when the whole time gets ticked, why bother even playing for the coach?

4a) Blache is already the defensive coordinator, so if 3a occurs. Blache becomes the DC.

4b) Give Lindsey, Blache, and Gray a more even footing with GW if 3b occurs. The staff needs to be more accomadating to each other, and the players. NO MORE POWER TRIPS.

5) DONT TOUCH THE OFFENSIVE COACHING STAFF! I don't care if year 1 they were holding cacaus before each playcall, they're working descently right now. Saunders offense seems to gel more and more each week. Jaws said that the play calling was good, just that the protection on some of JC passes was poor.

6) Someone send Gibbs to Tahiti for two weeks and have Pat take his cell phone/blackberry away. The way this sounds, he's coaches have been the source of the turmoil this year. And we need him fresh for next year.

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You make some decent suggestions. Some a little extreme. Williams has only had one season (this one) producing a sub-par defense hasnt he? Ill leave it up to Gibbs, I know its been hard at times, but in the end I trust him. :2cents:

Totally agree with point 5 though. Spot on.

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So I guess when the next article comes out on Monday, suggesting Gibbs and Saunders are idiots who've lost the trust of the entire team, you'll be starting threads calling for their heads too, is that about right?

Seriously - get a frigging grip. At least post something original beyond parroting whatever it is you've read in the last 15 minutes.

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So I guess when the next article comes out on Monday, suggesting Gibbs and Saunders are idiots who've lost the trust of the entire team, you'll be starting threads calling for their heads too, is that about right?

Seriously - get a frigging grip. At least post something original beyond parroting whatever it is you've read in the last 15 minutes.

I've also read that Saunders and Gibbs have had trouble with the offense, but my personal observation is that its improved. We've all heard GW was ****y. It says a lot though when a current player will sell out the head defensive coach, especially because of only one season of mediocrity. And lets be honest, u dont go from top ten to 30th in defense, just by losing arrington and clark, and if thats the case, then williams is an idiot for calling them expendable.

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I appreciated the Gibbs presser on Redskins.com. When asked about his getting fired up or raising his voice...he didn't entertain it other than saying...what was said is between me and those men. That he was just being himself...certain things were said to different individuals..and they will proceed forward with this weeks gameplan.

I still have faith Gibbs will get it done...he will sort out what coaches and players stay, and bring this orginization back together despite the adverse times. These are the times when true men are tested and made. We'll see who is here and who isn't. I'd love to be a fly on the wall though.

I believe Gibbs cares deeply about the Redskins and has shown he's beyond willing to do whatever is necessary for the betterment of the team. Those things may not always work out, he may miss one, or make mistakes...but he'll get it right. I don't think he would stay in there if he didn't feel he could get it done...He has too much integrity for that...the day that happens he'll step down.

While some of that article from ESPN may hold some of the answers to what has been going on with the players, coaches etc. I wouldn't follow it as gospel.

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So I guess when the next article comes out on Monday, suggesting Gibbs and Saunders are idiots who've lost the trust of the entire team, you'll be starting threads calling for their heads too, is that about right?

Seriously - get a frigging grip. At least post something original beyond parroting whatever it is you've read in the last 15 minutes.

I don't even know if you can pin it all on the article. I was about ready to give GW one more year to show improvement or atleast the promise of future improvement on D before I saw that article. The way we've played this year has been absolutely atrocious and a couple of things are quite clear...

- Giving up Pierce was a HUGE mistake that has done irreparable damage to our ability to stop the run.

- There is SOMETHING wrong with our secondary and ESPECIALLY how our safeties. Sean Taylor is a shell of his former self and no matter who we plug in at SS, we don't see a whole lot of improvement.

- Our defense does NOT appear to be fired up and really has no reason to be anymore.

- We have NOT seen the kind of production out of our young talent that you would expect. Rocky has all but disappeared, ST is now a nonfactor in games, Rogers has been inconsistent...

In my case, atleast, its just coincidental that the article matched up favorably with what I had already pointed out at various times throughout the season.

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Joncevenson -- Jaws said that the play calling was good, just that the protection on some of JC passes was poor.

Think your statement through. If the protection is a problem area, shouldn't the playcaller compensate by avoiding slow developing pass plays except in unpredictable down and distance situations?

It's the coach's responsibility to adapt to the strengths and weaknesses of his personnel, isn't it?

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Based on Ray Brown being brought in as a "consultant", I'm betting that Joe Bugel will retire after the season ends.

It wouldn't surprise me if some of Gibbs' old time lieutenants follow suit (Rennie Simmons & Don Breaux).

On defense, I still want to believe in Gregg Williams' D but I think some changes need to be done to his staff. One secondary coach please and for the love of god get rid of Dale Lindsey. Nevermind the fact that he's a grade A #######, his linebackers have regressed every year since his arrival here.

Compare the unit from 2004 through 2006. Lindsey's done jack to improve his charges and in fact it would seem that they've actually gotten worse the more they've played for him (Marshall and Washington).

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Nooooooooooooo! No major surgery please. No minor surgery either. Please.

What we need is continuity. Chemistry matters. You can't just change things every time you encounter a bit of adversity. Can we please just stay the course for a couple years for a change?

Give the current staff a chance.

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Guest Rafterman
it's amazing how much people know about a situation looking from the outside, especially several hundred miles outside, and without any real knowledge or training

People are posting their opininons, if you don't dig the concept don't read them. Judging from the Kool-Aid crap you post, your opinion isn't worth anymore then anyone else's around here, maybe less.

The bottom line is that this is a 3-7 team, that on paper should be near the top of its division. You seem to think that wholesale changes aren't needed, the reality of the situation is quite different. In general, your argument is pretty weak.

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Guest Rafterman
So I guess when the next article comes out on Monday, suggesting Gibbs and Saunders are idiots who've lost the trust of the entire team, you'll be starting threads calling for their heads too, is that about right?

Seriously - get a frigging grip. At least post something original beyond parroting whatever it is you've read in the last 15 minutes.

I can't say much for the originality of your posts.

Keep drinking that Kool-Aid if it makes you feel better, and stick to the rah- rah posts if you can find any.

The reality is that this is a 3-7 team that on paper should be coasting toward the playoffs. Thnking this team doesn't have major issues, is living in denial.

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So I guess when the next article comes out on Monday, suggesting Gibbs and Saunders are idiots who've lost the trust of the entire team, you'll be starting threads calling for their heads too, is that about right?

Seriously - get a frigging grip. At least post something original beyond parroting whatever it is you've read in the last 15 minutes.

In general, the stuff coming out on Williams isn't new. People have been questioning some of these personnel decisions for the last couple years. But since this unit was performing so well, it was mostly swept under the rug. Now that this defense has bottomed out, it's really coming to light. Top 10 to one of the worst in a year? That doesn't happen unless you're dealing with an insurmountable amount of injuries. They don't have that excuse.

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So we dump Williams because he has 1 bad year out of 3. The fact is he is having an off year but it would be more disasterous to teach guys a new system then let G.Williams fix some of the problems.

He has posted top 10 defenses in his first 2 years as well as carrying our team into the playoffs. I think he deserves a little slack and not the abuse he constantly gets on this site.


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"it's amazing how much people know about a situation looking from the outside, especially several hundred miles outside, and without any real knowledge or training"

I'm growing a little weary of your condenscending, mindless mantra as well.

children should stay away from the keyboard if they have nothing substantive to contribute. this includes you.........don't you have some links to post? you seem well qualified for menial tasks like that.

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I think Williams has lost the respect of his players, which is the worst thing a coach can do. No wonder Gibbs has been stressing "we're all in this together" and other unity-oriented themes in all his post-game press conferences: behind the scenes, we are a total wreck.

Anyone who's followed the Skins for a long time knows that Tom Friend is a good reporter and understands the Redskins organization pretty well. It's a very, very bad sign if he's writing articles like this.

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So I guess when the next article comes out on Monday, suggesting Gibbs and Saunders are idiots who've lost the trust of the entire team, you'll be starting threads calling for their heads too, is that about right?

Seriously - get a frigging grip. At least post something original beyond parroting whatever it is you've read in the last 15 minutes.

So are you in favor of keeping the current defensive staff intact next year despite their significant regression the last two years?

Im worried because the same stuff that was coming out about GW in Buffalo is now coming out in Washington. I think it is time for change.

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it's amazing how much people know about a situation looking from the outside, especially several hundred miles outside, and without any real knowledge or training

I can see the situation quite clear from my couch here in Richmond. The defense is playing with no fire or heart. Sean Taylor is lost back there. Players are beginning to speak out against the coaches. We get burned constantly by big plays and yet the defensive coaching staff cannot find a way to minimize them. Players continue to leave that could have helped this season while players that have been brought in cannot get onto the field despite the fact that they certainly couldnt make this defense play any worse than they already are...


GW was our hero his first year here. I began doubting his ability at the beginning of last year when Lavar couldnt get on the field in place of Warrick Holdman.

Just remember that GW was a hero to Buffalo fans after year one also and by year three, everyone had gotten sick of his attitude...players and fans alike.

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Welcome to "Damned if we do-- Damned if we don't".

If we make changes it's just "Another Redskins off-season" where we watch a bunch of players holding up jerseys at press conferences & big-name coaches get paid a lot of money.

And if changes aren't made...things could get a lot worse before they get better.

The Chinesse have a proverb, "May you live in interesting times." This off-season could be the most interesting time yet.

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So we dump Williams because he has 1 bad year out of 3. The fact is he is having an off year but it would be more disasterous to teach guys a new system then let G.Williams fix some of the problems.

He has posted top 10 defenses in his first 2 years as well as carrying our team into the playoffs. I think he deserves a little slack and not the abuse he constantly gets on this site.


It's a matter of locating what the problem is. It looks like GW has been given too much control over defensive personnel. With that he's deemed some important and well respected players expendable over the last couple years and it's effecting the relationship among the coaches and players. It's hard to establish any type of chemistry with that going on. It means GW, as well as the players, need to re-evaluate themselves. And it means Gibbs need to re-evaluate the structure this team has in place in terms of hierarchy and personnel.

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I think Ive heard that one somewhere before...

Yeah I think we hear it every off-season...however this time...this franchise is at a cross-roads. It will either rebound next year or...many of us will be thinking that the Marty Schottehimer era was a "golden age".

What I am looking for in these last games is....some kind of sign that things are getting better and we have something to look forward to next season.

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Yeah I think we hear it every off-season...however this time...this franchise is at a cross-roads. It will either rebound next year or...many of us will be thinking that the Marty Schottehimer era was a "golden age".

What I am looking for in these last games is....some kind of sign that things are getting better and we have something to look forward to next season.

Im evaluating the coaching staff and specifically how the players are responding to the defensive coaching.

We have the players, now is not the time for a slew of free-agent aquisitions. Maybe a corner and thats it. Draft some guys and give them the opportunity to get on the field.

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