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007:Casino Royale getting great reviews.....


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Am a huge Bond Fan. I was mad that this Bond was blonde and I was like thats not James Bond thats James Blonde. But am a fan and am not going to mess this movie. Plus the woman are hot as hell. Hotter then the last 4movie I tell you that. This is going to be a great movie so go see it. It does what its told.

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If something like hair color is enough to piss you off. I've got somebody you should meet. You might be BFF.


At first it did but I got pass that cuz am a Bond fan. He is suppose to have dark hair not blonde. But whatever, am not worried about it no more am going to see Bond and thats it. I dont care about the hair color no more.

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The Jax paper did a front page (of the entertainment section) thing about Bond. Rates the best actors, best movies, best girls, gadgets, villians, so forth.

The author rated Craig as best actor, above Connery. And rated this film as the best film.

Now, granted, the bottom of the article also stated that the author wasn't their usual film critic, he actually writes for thier sports department, but he was the biggest Bond fan on staff.

And I agreed with a lot of his opinions. I, too, rate Dalton as the best actor behind Connery, and I also thought Lazenby did a good job. (Although I did disagree with him a little. I would have rated David Niven above Roger Moore. But maybe that's only because I've never seen Niven.) And I, too, rate The Living Daylights as one of the best films.

I'm going tonight.

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They say in one of the reviews, speaking of kicking *****, that this is the first bond movie in decades where he actually throws fisticuffs. They say it shows for the first time in a while he can kill with his hands as well as his Walther. Pretty cool IMO.


Bond fights all the time. Remember in Tomorrow Never Dies when he kicks the **** out of like 5 guys on a catwalk above the newspaper printing machines and throws a dude into one of them.

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Awesome movie. One of the very best Bond films. I'd be hard pressed to think of more than two in the entire series that are nearly as good, and those are from the 1960s.

In my mind Roger Craig is easily the best bond since Sean Connery, and legitimately rivals him for essentially (re-)inventing the screen role.

No invisible cars, no tsunami surfing, no dream machine, no funhouse of horrors, no redneck sheriffs, no space station battles or satellite chases, no ultra-cheesy lines. Just a really solid movie with three-dimensional characters, some humor, a good story, and a whole lot of @$$-kicking action.

If you've ever enjoyed any of the Bond movies, or think you might, go see this one.

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