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Now That The Competitive Portion Of Season Is Over............


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I think Gibbs and staff wrung what little was left out of Mark last season. Last week was just the flicker of a dying flame.

When a Qb stares at the rush more than he does his receivers downfield, it's over.

Alot of fans and former players see this. The coaching staff ignores it.All I'd like to know is...why?

More like, you guys want to justify your initial opinion of Brunell.

Sorry, but I see that Brunell still can be very effective. He can make a lot of the throws he need to to be effective. The question is, why doesn't he do it more often? Something tells me that it is the offense, and that it isn't very compatible with what Brunell does.


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Considering all the missing parts, and that Tampa was a great defense last year and had already seen us once, they should have damn well had our number. If it was Ramsey in there, he probably would have had a couple of picks as well.


Yeah, we were missing one OLman. It's not like Ramsey didn't win games in 04 for us with only Coles at WR and Jansen out for the season and a total scrub at Center.

Ramsey probably would have gotten us to the NFCCG since Seattle pratically begged us to win that game.

And there is just no way we are 3-6 right now with him starting. We'd be 5-4 at worst and probably even better than that. Brunell is complete ass and you must be blind.

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Gibbs has to stop hiding behind the bromides of 'looking at the film' and 'seeing how we can win a game' and start making some moves that publicly show who is failing this team and what the consequences of that failure are.

Right now, Gibbs is taking all the hits and allowing the players to skate away free.

Tonight Sellers on Comcast said the team has the talent to go to the Super Bowl but for some reason 'things aren't working out'.............. :doh:

This mind set has to change. Right now this team is worse than the 49ers.

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I can't put all the blame on Brunell. He is out there because the coaches put him out there. If the coaches were to take him out, then they would at least be looking towards the future. I think that Brunell is doing all that he can, unfortunately, I don't think that is a whole lot given his skill set at his age. We would be better served to play campbell. But I think that as long as there is a mathematical chance of still making the playoffs, we will still see Brunell. At least for the next two weeks.

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BTW, add Duckett to the list of names that should be on the field more. We already know what Betts can do. We may as well see which of those two guys we want to try to resign for next year. God knows we paid enough to acquire Duckett for us to get a peek.

we did get a peek...Duckett had a 12 yard run, and we hardly saw him again....

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I agree BD.

And in the long run it does not wash.

Why spend Draft picks on guys you cannot trust to play?

Why play guys over-the-hill who cannot cut "it" anymore?

why sit there week in and week out and tell us that the guys are "fighting their guts out" and then just put out one crappy performance after another

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Gibbs has to stop hiding behind the bromides of 'looking at the film' and 'seeing how we can win a game' and start making some moves that publicly show who is failing this team and what the consequences of that failure are.

Right now, Gibbs is taking all the hits and allowing the players to skate away free.

Tonight Sellers on Comcast said the team has the talent to go to the Super Bowl but for some reason 'things aren't working out'.............. :doh:

This mind set has to change. Right now this team is worse than the 49ers.

LOL. Gibbs doesnt have to do anything publicly to appease you or anyone else. I somehow dont think hes hiding. We all know Brunell sucks but we arent going anywhere with this defense.

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I'll add another name to the mix here too: Lemar Marshall. Marshall had no stat line today. Let me repeat that, our MLB, the guy in the very middle of the field in a game in which the opposing offense ran 60 offensive plays, had no stats today. Not a single tackle, or assist, or deflected pass, or sack, or forced fumble or fumble recovery. Nada, zilch, zero, zip.

Marshall is as much of a duct tape job at MLB for us as Troy Vincent is at SS. Both are guys whose natural positions are elsewhere on the field. Marshall was at his best as a WLB in place of Arrington two years ago. The only play of his that I can remember him making in the offensive backfield was that safety last week. He's only marginally better at MLB than Holdman is at WLB.

We may as well see whether Khary Campbell or Robert McCune have what it takes to play MLB at this level, or whether that's one of many areas that we need to address during the offseason.

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From here on out with the team out of playoff contention, each snap that Brunell takes is a snap taken away from the future of this football team.

Smartest thing I've heard all day. I don't agree it's all Brunell's fault but he can shoulder some of it.. Regardless the time has come for Gibbs to look to the future.. Nothing more can be gained from watching Brunell Geezer about the field.

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I'll add another name to the mix here too: Lemar Marshall. Marshall had no stat line today. Let me repeat that, our MLB, the guy in the very middle of the field in a game in which the opposing offense ran 60 offensive plays, had no stats today. Not a single tackle, or assist, or deflected pass, or sack, or forced fumble or fumble recovery. Nada, zilch, zero, zip.

Marshall is as much of a duct tape job at MLB for us as Troy Vincent is at SS. Both are guys whose natural positions are elsewhere on the field. Marshall was at his best as a WLB in place of Arrington two years ago. The only play of his that I can remember him making in the offensive backfield was that safety last week. He's only marginally better at MLB than Holdman is at WLB.

We may as well see whether Khary Campbell or Robert McCune have what it takes to play MLB at this level, or whether that's one of many areas that we need to address during the offseason.

Sad part is.. MLB is Lemar's natural position.. He was moked to WLB because we had no one else and we had pierce holding down the fort in the middle.. When Pierce left we thought we had sure fire replacement.. I wouldn't object moving him back to the weak side.. I really miss having the field general directing things out there.

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It's actually silly now.

Brunell plays afraid.....afraid of getting hit and afraid of losing his job.

For the life of me I can't understand the three yards slant on 3rd and 9 or the passes to the running back into the flats.

MB showed us that last week when he curled over and cowered when he was about to get hit. That moment should have clinched it for Gibbs.

I would have pulled him for good in 2004 in the Green Bay game. Just my 2 cents.

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It's actually silly now.

Brunell plays afraid.....afraid of getting hit and afraid of losing his job.

For the life of me I can't understand the three yards slant on 3rd and 9 or the passes to the running back into the flats.

Exactly - I thought we got rid of Brad Johnson and his favorite play: The Larry Centers dump-off.

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this team has been spinning its wheels for a lot longer than that - 1999.

the Redskins haven't really had an identity since the team walked off the field after losing to the 49ers in 1993 in the playoffs.

Norv staying here and keeping his job for almost 7 years while winning ONE playoff game is one of the greatest mysteries................

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Believe me I remember the pre-1999 crapola. BUT I was willing to forgive JKC since he brought us 3 super bowls.

Since then, it has been my worst nightmare.

Little danny and his ilk....I am feeling gorge pulsing in the back of my throat.

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The Giants were 5-4 in 2004 and still very much in the playoff hunt when Coughlin benched Warner and went to Manning.

The Cowboys were 3-3 when Tuna went to Romo sits to pee.

We're now 3-6, and unless Gibbs has just said otherwise in his presser, bank on Brunell being the starter next week, and I'd even give him a 50-50 shot of being our guy in 2007.

Brunell does appear ineffective, but I can't figure out this offense overall anymore. Two out of Gibbs' three years here, it has made no sense.

A QB is a major part of your offense. The most important player on the field. If the QB is not producing then most of the time you can't expect a lot out of your offense. Saunders needs a "proficient" QB to run his offense. It should be obvious to everyone that this now excludes Mark Brunell. For all of the complaining about Saunders, I don't think you can judge him until another QB runs his offense. If it is Campbell it will take some time.

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I can't put all the blame on Brunell. He is out there because the coaches put him out there. If the coaches were to take him out, then they would at least be looking towards the future. I think that Brunell is doing all that he can, unfortunately, I don't think that is a whole lot given his skill set at his age. We would be better served to play campbell. But I think that as long as there is a mathematical chance of still making the playoffs, we will still see Brunell. At least for the next two weeks.

And why is this? Because he gives us the best change to win? I mean come on. The season is over, whether Brunell starts or not (I contend that if he does start that we lose those games) so bench him and start Campbell. If Campbell doesn't cut it after being given ample opportunities, then you know what you have to address in the upcoming offseason.

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hey bulldog stop talkin that bull ****... who said that the competitive part of the season is over... what are you a houston texan.. if you're a true skin its never over.. we still have a chance.. i was listenin to people last year when we had to win out say it was over and i kept sayin there is still a chance.. now do i think we played rough today.. yes... the runnin game was there at least... portis out but we'll still run the football.. we may not win it all this year but if we did that would give you nothin to be excited about next year.. now granted i would love a super bowl but all of this is a work in progress.... THERE IS ALWAYS A COMPETITIVE NATURE IF YOU ARE A TRUE REDSKINS FAN... not sayin that you aren't but you aren't actin like one bro.. come on... keep tha faith, and the hope

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