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Sean Taylor= Lavar Arrington


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He sure did. Although Im not sure that wasnt a blown coverage anyway. You're telling me that defense was DESIGNED to put ST man coverage on Donte Stallworth? Noooooo way.

ST has played man on man several times this year. I wouldnt be surprised if he was called 1 v 1 on that play(not saying he was, just saying he could have been)

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I think you guys, as most people, dont get the game of football. So when you watch, and the defense is playing zone, and you see Sean Taylor late to come in on the tackle, its because he wasnt supposed to be there. Its amazing the guy can physically get to point a to point b so fast that the uneducated fan actually THINKS hes supposed to be a part of that play.

Im not saying this is you, but this happens often and is a reason why ST gets a bad rap about his cover skills. Hes not the best in coverage but when you have 3 other DBs on the field getting SMOKED, what can you do?

That really has nothing to do with anything.

He has horrible coverage skills and play recognition. Absolutely horrible. He takes bad angles on tackles. These are all facts.

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to be honest, I don't see the life in their D they had last year with Lavar back. Lavar was the life of the D, whether you like it or not. They don't attack like they did last year. The lay off and wait for the defender to come to them. Not last year.

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That really has nothing to do with anything.

He has horrible coverage skills and play recognition. Absolutely horrible. He takes bad angles on tackles. These are all facts.

Yes it does. Because when you sit back and go "hey he got beat" and chalk it up to "bad cover skills" when he wasnt even supposed to be in the play, his "bad angle" and athleticism got him IN the play that someone else blew.

Whatever, you guys think what you want. We go with our season on the line and score 3 points, and you sit back and blame the guy who won the game for us not last year, not last month, but LAST WEEK.

Again, TYPICAL Redskins fans. Clueless and quick to point fingers. I am as ashamed of this fanbase as I am of the team, if not MORESO.

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he might be a playmaker, but the problem is, his bad plays vastly out number his good plays

You really must have him confused with Lavar Arrington. This is the only season ST has not been playing Pro Bowl type football. Like I told you in the chat room go look at the highlights and I bet you cant think of 3 times in the last 2 seasons Sean Taylor has cost us the game. I can only think of one but it hurts to even think about.

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This thread is dumb. Taylor is a great player who sometimes loses his cool. That same fire causes WR's to come up short and RB's to think twice, so you have to take the good with the bad. He's being asked to do more this year than before, and with lackluster play from our front 7 our secondary's weaknesses are showing more than they would have otherwise.

Taylor has more physical skills, is more intelligent, and has a better rapor with teamates. Not even comparable.

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Sean Taylor is definetly the reason why we only scored 3 points today.

Quit pointing fingers, the Redskins lost, the WHOLE team.

We're not saying that Sean lost the game.

We're pointing out that he constantly makes key mistakes (blown pass coverage, missed tackles, personal fouls) that all have a role in us getting behind and not being able to bounce back from these criticle situations.

Sean has his times of greatness, but any truly outstanding player is consistant. And that is one thing that Sean Taylor definitely is not.

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Yes it does. Because when you sit back and go "hey he got beat" and chalk it up to "bad cover skills" when he wasnt even supposed to be in the play, his "bad angle" and athleticism got him IN the play that someone else blew.

Whatever, you guys think what you want. We go with our season on the line and score 3 points, and you sit back and blame the guy who won the game for us not last year, not last month, but LAST WEEK.

Again, TYPICAL Redskins fans. Clueless and quick to point fingers. I am as ashamed of this fanbase as I am of the team, if not MORESO.

Sorry, I suppose his evaluation of the last 3 years of his plays inapplicable because he won the game last week.

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okay, first of all, taylor is a hitting safety that can help in coverage and run support

HE CANNOT cover one on one against premier receivers, if he could do that, he would be a CB. Once the coaches realizes this, we will see taylor blossom. His play has been better with vincent. Taylor is a top notch FS, dont make rash hating comments.

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to be honest, I don't see the life in their D they had last year with Lavar back. Lavar was the life of the D, whether you like it or not. They don't attack like they did last year. The lay off and wait for the defender to come to them. Not last year.

Chemistry and confidence has nothing to do with the presence of one player, particularly a player who didn't start or even play very much. Our team needs confidence, but I don't see us finding it this season.

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You really must have him confused with Lavar Arrington. This is the only season ST has not been playing Pro Bowl type football. Like I told you in the chat room go look at the highlights and I bet you cant think of 3 times in the last 2 seasons Sean Taylor has cost us the game. I can only think of one but it hurts to even think about.

You are proving my point right there!!! People are more concerned with the highlight videos than the game.

You say look at the highliht video. Why would I do that? That is the most biased place to ever look at plays. Obviously all it is going to show are the good plays, so how could i find plays of him losing games for us? :rolleyes:

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You are CRAZY.

Carlos Rogers consistently leaves a 15yd cushion the Eagles exploit.

Archuletas not even in the GAME.

Vincent hesitates on a sure McNabb sack.

Springs was nowhere to be found all day.

Washington drops a sure pick.

Brunell underthrows slants and overthrows open receivers.

Duckett never sees the light of day.

Novak misses a FG.

The oline blocks like little girls.

And here you are, complaining about SEAN TAYLOR. A guy who hustles no matter what, plays with heart (more than anyone else on this team thats for sure), could be better in coverage and has struggled a bit but has shown up more THIS year AND LAST year than ANYONE on defense........and hes overrated.

NEWS FLASH. The guy we signed to a 30Mil deal? HE BARELY PLAYED. Wheres your thread about that?

You guys are a trip.

he might be a playmaker, but the problem is, his bad plays vastly out number his good plays
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You really must have him confused with Lavar Arrington. This is the only season ST has not been playing Pro Bowl type football. Like I told you in the chat room go look at the highlights and I bet you cant think of 3 times in the last 2 seasons Sean Taylor has cost us the game. I can only think of one but it hurts to even think about.

Funny you say this and take a shot at LaVar.

Unlike Taylor who only has played at "pro bowl type football", LaVar actually MADE the pro bowl in 2 of his first 3 years and was also the starter.

I can't wait to see what revisionist history will be written for Sean Taylor if he decides to leave after his rookie contract runs out.

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Yes it does. Because when you sit back and go "hey he got beat" and chalk it up to "bad cover skills" when he wasnt even supposed to be in the play, his "bad angle" and athleticism got him IN the play that someone else blew.

Whatever, you guys think what you want. We go with our season on the line and score 3 points, and you sit back and blame the guy who won the game for us not last year, not last month, but LAST WEEK.

Again, TYPICAL Redskins fans. Clueless and quick to point fingers. I am as ashamed of this fanbase as I am of the team, if not MORESO.

Who says Taylor won the game last week? Hell, if it wasn't for the dallas player grabbing the facemask, it would have went to overtime. Hell, taylor should have scored on that play. With the convoy that he had in front of him, its hard to believe that he wasn't smart enough to follow his blockers.

It's funny how you try to turn this threas into "redskin fans blaming taylor for the loss". Not once did I ever mention Taylor losing the game for us, and never would I. All this thread is saying is that Taylor is not as good as people make him out to be. How does that lay the blame of the loss on him?

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Probowl = meaningless. Lavar was a PSU guy, a fan favorite, a high character guy who charmed his way to Hawaii. Period. He was good, but not that good.

Funny you say this and take a shot at LaVar.

Unlike Taylor who only has played at "pro bowl type football", LaVar actually MADE the pro bowl in 2 of his first 3 years and was also the starter.

I can't wait to see what revisionist history will be written for Sean Taylor if he decides to leave after his rookie contract runs out.

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Both physically gifted, both dont use it.

Sean is the most undisciplined player on this team. He is good for at least 1 personal foul a game. I am very dissapointed with this guy. It's almost like he forgot everything that he learned during his entire football career.

I counted at least 6 missed tackles, sesveral blown coverages, and 2 personal fouls.

Definatly not the play of a premier NFL player. He might be one of the most overrated players in this league.

I seriously think you're a Cowboys fan. You keep bad mouthing skins players and on CZ you kiss Cowboys ass so much it's not funny. Its getting pathetic now.

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We would still have a great defense with LaVar.

Wouldn't go that far.

This secondary is awful and the Dline is pathetic.

All I was saying is that people are using LaVar as a negative barometer when comparing Taylor and I'm just pointing out that after their respective first three seasons, LaVar was a much better player than Sean is right now and LaVar did it while facing a ton more adversity than Sean has.

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