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Number 5's View of the Skins/Cowboys Battle!


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First off, let me say that I as well as my fellow Eagles fans can feel the pain of the Boys fans....we lost that way 3 times...but keep your chins up fellas, you played a hell of a game.

To my Redskins fans, you guys won a game that you had no business winning....but the fact that you found a way to do it is impressive and should boost your confidence for the rest of the week.

Here are some of the things that I noticed while watching that game....

1 - For those of you who are still doubting Tony Romo sits to pee, you should be ashamed of yourselves...that guy is legit and I was impressed with him. While he is still "wet behind the ears" his mobility and willingness to try and make the tough passes should be commended. He has a bright future...now if they only decide on how the Number RB is.......hmmmmmmmmm! Cause watching how well Barber was running compared to Jones, I'd bet my pocket change that a change might be needed.

2 - The Middle Of The Redskins Secondary is a PROBLEM! Even with Troy Vincent back there, the defense seems to have a problem with seam and crossing patterns. For all the talk of big hitters, etc....it is the fact that they give that up way too much. A pass catching TE like Whitten SHOULD have been more of a factor, something tells me that LJ Smith will be.

3 - Portis is a warrior....but why does it seem that he has two carries in a row, then sits for 2-3 plays? Also, for one of the more patient RBs in the league, I find is disappointing that when he runs the Counter Trey, he seems "overly patient"? Maybe it's just me, but something again doens't seem right.

4 -TO, TO, TO....let's see, he took a nap in the end zone, then he closed his eyes and slept on what would have put the nail in the coffin. Me and my best friend Fat Tony yelled at the T.V. "Where is the 25 million dollar hands at?" Then we remembered that they were worth 25 cents for most of the season. In big games, why do QBs still look to this guy to make a play. I swear, if I was Terry Glenn, I'd want out of Dallas. Glenn makes that catch with his eyes closed, but Owens drops it with his eyes open.....I guess he overslept in the end zone...... :shot:

5 - Who is #88 and where did the Skins find his bum arse? DeMarcus Ware treated him like New York off of "Flavor Of Love" and made him his personal b*tch.....Troy Aikman said it best, the Redskins need to change their blocking schemes.....if Ware can do that, what chance does he have against Cole or Howard?

6 - God Bless You Andre Carter! If it wasn't for you showing that you had a "pair" on the reverse, the Headline today would read, "GO BACK CARTER, Andre doesn't show up again!" At the same time, what was the Cowboys center doing, looking around for a pair of cleats to stomp him or something cause he sure looked like a pair was coming to kiss his arse on the play....

And last but not least, while the Skins won, the Cowboys kind of played the type of game folks in Philly have been asking Reid to do.....look at it this way Eagles fans, if Romo sits to pee had played like McNabb can, then the Boys would have run away with the game....and if Westbrook and Buck run like Jones and Barber did, the Eagles will win....

I expect something along the lines of a typical Eagles/Skins game only this time, our team will win......

Again, good game by both teams, neither of your fanbase has anything other than sucky kickers to be ashamed of!


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How did the Skins have no business winning this game? There were lots of plays, non-calls, etc. that would have helped out a great deal, but it just didn't happen. The Skins punch it in on the one, Cooley doesn't drop that pass, the holding calls GET called. Lots of what-ifs, the Skins were just the better team yesterday.

1 - The 15 yard penalty that put you guys in field goal position was really a 5 yarder.

2 - Owens dropping a TD pass that was as easy for him to catch as it is to celebrate it.

3 - Henry and Williams both catch the football with their hands and not the heads.

4 - Bill calling for a 2 point converstion in the 1 Qt. If he took the 1, the game would have been different.

In my opinion Dallas gave the game away. Credit the Redskins for hanging around though, they played a tough game, but as a non-homer, the Skins should have lost.....

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I dont see how we had no business winning. We blocked that FG, we had that return by Taylor, and we made the game winning FG. Dallas missed, they gave up a return and had a facemask penalty, and they did not block a FG. We converted at the end and they did not. We deserved to win that game.

The post I posted below yours explains my view.

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1 - The 15 yard penalty that put you guys in field goal position was really a 5 yarder.

Goodness, gracious... every time you see the player's head turned to the side, it'll be a 15 yarder. Every single time. Look at the pics posted in various threads in The Stadium.

The rest of your "points" are purely subjunctive "woulda', coulda', shoulda'" nonsense.

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The post I posted below yours explains my view.

I can see your point, but I dont think you can fault the Skins for the mistakes Dallas made. They made a lot of mistakes and I think the Skins deserve some credit for that.

Answer me this, when the Eagles lost to the Giants, did the Giants not have any business winning that game?

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I watched Romo sits to pee at Carolina, but i was blown away yesterday by his performance. Look at all the balls TO dropped, including a potential 74 yard td that was right on the money. Romo sits to pee read and broke down the defense soooo quickly! He was poised and extremely accurate. Cowboys got a great Qb.

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You should get a job with Espn, right next to irvin. You are a joke, your thread is a joke, get a life.

edited for spelling

Thank you for your addition to this thread. It was my observations of the game. It wasn't intended to be your observation of the game of else I would have called it *ickheadDan0557's opinion of the Redskin Nation.

Beat it. :doh:

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I can see your point, but I dont think you can fault the Skins for the mistakes Dallas made. They made a lot of mistakes and I think the Skins deserve some credit for that.

Answer me this, when the Eagles lost to the Giants, did the Giants not have any business winning that game?

Oh hell no, in my mind they had no business winning the game, but they won...and that's all that matters.

Like I said,

"....but the fact that you found a way to do it is impressive and should boost your confidence for the rest of the week."

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I watched Romo sits to pee at Carolina, but i was blown away yesterday by his performance. Look at all the balls TO dropped, including a potential 74 yard td that was right on the money. Romo sits to pee read and broke down the defense soooo quickly! He was poised and extremely accurate. Cowboys got a great Qb.

I too was impressed by him. I think he has a good head on his shoulders and was cool under pressure. I do think though that on the 3rd down play where he held on to the ball to long and took the sack showed that he still has a long way to go, but none the less, Dallas has a bright future with him at QB.

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1 - The 15 yard penalty that put you guys in field goal position was really a 5 yarder.
If Novak had made the first field goal (or if Portis had not lost 3 yards on the previous play or we had actually passed the ball to try to get a first down to make an easier kick) that whole sequence wouldn't have happenned.
2 - Owens dropping a TD pass that was as easy for him to catch as it is to celebrate it.
Chris Cooley also had a huge drop, and Brandon Lloyd's big catch was called back for holding (while Terry Glenn's TD was not).
3 - Henry and Williams both catch the football with their hands and not the heads.
Romo sits to pee fumbled a snap and recovered it while Brunell fumbled a snap and lost it.
4 - Bill calling for a 2 point converstion in the 1 Qt. If he took the 1, the game would have been different.
If Saunders had called maybe one passing play at the goal line or if Portis had moved the ball one inch further, we would have started the game up by a TD instead of a safety and a field goal. The game would have been very different.

It was a close game that could have gone either way, but to say the 'Skins *should* have lost is stretching it. Both teams played well enough to win (and poor enough to lose), and a lot of fluky things happenned - the last bounce just went in the 'Skins favor.

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1 - The 15 yard penalty that put you guys in field goal position was really a 5 yarder.

Cooley had everyone beat on his dropped pass. Had he not bobbled it, easy TD. The BS holding call on Fauria with the bomb to Lloyd killed a good drive and another TD.:mad:

2 - Owens dropping a TD pass that was as easy for him to catch as it is to celebrate it.

Owens has been dropping passes allyear like that. You cant give him any credit any of the time. you act like he saved that one for us.:doh:

3 - Henry and Williams both catch the football with their hands and not the heads.
Again, par for the course. They did not do anything different than they have all season.
4 - Bill calling for a 2 point converstion in the 1 Qt. If he took the 1, the game would have been different.
That was pure stupidity (BTW, it was in the 2nd quarter) but so was trying to punch the ball in 7 times without trying a pass-play once. Another easy TD.
In my opinion Dallas gave the game away. Credit the Redskins for hanging around though, they played a tough game, but as a non-homer, the Skins should have lost.....

You are a numbskull! By your opinion, they should have had one more TD form Owens. That makes the score boys-26 Skins-19 before the final ticks.

But using your own logic with mistakes and bad calls, the skins should have had 3 more TD's whichwould have put the score at Boys-26 Skins 40 before the final ticks.

We simply outplayed them at home. That is the way it should be. We won man. Give credit where credit is due!

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It was a close game that could have gone either way, but to say the 'Skins *should* have lost is stretching it. Both teams played well enough to win (and poor enough to lose), and a lot of fluky things happenned - the last bounce just went in the 'Skins favor.

Trust me, I can see your point, but in my opinion, they should have lost. Sure a break here, a bounce there, and it could have been a different game. Fact is though that the Cowboys, (now this is my opinion okay) but the Cowboys outplayed, though it wasn't an arse whipping, but they did outplay the Skins for most of the game 59:45 to be exact. But when it mattered the most, the last 15 seconds of the game belonged to Washington.......and I guess thats what is important.

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Oh hell no, in my mind they had no business winning the game, but they won...and that's all that matters.

Like I said,

"....but the fact that you found a way to do it is impressive and should boost your confidence for the rest of the week."

See I look at that Giants/Eagles game like this; they deserved to win because they came back a large defecit against a good football team. Same way with the Redskins game. We capitalized on a block FG/return and won. Also, hell yeah confidence booster, I can't wait for sunday!

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I agree with most everything you said number5.

One thing I woulda added was the "safety" was questionable at best.

Go back, and look at JJ's knees. They were never down until he was out of the endzone.

Oh well, we lost. But at least we have a franchise quarterback. The skins have.......well, I'm not really sure yet.

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Decent analysis Number 5.

I disagree a bit that we "had no business" winning the game, but I can see where you're coming from.

First thing's first, the two-point conversion is getting blown WAY out of proportion. The game would not have ended 20-19 if Parcells kicks there. The Skins would have gone for two after the Cooley TD in the 4th quarter (and we had a 50/50 shot of converting).

Also, as much as the Cowboys let opportunities slip away in the 2nd half, we did the same thing in the first half.

We should have been up 7-0 right off the bat (not getting a TD after having first and goal from the 2). Also, if Cooley doesn't catch just as easy of a pass as TO, we probably get 7 instead of 3 on the drive following the safety.

Then there's the matter of the Cowboys benefitting from some missed/bad calls (amazingly enough since they actually had 11 accepted penalties for over 150 yards).

The holding call on Fauria that negated Lloyd's 25-yard catch was bogus. The DL ran him over but Fauria didn't hold him. That's a 3-point call right there as we most likely would have gotten a FG. Two blatant holding penalties were not called on Dallas' OL on a drive that led to points (I don't remember if it was a TD or FG). Randle-El was tripped on his punt return and the call would have put us almost in FG range to start the drive.

I also disagree about the facemask penalty on Taylor...if his hit on Romo sits to pee was a 15-yarder for going low (he grabbed the man's waist), then the facemask penalty on his return was flagrant.

Overall though, we got the breaks late in the game and cashed in on them. However, if we'd have taken advantage of things earlier, we might have won by 7 or 10 points in my opinion.

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1 - The 15 yard penalty that put you guys in field goal position was really a 5 yarder.

I didn't get to see it on TV, but at the game I could see his head get turned around.

And I'm nosebleed central. So it seemed like 15 was justified.

I really didn't see it like you did. I saw a team that kept themselves in a position just enough to win.

Why can't people just say the Cowboys didn't do enough to win. Their offense was supposed to run all over the poorly ranked defense of the skins, right?

They didn't. That 3-out in the 4th quarter was huge.

Bottom line, the redskins did just enough to win. I thought the cowboys were lucky to not be down 14-0. It wasn't luck, they just stopped the skins offense.

Just like the skins held them to 0 points in the 4th.

It wasn't as much luck as everybody is making out.

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Cooley had everyone beat on his dropped pass. Had he not bobbled it, easy TD. The BS holding call on Fauria with the bomb to Lloyd killed a good drive and another TD.:mad:

Are you serious? He tackled Ware....tackled him! Come on bro....he tackled him!

Or at least it looked like it on the TV, and with HDTV, you can see everything!

Owens has been dropping passes allyear like that. You cant give him any credit any of the time. you act like he saved that one for us.:doh:

In a big game, big players make catches. if you read my initial post in the thread, I mentioned that Glenn catches that pass easily.

Again, par for the course. They did not do anything different than they have all season.

Williams has had some big pics this season....

That was pure stupidity (BTW, it was in the 2nd quarter) but so was trying to punch the ball in 7 times without trying a pass-play once. Another easy TD.

Agreed! :cheers:

You are a numbskull! By your opinion, they should have had one more TD form Owens. That makes the score boys-26 Skins-19 before the final ticks.

But using your own logic with mistakes and bad calls, the skins should have had 3 more TD's which would have put the score at Boys-26 Skins 40 before the final ticks.

And you are a dope. There, now that the name calling is out of the way, what I was saying, which is what I was saying, not what you or anyone else was trying to imply, is that if Owens catches that pass, it would have been 26 - 19 and quite possibly taken the air out of the building. Watching the game on HDTV, it was pretty quiet and if Owens catches that pass, I could see the Cowboys going into their smashmouth, protect the lead mode that would have carried them to a victory.

We simply outplayed them at home. That is the way it should be. We won man. Give credit where credit is due!

I've given plenty of credit to the Skins for the win, but to say that they outplayed the Cowboys is a stretch, okay maybe not, I did say they outplayed them for the last 15 seconds which in turn decided the game.

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I agree with most everything you said number5.

One thing I woulda added was the "safety" was questionable at best.

Go back, and look at JJ's knees. They were never down until he was out of the endzone.

Oh well, we lost. But at least we have a franchise quarterback. The skins have.......well, I'm not really sure yet.

You have a nice, young QB...no doubt. So far you've been able to win one of the three games he's played in.

Other than that, not to sound too much like a Cowboy fan from the late-1990s and early 2000s, but we now have 3 wins in the past 4 games against you guys...and that's good enough for me right now (since our season seems on verge of being a lost cause).

For years, all you guys had on us was your streak...we'd both be bad teams but you had bragging rights since you won the head-to-head matchups (no matter how flukey they were). Now, we're 3-5 and you're 4-4. Last year, we swept you (including winning the biggest game the two teams have played vs. one another since the early 1990s) and went to playoffs. All things being equal, I like where we stand right now.

If Romo sits to pee takes you to the playoffs, then hey, good for you. But there's no way of saying he's the answer at this point.

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