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WP: Pics from the game (With ST facemask)


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Pictures from the game

Most notably, picture 10, shows the ST face mask call on the block kick return. I was going so freakin' crazy I completely missed it, but all I've heard is that it should have been of the 5 yard variety. Lookin' at the picture I don't know. Looks like Taylor's head is turned, and his fingers are in there pretty good.

This game had a ton of missed calls, I just wanted to get the opinion of other people who saw it.

Good win for the Skins.

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Don Banks is SCREAMING the same thing on SI.com. He also mentioned something about Gibbs not watching the field goal that ultimately won the game. Which if I'm not mistaken, is something that he does for every kick. Of course Banks wouldn't know this, as that would require some JOURNALISTIC INTEGRITY, and DOING HIS JOB. Thats FAR beneath him.

He'd rather just speculate, than actually investigate.

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When a grab results in a guys head being turned the other way, its going to get the 15 yarder EVERY time. The 5 yard variety is a momentary grab that does not result in head movement or pulling. I player does not have to be slammed to the ground by their facemask in order to get the 15 yard call. Just watch the head official on NFL Network this week and listen to what he says....

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Terry Bradshaw said it was only a five-yarder. But, what does that hick know?

i heard him say that also and i was rather pissed, considering dallas got so many "no calls" yesterday. of course no one mentioned those during the post-game "analysis".

and another thing...i find it rather comical how much jimmy johnson hates TO.

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I thought it was a 5-yarder, but I'll take it. The refs blew a bunch of calls in that game. The boys were clearly holding on their first TD pass, and the holding that called back the long completion to Lloyd was total BS. Sad to say, but bad calls are part of the game and they usually even out at the end of the day.

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I don't know the specifics of the rule, but I find it hard to believe that the amount of time the offending player held on really matters if the other player's head got turned around 90 degrees.

*Edit* From what I can find, the penalty is 15 yards if you turn twist, turn or pull on the player's head. Looks like that happened to me.

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Hey For anyone complaining about the 15yrd fasemask, I would say it is payback for the non-calls on the Dallas O-line for holding... Oh sorry that was blocking...LOL

i agree:applause: The Funboys clipped ARE on a punt return,held C Griff,tackle D Evans on a play where he would have had a stack

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