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i dunno - ive been listening to some of his archived pieces. he's a pretty deep, unique man for a Head Coach of a Football team. There's not too many like him. Redskins org should be pretty proud to be associated with him first before the other way around.

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Thats my personal opinion on why Brunell is still our QB.Brunell is a devoted Christian and If Im not mistaken operates a church in Jacksonville FL.Im not being an ahole just speaking my true opinion.I think there is alot of Blind Faith when it comes to Gibbs and Boonell.Dont take it personal.

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I think the whole "spiritual gameplan" thing is kind of a cool idea. It makes spiritual issues easier to understand and more relevant to someone who might not otherwise listen or care.

Coach Gibbs' success has placed him in a very unique position. He's earned the well-deserved respect of fans in arguably the two biggest sports in the country. But rather than use that success for personal gain, he uses it to spread the Word. So often these days, it feels like the sports world is filled with "me" guys that it gets kind of depressing.

He'd never say it either, but Gibbs has poured TONS of his own money into his school and his teaching. He also makes the time to personally speak to the children there on a regular basis. He's not one of those, "I'm gonna put my name on it and pretend I did something good" kinda guys. He's 100% genuine. A 100% man of God. And a 100% hero in my book. And that has nothing to do with football or racing.

I hope Om posts in this thread. There are a thousand things I want to say about Joe Gibbs. I just don't have the necessary eloquence. Om, please help me out. You know what I'm trying to say.

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Good find. I'm listening to it right now.

I'm not a man of faith but this has me thinking about life and such.

Would Love to meet Joe Gibbs.

Same here. I've read his book and I really enjoy hearing what he has to say, regardless of the religious overtones.

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Om, please help me out. You know what I'm trying to say.

Oh, you said it quite well, Double H, quite very well. :notworthy :notworthy :notworthy

What an awesome example Coach Gibbs is--he never proclaims to be without sin or fault. He is probably the most humble man I've ever seen. What a blessing to have this man as our leader. We need to support him 100%. And I will pray for him and our team, too.

And I'm signing up for anything this man has to send me. I only hope that in times of turmoil, I have his attitude and know where to always keep looking (up to God).

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Thanks for this website.

I hope the team is able to turn things around. It's going to take faith in God and each player playing beyond his potential. We have good coaches and players on this team and it's time for everyone to step up.

Joe Gibbs is the best man for this task. Even when he speaks, whether it's in person or on his website, you can hear the sincerity everytime.

Joe Gibbs, I still believe!

Now, lets go whoop some Cowboys' butt and disappoint those Cowboys' fans... Cause as you said "they are the most ugliest people on earth!"

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Thats my personal opinion on why Brunell is still our QB.Brunell is a devoted Christian and If Im not mistaken operates a church in Jacksonville FL.Im not being an ahole just speaking my true opinion.I think there is alot of Blind Faith when it comes to Gibbs and Boonell.Dont take it personal.

You will never be more wrong about anything else the rest of your life. :2cents:

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