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WT- Extremely unwell played, Great article about Brunell's play


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Interesting. Its one thing to say hes the best we have hes going to start, but to come out and say he played extremely well when everyone on the planet who watched the game knows better.....what do you say? Is he in ultra defensive mode? denial? too proud to admit he is wrong?

I doubt even the biggest Brunell supporters here would say he played extremely well.

It really is sad.

see stuff like this is sad

Brunell has played well, and his stats back it up, he's ranked in the top 10 in almost every category, and no matter how you care to spin it, you can't be all that bad and put up so many good stats.

the only thing OBVIOUS is Brunell is the escape goat, and no matter what he does people will find fault. Hate makes you see only what you want to see, regardless of the truth.

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I'd love to hear what the people who constantly post on this forum saying Brunell isn't the problem and his stats are good this year would have to say about this little gem. The truth hurts...

last time I checked there's 11 players on offense, and if no WR is open deep.... kind a hard to complete one deep.... huh?

lets also ignore the fact the defense gave up 2 tds in 8 plays, 3 tds in the third quarter alone

but don't let the truth ruin a good witch hunt.

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see stuff like this is sad

Brunell has played well, and his stats back it up, he's ranked inthe top 10 in almost every category, and no matter how you care to spin it, you can't be all that bad and put up so many good stats.

the only thing OBVIOUS is Brunell is the escape goat, and no matter what he does people will find fault. Hate makes you see only what you want to see, regardless of the truth.

:doh: Bubba--quoting Brunell's stats is like rearranging deck chairs on the titanic! His stats, to me, are almost completely meaningless. I mean c'mon--the guy is throwing 2 yd check down routes on 3rd and 8.

I'll agree with you that Brunell is not the only problem with this team--there are many, many others. But, I believe he is a big problem, and that problem could be fixed by turning to the young gun.

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Interesting. Its one thing to say hes the best we have hes going to start, but to come out and say he played extremely well when everyone on the planet who watched the game knows better.....what do you say? Is he in ultra defensive mode? denial? too proud to admit he is wrong?

I doubt even the biggest Brunell supporters here would say he played extremely well.

It really is sad.

It's as they said on Inside the NFL. Chris Carter said Mark Brunell should be benched. Chris Collinsworth responded that this will happen when Joe Gibbs retires. Sad, I hope it doesn't have to come to that.

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Great article. I always wonder if the coach reads articles like this.

This is one of those articles that kind of has me looking at things in a different light now and open to new possibilties.

Glad to see someone coming around to a different way of thinking about this situation.

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I posted this in another thread.

Is he "the" main cause of our offensive woes? No. Is he the solution? No.

It has come to the point where defenses are putting their corners at the line and playing bump and run and because of that we now can't even run the ever so popular screen pass and they are sniffing it out on a regular basis now. Why is this happening? Because they know Brunell won't even as much as attempt an intermediate much less deep pass on a regular basis. I would love to know the ratio of intermediate and deep passes to short passes.

The defense is crowding the line because of a lack of respect for Brunell and that's why we are seeing a lack of protection and running game.

I agree with your last 2 paragraphs. "The first part, is he "the" main cause of our offensive woes? No." I somewhat disagree with. If we had a quarterback who could throw something besides a screen pass then defenses would have to back off after getting burned a few times and this would free up the running game, and the screen pass. Most teams can defend against one or the other (pass, run) but not both. You have to keep them guessing, which the Skins do not currently do.

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see stuff like this is sad

Brunell has played well, and his stats back it up, he's ranked in the top 10 in almost every category, and no matter how you care to spin it, you can't be all that bad and put up so many good stats.

the only thing OBVIOUS is Brunell is the escape goat, and no matter what he does people will find fault. Hate makes you see only what you want to see, regardless of the truth.

Most of the spin I see is from the Brunell supporters. To point to his QB rating and say "Look, he's rated higher then Brady and Hasselbeck!" Watch the game- can anyone in their right mind say he plays better then Brady or Hasselbeck or for that matter a number of other starting QB's in the league? Blind allegence makes you see only what you want to see, regardless of the truth.

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last time I checked there's 11 players on offense, and if no WR is open deep.... kind a hard to complete one deep.... huh?

lets also ignore the fact the defense gave up 2 tds in 8 plays, 3 tds in the third quarter alone

but don't let the truth ruin a good witch hunt.

Do you attend all the games live Bubba? If not, then isn't it kind of hard for you to say whether or not any WR are open deep? I haven't been to every game this year either but I've been to a couple home games and I've noticed open WRs MANY times. I also notice an old QB with a declining arm who can't get said open WRs the ball on a consistent basis for whatever reason. There are many others who have attended games that say the same thing - open WRs downfield who don't get the ball.

After reading your post about Brunell playing well and having good stats in this thread I'm convinced maybe you don't watch the games or something. Did you read this article? Yes, Brunell does have some decent stats, but as the article says, the bulk of these stats comes from garbage time when the opposing team already has the game in the bag and is sitting back playing prevent defense. When the plays matter and the game is on the line, Brunell has failed to deliver. If you can't admit that then I don't know what to say to you. When the opposing team comes out after the half and scores right away, it's the offense's job to go out there and strike back with their own score, not go 3 and out.

As for the defense, yes it has been terrible. Unlike the offense though, the defense has been missing key people at key positions throughout the whole season. Next week's game is the first time this season that all 11 starters on defense will be playing right? Plus this article is about Brunell and the offense, not the defense. You get an "A" for effort for trying to spin it though.

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What this article doesnt address is that this is the best they got. They dont have Donovan McNabb or Eli Manning. Brunell is all they got.

You can make the argument that he is the best we have. I dont agree, but thats a valid argument to make.

The article however stated that Joe said Brunell played extremely well.

That argument to me is the one that is ridiculous. Do you beleive he played extremely well against the colts?

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Did Saunders call the dump off plays??? Did Brunell execute the plays that were called??? Has Mark Brunell done everything the coaches have asked of him??? If so, regardless of how the play itself worked out, I would say that the coaches, who actually know what Mark is supposed to be doing, not the fans or the media, know what they are talking about.

If your boss tells you to do something, and you follow through with it, even though it may not be the best decision and may not be the help your company needs, do you get a bad eveluation??? Probably not, because your boss knows that you did your part and did your job, followed your orders.

Gibbs knows what calls are being sent into the huddle, and like it or not, if Brunell is executing those calls, he is doing a good job. We may not agree with the calls, Mark may not agree with the calls, but he does what he is told. When he throws incompletions because the wr or te or rb dropped the ball, Brunell has still done his job. It is not his job to block, to catch the ball, or to defend the opponents offense.

Do I think MB has been flawless, hell no. But, I do know that the calls have been questionable, the defense has been putrid, and the o-line is nowhere near the level of play they were at at the end of last season. If Brunell is doing what is asked of him, whether we like what is being asked of him or not, then it is not his fault. You put any QB behind the this line the way they have been playing and add the horrible play of the defense, and you are still not going to walk away with many if any wins.

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Did Saunders call the dump off plays??? Did Brunell execute the plays that were called??? Has Mark Brunell done everything the coaches have asked of him??? If so, regardless of how the play itself worked out, I would say that the coaches, who actually know what Mark is supposed to be doing, not the fans or the media, know what they are talking about.

Exhibit A: http://www.profootball-reference.com/teams/was2004.htm

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I wanted to like Mark when he got here especially if he was the Mark Brunell who played so well in Jacksonville for many years. I used to love watching him play in the few games that were televised here. He looked strong, decisive, and I used to envy the Jaguars because they had him and we seemed to always have issues with our QB's. In the last 2-3 years he is not the same man. Gibbs saw what he used to be like and hoped he could do the same thing here. He shows occasional flashes of the past but they appear few and far between. Gibbs might have made a private solemn pledge to Mark to stick with him as a starter though thick and thin to get him to come here. As Joey T said he may be loyal to a fault. That said however, if Gibbs really thinks he is the only option, I will wish him well. :2cents:

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Saunders is not calling dumpoffs on every play. He may include that option, sure, but he's also sending receivers down field.

And yes, anyone who has been to a game this year (and even last year for that matter) knows those receivers are consistently getting open and not getting thrown to. And even those watching at home have seen the receivers throw their hands up in disgust.

MB is a total class act. But he just can't make all the throws anymore -- not with any confidence at least. It's why Saunders has been lobbying for Collins since week two and it's why JC is closer than ever to getting his chance.

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Interesting. Its one thing to say hes the best we have hes going to start, but to come out and say he played extremely well when everyone on the planet who watched the game knows better.....what do you say? Is he in ultra defensive mode? denial? too proud to admit he is wrong?

I doubt even the biggest Brunell supporters here would say he played extremely well.

It really is sad.

I wouldn't bet on that...have you seen what the Brunell Zombies have been posting about him since the Colts game?

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Coach Gibbs - "Mark plays extremely well and he is rated #11 in passing efficiency in the NFL! That should count for something, right?! Yeah, I think so... therefore he will continue to be my starter at QB. Jason Campbell continues to make strides in practice and one day he will be a great player. Today is not the day!"


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I will have to agree with the original post and disagree with Bubba completely.

1) Brunell's stats are seriously skewed. He's gotten most of his yds against soft defenses late in the game when we're already behind by two touchdowns.

2) I said it last season and I'll say it again. Brunell plays not to make mistakes, not to win. If the receiver is wide open he'll make the throw. If the receiver is being covered tight he's going to checkdown every single time. He doesn't give his receivers the opportunity to make plays. You can't blame the receivers for his lack of confidence in going deep. Dump, dump, dump that's his bread and butter and it's killing us.

3) How can our O-line protect him if he drops back so far he's constantly out of the pocket. Then when the pressure comes instead of stepping up he dumps, again.

4) MB's play would be acceptable if our Defense was playing lights out like last season. He'd be making just enough plays for us to score while our D shut people out. They're not and he's not doing the things necessary for us to win.

MB is a class act and I bet he's one hell of a nice guy but he's not a field General anymore. We need someone that's going to lead this team to victory. Someone with fire in their hearts and eyes. Someone who's willing to take a chance to win. I don't see that in Mark. I don't see the hunger. I see someone who's collecting a paycheck and want's to win but doesn't want it bad enough to leave it on the field week after week, a la Favre. I don't care who the QB is as long as it's somebody who wants it more than anything. Someone who's hungry to win. I only see one QB on our roster who probably has what it takes, let the kid play. Who cares if he's ready? I bet he wants to win and will do whatever it takes to do so. :2cents:

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Everything seems to hint as if Mark's arm gets tired in the second half of the game.

Not buying it.

He seems to be playing not to lose his job, and the frustration of the players on the field is certainly starting to show. Throwing the ball for a two yard completion on third and eight is only half the story.......he's putting Betts and Clinton in some horrible positions and they're getting hammered after every catch.

I agree 100%. It seems like he's more concerned with completion percentage, not throwing interceptions and padding his stats than actually winning. It doesn't seem like he ever throws down the field until the skins are trying to make a desperate comeback.

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