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Burning The American Flag


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"freedom of speech in this country means that you can do anything as long as it does not incite violence"

Thanks for that concise encapsulation of ConLaw 101 from my first year of law school.

Too bad you don't know what you are talking about. :doh:

Nice hostile and empty response. You love to wave that law degree around, don't cha?

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Nice hostile and empty response. You love to wave that law degree around, don't cha?

Trust me when I tell you that law degrees don't mean ANYTHING, yet most of the people that have one think they mean EVERYTHING... lol

And this topic has been debated on this board roughly 50 bajillion times.

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Trust me when I tell you that law degrees don't mean ANYTHING, yet most of the people that have one think they mean EVERYTHING... lol

And this topic has been debated on this board roughly 50 bajillion times.

:notworthy Seriously, I have worked with some lawyers that don't have a clue! No offense to the good ones out there.

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No, it's not alright.

If I see someone doing it, we're gonna go round and round

Hail Sarge! If we can't say our Pledge of Allegiance because it has "Under God" in there and it affends you. Then you shouldn't be able to burn the flag that this great country is represented by.

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To me and this is my opinion.. That it should be illegal to burn something that hundreds of thousands gave thier life to protect. While I understand the flag is a material Item and is not the actual country.

When your over seas serving your country the FLAG is your country you are fighting for the flag.

If flag burning can not be made illegal there should be an asterisk next to it saying "if flag burning is going to happen it must be done in front of a group of more than 5 war veterans"

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To me and this is my opinion.. That it should be illegal to burn something that hundreds of thousands gave thier life to protect. While I understand the flag is a material Item and is not the actual country.

When your over seas serving your country the FLAG is your country you are fighting for the flag.

If flag burning can not be made illegal there should be an asterisk next to it saying "if flag burning is going to happen it must be done in front of a group of more than 5 war veterans"

I mean no disrespect to your opinion (or your service). My opinion differs from yours in that I've never thought the hundreds of thousands gave their life to protect the flag, but rather to protect the things that the flag stands for. To me, the thing that all those servicepeople have given their lives for is our freedom, including the freedom to burn the flag. I don't understand the idea that "When your over seas serving your country the FLAG is your country you are fighting for the flag" - I assume people are fighting for the country, not the flag. If we got a new flag for some reason, wouldn't those people serve just the same? Of course, I have not been a serviceperson overseas (or anywhere) so maybe that's why it's hard for me to see that point of view. I get the feeling (from this discussion and others) that servicepeople are much more upset (generally speaking) by flag burning than people in the general population (like myself) but I've never been able to understand why that is. I might find it helpful if any of those who have served can expound on RyansRangers' comments and explain to me and others why it is that flag burning is so upsetting, to the point that it should be made illegal. As I said above, I don't see myself burning a flag at any time, but I've always felt that people who want to make flag burning illegal are missing the point.

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I mean no disrespect to your opinion (or your service). My opinion differs from yours in that I've never thought the hundreds of thousands gave their life to protect the flag, but rather to protect the things that the flag stands for. To me, the thing that all those servicepeople have given their lives for is our freedom, including the freedom to burn the flag. I don't understand the idea that "When your over seas serving your country the FLAG is your country you are fighting for the flag" - I assume people are fighting for the country, not the flag. If we got a new flag for some reason, wouldn't those people serve just the same? Of course, I have not been a serviceperson overseas (or anywhere) so maybe that's why it's hard for me to see that point of view. I get the feeling (from this discussion and others) that servicepeople are much more upset (generally speaking) by flag burning than people in the general population (like myself) but I've never been able to understand why that is. I might find it helpful if any of those who have served can expound on RyansRangers' comments and explain to me and others why it is that flag burning is so upsetting, to the point that it should be made illegal. As I said above, I don't see myself burning a flag at any time, but I've always felt that people who want to make flag burning illegal are missing the point.

Let me explain something to you kid while you are sipping your latte. The flag of this country means a hell of alot to people whose ancestors came here from other countries. On one side of my family, my ancestors faught with Captain Parker on Bunker hill, while the other side of my family came off the boat from Ireland in 1908. Let me first say that I have never served in the military. However, as many of you like to trash Air Force Cane and Sarge for the patriotic views, I have family that has served in almost every conflict that this country has been involved with.

I personally find it vile and disgusting that anyone would burn the flag of this country that these men, others on this site, and my ancestors fought and served to prtoect.

Call my a patriotism fanatic, call me what you will. Burn the flag in front of me? IT WILL INCITE VIOLENCE!!!!!!!! Period. :2cents:

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Let me explain something to you kid while you are sipping your latte. The flag of this country means a hell of alot to people whose ancestors came here from other countries. On one side of my family, my ancestors faught with Captain Parker on Bunker hill, while the other side of my family came off the boat from Ireland in 1908. Let me first say that I have never served in the military. However, as many of you like to trash Air Force Cane and Sarge for the patriotic views, I have family that has served in almost every conflict that this country has been involved with.

I personally find it vile and disgusting that anyone would burn the flag of this country that these men, others on this site, and my ancestors fought and served to prtoect.

Call my a patriotism fanatic, call me what you will. Burn the flag in front of me? IT WILL INCITE VIOLENCE!!!!!!!! Period. :2cents:

Much respect to you and your family. Thats a real American family.

My grandfather fought in WWII to protect us all here back at home. He first when to the Pacific with the Marines. He went into a little town one day where a women in a house was. Communicated to her and asked her if anyone was in the house with her, of course she said no, but when my grandfather went into another room there was a guy underneath a cover, she immediatley told him it was her son and he was sick. Him being 19 at the time, not being military smart, went over, moved the cover off, and he had his rifle and shot my grandfather in the stomach area, however, didnt hurt him enough, where then my grandfather "finished" him off.

He then came back to the US and recoperated. He tried to rejoin, but for some reason the Marines declined him. So he then signed up with the Army who needed men. They immediately accepted him and went to the Europen theatre. Im not to sure what happend there, except that he got shot up there, and came back, miraclesly (sp) recoperated, but this time he stayed home. He later died in 91 of a massive heart attack; but now he resides in Culpepper National Cemetery in Culpepper, Virginia.


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Let me explain something to you kid while you are sipping your latte.

If you want to "explain" anything to me or even demonstrate that your intelligence and insight surpass my own, you can do it by expressing yourself clearly and intelligently, not by making comments like "Let me explain something to you kid." In my experience, those who need to use their advanced age to add credibility to their statements don't have much credibility to begin with. (Or, if you have no credibility at all, you can pretend on a message board that your age is, for example, 71. :rolleyes: ) In any case, you will never find me sipping a latte. Please keep your inaccurate assumptions and stereotyping to yourself.

The flag of this country means a hell of alot to people whose ancestors came here from other countries. On one side of my family, my ancestors faught with Captain Parker on Bunker hill, while the other side of my family came off the boat from Ireland in 1908. Let me first say that I have never served in the military. However, as many of you like to trash Air Force Cane and Sarge for the patriotic views, I have family that has served in almost every conflict that this country has been involved with.

I personally find it vile and disgusting that anyone would burn the flag of this country that these men, others on this site, and my ancestors fought and served to prtoect.

Call my a patriotism fanatic, call me what you will. Burn the flag in front of me? IT WILL INCITE VIOLENCE!!!!!!!! Period. :2cents:

Also, thanks for this great, uh, explanation. :rolleyes: As I have stated already, I'm not under the impression that servicepeople (including your ancestors) have been fighting and serving to protect the flag itself. The flag that your ancestors fought and served to protect is not even the same flag that today's servicepeople are fighting and serving to protect. And what is the flag, except for a symbol of our country? I don't understand why anyone would hold the flag so dearly in their heart that they would value its physical preservation more than the ideas and values that same flag seems to represent. Again, I am not promoting the burning of the flag and see no reason to do it myself. I can see that servicepeople and patriotic Americans take it as a severe affront when the flag is burned (even though I don't understand why they feel so strongly about it). However, I don't understand why this means we should make it illegal. Not that it is even happening with any regularity, but if someone wants to do something dumb and disrespectful like burning a flag, I say let them go ahead and do it and we can all ignore or mock them. Isn't that part of what this country is all about?

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Let me explain something to you kid while you are sipping your latte. The flag of this country means a hell of alot to people whose ancestors came here from other countries. On one side of my family, my ancestors faught with Captain Parker on Bunker hill, while the other side of my family came off the boat from Ireland in 1908. Let me first say that I have never served in the military. However, as many of you like to trash Air Force Cane and Sarge for the patriotic views, I have family that has served in almost every conflict that this country has been involved with.

I personally find it vile and disgusting that anyone would burn the flag of this country that these men, others on this site, and my ancestors fought and served to prtoect.

Call my a patriotism fanatic, call me what you will. Burn the flag in front of me? IT WILL INCITE VIOLENCE!!!!!!!! Period. :2cents:

Get of your high horse really! The poster your responding to didn't deserve your BS explanation of what the flag stands for because you had ancestors who fought in the Revolutionary War. I guess if I told you that I had ancestors who dated back to the late 1600's that makes me more american than you! I guess you never heard of the Civil War! Care to mention wich one of your ancestors fought in that war and for what side?

As far as people trashing AFC and Sarge, they do ask for it every now and then.:D Nobody is bashing their patriotic views. People are doing nothing more than questioning their point of view. BIG DIFFERENCE!

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Get of your high horse really! The poster your responding to didn't deserve your BS explanation of what the flag stands for because you had ancestors who fought in the Revolutionary War. I guess if I told you that I had ancestors who dated back to the late 1600's that makes me more american than you! I guess you never heard of the Civil War! Care to mention wich one of your ancestors fought in that war and for what side?

As far as people trashing AFC and Sarge, they do ask for it every now and then.:D Nobody is bashing their patriotic views. People are doing nothing more than questioning their point of view. BIG DIFFERENCE!

What part of my post was "BS"? I simply feel very strongly about the desicration of the American flag. Sue me.

As far as the Civil war, my ancestors were part of the Union army. names on the Vermont memorial at Gettysburg. What is your point?

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I think its funny people boast of their patriotism by saying you shouldn't be able to burn the flag. To me that is a VERY unpatriotic point of view.

The way I see it is:

Saying you shouldn't be able to burn the flag = upatriotic

Burning the flag = unpatriotic

Saying you have the right to burn the flag, but shouldn't = patriotic

Call me wierd. :)

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