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Poll: Will you continue to watch the Redskins until Brunell is benched?


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If you dont watch every game that you can, you aren't a fan. We all want to see our team win but they won't do it without our support. Most of the games Im actually going to this year are late in the season and I will be there cheering till my vocal cords shred no matter what happens. Although you can see from my sig that Im very confident that I will have good reason to cheer.

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To all the whiners, if your going to boycott the team over a few losses, then maybe it's time for you to find a different team to call yourself a fan of, of course untill they start loosing.

People like you are the reason that major car manufacturers get away with selling crappy, substandard products for years on end: You're not willing to seriously voice your opinion or frustration over their ineptitude. You're sticking with Ford because it's Ford, and don't care that they're robbing you blind on the value of the vehicle, the cost of maintenance and repairs, the duration or life of the vehicle... You either can't figure it out or you just don't care about throwing your money away. Either option is not acceptable in my eyes. You go ahead and follow blindly and draw lines in the sand about which Redskins fans can be with you, and which ones must be against you. It only displays your lack of character.

Nobody in this thread has said they are leaving the team. It's obvious that your lack of vision is effecting your ability to review the thread rationally, so I'll tie it together for you: It's not a few losses. It's Brunell's performance in four of the six regular season games, all four pre-season games, and two post season games last year, as well as the end of the regular season (see: Arizona). I could go back further, but there's no point. He's set a pattern of inefficiency over 12 games. 12. Not a few. 12 games out of the last 14. You apparently don't recognize that statistically provable fact. His record-setting performance a month ago and the decent follow-up against Jacksonville do not override his poor performances in all other 12 games. It's time for him to go.

It's BEEN time for him to go, and give Campbell a shot at stepping into this offense. This fact is apparently not recognized or cared about by the people in position to make it happen. The only ways I can express my displeasure and opinion are to: 1 - post on Extremeskins.com, 2 - not spend money on team related items and make it known as to why I am not spending money, and 3 - not watch televised games, bringing down the ratings, and then explaining my actions on ES so the FO might hear WHY the ratings are down. Those are the options I am limited to, and to see ignorant and vacant posts like yours which lack depth of thought on the issue only resolves my committment to doing what I can to make the team better. Your attitude of blind motivation won't help anything at this point.

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Why do you have to begin or end all your posts with sarcasm. Your either a fan or your not. Apparently we all have different opinions on what that means.

Maybe the definition of sarcasm would be a more appropriate starting point.

And, so you don't have to look it up, the prior sentance was sarcastic.

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If you aren't around on gameday, you aren't with the team. I don't think there's any way to argue over that.

I hate to use them as an example, but I remember watching the Eagles lose 41-0 to the Seahawks at home. It was snowing and their team had absolutely zero momentum until the final minute when their drive sputtered out on the 1 yard line and yet there were still a few fans sitting out the whole game. I think those people are all a bunch of jerks known for booing their own players before they even take the field and yet there they were sitting in the snow as their team was slaughtered.

We, supposedly the best fans in footbal, watch our team lose two very close home games and have people threatening to boycott. I can only hope you are a far smaller minority than you think and that we will have our 92,000 crazy fans with us every home game all the way to the super bowl.

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If you aren't around on gameday, you aren't with the team. I don't think there's any way to argue over that.

So every businessman who has to travel, or every soldier deployed to the middle east, they're not true fans? They made choices to work in that job, or to join the Army. They willingly choose to follow employment which keeps they away from the team on game day. I willingly choose to stay away on game day for a few weeks, and I'm somehow different? Nice double standard.:applause: (That was sarcasm, pointed out for the benefit of redskin81.)

We, supposedly the best fans in footbal, watch our team lose two very close home games and have people threatening to boycott.

Again, it's not only two games. It's a full dozen, dating back to the end of last year when Brunell was entirely inept. It's not the team as a whole. I don't see why that is so hard for some of you people to understand.

You pay good money to purchase fan gear. Your money goes into paying the salaries of the Front Office, coaches, players and everybody down the chain. You should have a voice in how your money is spent. BUT YOU DON'T. You choose not to. You continue paying top dollar to go to games when you know, in your heart, that there are some players on the field who just plain should not be there anymore. But you're still paying that top dollar. You're still enabling the team to keep people on the field who are costing us wins; wasting our season and your time and money. Why are so many of you OK with this?

The same people who are OK with throwing their money away on an inferior product like the team that we're fielding now are the same people complaining about George Bush and making fun of his "your're either with us or against us" attitude. WAKE UP! You're doing the EXACT SAME THING! According to you, I'm watching all the games and following blindly like you are, or I'm not a true fan.:doh:

I've got news for all of you. There are many of us on this board who have invested many, many years of our lives and countless of thousands of dollars into this team, and we're not happy with the payout. WE'RE NOT LEAVING THE TEAM!!! Figure it out! We're pissed and we want things done to FIX the PROBLEMS! But the only way we can make our voice heard is through one of the three avenues I listed previously. Writing directly to the FO will be a waste of time and a joke, but the other three directly affect the bottom line. Those ways will send a message.

Stop spending your money until the changes you want made are made. Stop boosting the ratings on game day (advertising dollars). And stop calling fans like me who are fed up "Fairweather" fans. We're willing to not watch one of the things we love the most because that's the only way to express how dissatisfied we are with the whole situation. It takes more heart for me to sit here and fight with other fans about the issues, knowing that I will not watch the game next week in order to try to make my voice heard, than it does for you people to throw me your "my way or the highway" attitude.

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Real fans, watch and go to games through thick and thin...1-15..or 14-2...or 2-4. Thats how real fans represent....

Fairweather fans....post polls about not watching games until a certain player who really is NOT the problem is benched.

And by the looks of the poll, you have company...

Exactly... I've been getting the Sunday Ticket now for 8 years Just to watch skins football, love this team through thick and thin. I'll catch crap out here in CA. for wearing skins hats and jerseys but I dont care cause that's my team. So anyone who wants to turn their back on them feel free. It's probably a good thing just go look for a team with a winning record and follow that team or go put on your Warner, Aikman, or whatever pansy jersey ya wanna wear.

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I want JC in there more than anyone, but that doesn't mean I'm not going to watch the game if he's not playing! The Redskins is like your child who has all the potential in the world, but is a crack whore - you still love him anyways


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I will always watch the games...no matter how bad/good we are. If we lose next week, which is a good possibility, I pray that Gibbs takes the bye week to prepare Campbell to play the rest of the season, but I doubt Gibbs will since we have Dallas and that he will retire after this year IMO

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The ones that blame this loss on Brunell are the mindless idiots that do not understand that football is a team sport.

exactly! :applause:

we all know that brunell hasn't played that well, but pure blind hate for him has taken over the minds of a lot of fans and they don't realize that every aspect of this team lost the game. why would brunell have to make so many TD drives if the defense could just stop the pass? or even the run for that matter! no one came out to play.

they blame brunell for losses, and then when we win they say he should've played better. it's sad. :doh:

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Im a Redskins fan, of course im going to watch the games no matter what..The people who say they wont watch the games should be ashamed.

It's the coaching staff that should be ashamed. They are apparently unwilling or unable to do what needs to be done, bench Mark Brunell. If this was the first time we had this situation with subpar play from MB, then I would be a little more understanding. However, this is the third time since MB came to the Skins that his play has not given the Skins the best chance to win and he has not been benched. Why should the fan spend his time and good money when the coaching staff is unable to do what is necessary to give the Redskins a chance to win? Sure, we have other issues besides MB, but I believe the other issues are amplified because of the problems at QB.

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I won't blame Brunell for this loss. He's actually started throwing the ball downfield, and people moan, whine and *****. I'm beyond tired of hearing it. My lord people, get off the "put the rookie in" or "put the other guy in" mentality and realize the team that's on the field is the team you're gonna get. Jason Campbell is not the answer to a piece of **** defensive performance. He's not the reason running lanes closed down. He's not the reason sacks, ints and fumbles are rare for the Skins to get... he's not the reason for a blocked punt... he's not the reason Vince looked like freakin' Joe Montana

Today was another super poor defensive outting. The Skins D is pop-warneresk, and reminds me too much of Nolan's old defense. Whatever the problem is, its falling more on their shoulders then anyone elses... and Brunell can't save that side of the ball when he's in a new offense, versus the majority of the Skins "vaunted" D being used to the system... they're living off old cred and need someone to kick them in the crotch a few times as they run them over at the line of scrimmage. Disappointing is a HUGE understatement when it comes to the defense...there are no words that can describe how pissed off I am at them... and blaming Brunell (or whatever gay variation being spouted) ain't gonna fix the defense.

Sorry, rant over...

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It's the coaching staff that should be ashamed. They are apparently unwilling or unable to do what needs to be done, bench Mark Brunell. If this was the first time we had this situation with subpar play from MB, then I would be a little more understanding. However, this is the third time since MB came to the Skins that his play has not given the Skins the best chance to win and he has not been benched. Why should the fan spend his time and good money when the coaching staff is unable to do what is necessary to give the Redskins a chance to win? Sure, we have other issues besides MB, but I believe the other issues are amplified because of the problems at QB.

So what you're saying is you would only want to watch games if we're winning, but if we're losing you dont?Thats what this thread is about..Sounds like a closet fan to me.

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exactly! :applause:

we all know that brunell hasn't played that well, but pure blind hate for him has taken over the minds of a lot of fans and they don't realize that every aspect of this team lost the game. why would brunell have to make so many TD drives if the defense could just stop the pass? or even the run for that matter! no one came out to play.

they blame brunell for losses, and then when we win they say he should've played better. it's sad. :doh:

No, it's not entirely Brunell's fault this team is 2-4. But he has played below average for most of the year. The season is going down the tubes and in no way, shape, or form is Brunell a comparative advantage at the QB position against any team—and that is what we need.

Campbell would be better in some ways, and probably worse in others. But at least he would gain experience. I'm tired of the run-of-the-mill mediocrity we've been settling with. At best Brunell could have been carried to the playoffs this year. A stellar defense and tremendous offensive players around him would have allowed him to make another playoff run, but that's not going to happen. Our defense has taken a step back and the offense has not personality. We need an NFL caliber QB to give us above consistently average quarterback play, not manage the game (which he can't do very well either.)

Brunell will never win the big game and isn't that what we ultimately want? Why waste the time of the fans and the players that actually do lay it on the line? Campbell will need to go through the growing pains, may as well start the process. Look at Philip Rivers in San Diego, he sat for a year and got to get some experience last year.

I can understand some fans got a taste of the playoffs with Brunell and those glasses are hard to take off, but Brunell is too old to be our QB solution. Do you want to start over anew next year or do you want to start building something that has a chance of blossoming?

Thanks for the memories Mark, five years ago we could have really used you. Now please stop quarterbacking my team and let me get excited about Redskin football again.

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Im a Redskins fan, of course im going to watch the games no matter what..The people who say they wont watch the games should be ashamed.

Care to bring any logic to the discussion? Or are you another "With me or Against me" fan?

I've had a full page's worth of explanation as to why I've said what I've said, and nobody in this thread has had the courtesy to address any of the points I've made. It's all been hit and run statements, with no basis in any type of logic or any attempt to provide a thought process for your statement.

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