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Giving away my Jersey on Sunday


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It’s all about the Money. Don’t forget this is the entertainment business. I read everyday about why bring this person in or that person in. Spending all this money on coaches and players and not winning football games. Football my friends is big business. Do you think Snyder or the Coaches want to win games? Of course but they don’t need to. As long as we as fans are given hope every year we will continue to buy new jerseys and season tickets just on the hope that we’ll go to the playoffs and maybe win another super bowl. How many of you owned a LarVar Jersey? Or other departed players jersey? I bet you bought a new one when they left town. We as fans pay these players by supporting our team. So why not bring in more High Dollar players or coaches. It just doesn’t matter…. How many times have we made the playoffs or won a super bowl in the last 10 years? It doesn’t matter, as long as the Money keeps coming in to Dan’s pockets every year win or lose its just business. I feel as fans we deserve to get a return our investment. I don’t know about you but last time I checked my club seat cost me 250 a game and my new AA Jersey was 200+, and don’t forget the food. Multiply that by what 90k people? Now What AA sucks, I don’t even want the jersey. I cant give it away on ebay because nobody wants it. So if anyone wants my jersey I’ll be at the game on Sunday wearing it with a brown bag over my head, holes cut out so I can see, giving up my money and not getting a return on my investment.

Edited to standard font so all can actually read the post

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Well if you bought an AA jersey for $200 thats your own fault. If you thought he was going to be the man, why shouldn't they have? Our corners are weak and he's not a big cover-guy. But he's been helping a helluva lot on the run and I see him shining once Springs comes back.

The parking at the stadium is what gets me, yes everything is expensive. But that's hard to avoid with big NFL franchises. Don't be mad at the owner, he doesn't DICTATE which players we get. He invests the most money in the league, Gibbs and Co. make the player choises. He's not a bloodsucker like Peter Angelos of the Baltimore Orioles. He wants to win, and I respect that.

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First Mistake...


'Nuff said.

2nd Mistake...

Things have been the way they are with this team for some time now - this didnt happen overnight ...ticket prices/concessions/marketing/parking etc....it goes on and on. If you are just now getting fed up with it NOW and do not want to continue then cheers to you.

Email Dan Snyder...he may be able to do something about it.

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It amazes me how people continually blame Snyder for the high prices. As high and unreasonable they are, the ticket and parking prices are comparable to most other NFL teams, especially the other large market teams. The vendor prices are also high everywhere, and not just for football but for all pro sports....really most entertainment in general....bought snacks at the movies lately?

As for the jersey, philjr73, you made the choice to buy it. If AA hasn't performed to the standard you expected 5 games into the season, what you choose to do with it is up to you. But don't blame the Redskins/NFL for the fact that you chose to buy it.

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What possed you to go out and buy an adam archuleta jersey? :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

...and for 200 dollars at that...for his first year... :doh:

...but :applause: for the attempt...i would recommend the next time you want to be different settle for the $60-70 replicas until the player is proven...and save the $200 purchases for the lengendary names...

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Although I agree with you on many aspects, most certainly on this summer's defensive FA class (worst since stubby and Big Daddy imo)

I can't relate to running out and buying an Archuleta jersey, sorry dude.

Don't confuse your bitterness with a bad purchase with the truly bad player aquisition this past year.

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I have an idea...

Instead of giving away the jersey, rally up a few of your boys who also have jerseys they no longer want. Then, the whole group should go into Joe Gibbs' office on Saturday before the game and, one at a time, have each individual lay his jersey on his desk and say, "Coach, i want Lumsden to dress in my place."

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I have an idea...

Instead of giving away the jersey, rally up a few of your boys who also have jerseys they no longer want. Then, the whole group should go into Joe Gibbs' office on Saturday before the game and, one at a time, have each individual lay his jersey on his desk and say, "Coach, i want Lumsden to dress in my place."

:laugh: :laugh: :rotflmao::laugh: :laugh: :point2sky

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I have an idea...

Instead of giving away the jersey, rally up a few of your boys who also have jerseys they no longer want. Then, the whole group should go into Joe Gibbs' office on Saturday before the game and, one at a time, have each individual lay his jersey on his desk and say, "Coach, i want Lumsden to dress in my place."

Then they will carry him out of the stadium on their shoulders.

I live out of the area but always tried to make it in for a game or two. I could care less now about the atmosphere....for these prices I will watch the game at home.

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It’s all about the Money. Don’t forget this is the entertainment business. I read everyday about why bring this person in or that person in. Spending all this money on coaches and players and not winning football games. Football my friends is big business. Do you think Snyder or the Coaches want to win games? Of course but they don’t need to. As long as we as fans are given hope every year we will continue to buy new jerseys and season tickets just on the hope that we’ll go to the playoffs and maybe win another super bowl. How many of you owned a LarVar Jersey? Or other departed players jersey? I bet you bought a new one when they left town. We as fans pay these players by supporting our team. So why not bring in more High Dollar players or coaches. It just doesn’t matter…. How many times have we made the playoffs or won a super bowl in the last 10 years? It doesn’t matter, as long as the Money keeps coming in to Dan’s pockets every year win or lose its just business. I feel as fans we deserve to get a return our investment. I don’t know about you but last time I checked my club seat cost me 250 a game and my new AA Jersey was 200+, and don’t forget the food. Multiply that by what 90k people? Now What AA sucks, I don’t even want the jersey. I cant give it away on ebay because nobody wants it. So if anyone wants my jersey I’ll be at the game on Sunday wearing it with a brown bag over my head, holes cut out so I can see, giving up my money and not getting a return on my investment

Should've read the fine print. :rolleyes:

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I'm not really bitter at the prices just want a return on my investment now. I've been a season ticket holder for 10 years and just want good entertainment. I see us really building for the last 10 years and nothing is complete. I'm not looking for a great team I'd be happy with just a consistant one. I go week in and week out not knowing whats going to show up on the football field. I guess Dan needs to bring in a real GM like Pollin did with the wizards and hope he can rebuild the team with some consistant players. I just have to shut up and thank God I'm not a Houston fan. I guess winning somtimes are better that going into games knowing your going to lose.

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There are people who have been Minnesota Viking, Cleveland Brown, Kansas City Chief, Miami Dolphin and even Detroit Lions season ticket holders for much, much longer, and their teams haven't been to Superbowls longer, if at all.

...and we also not the only team that's expensive to go see. There are 31 other teams that are expensive too.

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I'm not really bitter at the prices just want a return on my investment now. I've been a season ticket holder for 10 years and just want good entertainment. I see us really building for the last 10 years and nothing is complete. I'm not looking for a great team I'd be happy with just a consistant one. I go week in and week out not knowing whats going to show up on the football field. I guess Dan needs to bring in a real GM like Pollin did with the wizards and hope he can rebuild the team with some consistant players. I just have to shut up and thank God I'm not a Houston fan. I guess winning somtimes are better that going into games knowing your going to lose.

We were 5-6 last year and you held strong, right?

So we're 2-3 now.

True fans may complain, whine, b***h and cry but never bail out on their team - ever.

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I think a lot of the negativity in this thread and on the board in general comes from fans who seriously believed that this team was destined to go to the Super Bowl. No one stopped to consider the fact that we're working with a new offense and bringing in a whole thing of new personnel. It takes time to gel and, thus far, the growing pains have been frustrating to everyone. Every year, unrealistic expectations are heaped upon this team and every year, I end up reading the same posts.

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I have an idea...

Instead of giving away the jersey, rally up a few of your boys who also have jerseys they no longer want. Then, the whole group should go into Joe Gibbs' office on Saturday before the game and, one at a time, have each individual lay his jersey on his desk and say, "Coach, i want Lumsden to dress in my place."

OH no!!! Not the preverbial Lumsden post!!! :doh: :laugh:

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I think a lot of the negativity in this thread and on the board in general comes from fans who seriously believed that this team was destined to go to the Super Bowl. No one stopped to consider the fact that we're working with a new offense and bringing in a whole thing of new personnel. It takes time to gel and, thus far, the growing pains have been frustrating to everyone. Every year, unrealistic expectations are heaped upon this team and every year, I end up reading the same posts.

I just hope that if this is the year they need to "gell", we don't go on a free agent spending spree next year. We need to keep a good core.

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I love posts like this. Do people really think that other fans are going to be like, "YEAH! I'm sick and tired of these stupid redskins and overpriced Adam Archuletta jerseys! Lets do something about it!!!" lol

Bottom line- you don't like the product, don't pay 250 per. You don't like the players, don't pay 200 bucks for a jersey. (Especially when the guy hasn't played a down for your team when you buy it.)

Seriously- I'm on the season ticket waiting list, and you're :cry:about having club seats and not enjoying the games. :shot:

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