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1 WR packages with Thrash


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Can somebody expain why we do this? I guess on obvious running downs it makes sense to bring in extra people to block, but why Thrash? He doesn't scare anybody. One play against the Giants they actually tried to go play action pass out of this package, and he didn't get open at all. There were two people standing right there with him. Doesn't it make much more sense to use Moss or ARE (and then with ARE run some sort of trick plays out of it). In general, we seem to use it alot. I have not seen a team in the league use a 1 WR package as much as us. The rules are geared to favor passing.

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Yeah. It's like going to a drag race when you own a porsche, but instead saying "Hey I'll try riding my mule in the race today."

I understand Thrash taking some of Lloyd's snaps, but to put Thrash out there and leave Moss and ARE on the bench is just insane. The idea that somehow the defense will say, "Oh look -- Thrash is playing. Let's not cover him!" is just dumb. Moss commands attention, but he deserves it. In that situation, Moss had a much better chance of actually making a play.

I like Thrash, but using him in 1 WR packages is nuts.

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I don't get it either but I think Thrash is simply our best blocking receiver out there.

They run the play a lot, but normally they run the ball, but on none of them does he make a significant block because he is lined up so far outside. If you lined him up tight to the line (essentially in the slot, but w/ nobody outside of him (I am not sure that is legal)) or put him in motion, it might make sense to use him if he is a good blocker. But way out on the edge, he is either a decoy or the rest of the formation is a decoy and the pass is going to go to him. Either way Moss or ARE are better options.

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I think we ran the pass with thrash as the single because people were commenting on sports shows that when thrash is out there, you know its a run, so we tried to hit thrash long in the same formation we usually use to run..unfortunately it didnt work

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I think we ran the pass with thrash as the single because people were commenting on sports shows that when thrash is out there, you know its a run, so we tried to hit thrash long in the same formation we usually use to run

But why have him out there at all. Even when you want to run why not make it moss or ARE.

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I think we ran the pass with thrash as the single because people were commenting on sports shows that when thrash is out there, you know its a run, so we tried to hit thrash long in the same formation we usually use to run

But why have him out there at all. Even when you want to run why not make it moss or ARE. Essentially, I don't think Moss is on of are best 4 WR (Moss, ARE, Lloyd, Patten), as I stated in one of the previous posts he doesn't really throw a meaningful block even on run plays so what is doing on the field at all?

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I'm sure there is a reason. It's only pre-season? No that won't work. Ok I got nothing.

:laugh: :laugh:

let's just face it... our offense was ridiculously predictable yesterday. Thrash in = run. The screen passes were also not there. I mean, hell, on the one that Lavar tipped, let's all be thankful that he got a piece of it because a Giant was there ready to pick it and run that one back.

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you know what? thrash plays hard. has played hard everyday of his entire nfl career, so im glad he's on the field. if our superstars had thrash's toughness, we'd be whooping peoples asses up and down the field

Look, I like Thrash too. Is there anybody that does not? But the objective is to win the game NOT to play the people you like. I also think Moss plays hard.

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It didn't work against J-ville either (unless the goal was to make me cuss at the TV, which worked like a charm!), so might as well march it back out there again. I can see going play action out of that grouping late in the season after running out of it and getting it into game film as a run, but they've run the package twice, passed, futilely, both times, and drawn the ire of ES.

I propose a 699 page playbook for next week!

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you know what? thrash plays hard. has played hard everyday of his entire nfl career, so im glad he's on the field. if our superstars had thrash's toughness, we'd be whooping peoples asses up and down the field

while I can't say that Moss and ARE are not giving their all, this might be pointed at the entire team. I agree. :applause:

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When I saw James Thrash playing offense, my assumption was every other wide receiver on the roster had DIED!!! I actually said the words out loud, "What the hell is James Thrash doing on offense"?

There is no offense, scheme or play where James Thrash should be on the field unless we're leading by 30 with two minutes left!

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Can somebody expain why we do this? I guess on obvious running downs it makes sense to bring in extra people to block, but why Thrash? He doesn't scare anybody. One play against the Giants they actually tried to go play action pass out of this package, and he didn't get open at all. There were two people standing right there with him. Doesn't it make much more sense to use Moss or ARE (and then with ARE run some sort of trick plays out of it). In general, we seem to use it alot. I have not seen a team in the league use a 1 WR package as much as us. The rules are geared to favor passing.

I mentioned play calling in other threads. It just didnt make any since to have Moss on the field in that situation, because he doesnt draw attention or has brak away speed. I was pissed. Thrash!!!??!? :doh:

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You my friend win the prize. good call. :applause:

If he is in there for blocking, show me the play where they have that formation and he throws a meaningful block. I have yet to see him make a meaningful block out that formation. He is to wide to be involved in the play if it is a run.

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Moss was out on a lot of formations which was wierd....that one ok could be for surprise but he was replaced by thrash on several 2 and 3 WR sets...which to me is just odd....i'd rather use Santana's respect of the D as a decoy then try a long bomb to slow thrash.

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