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S"T"art Campbell now!


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Its apparent that we are a mediocre team and will not beat out the Cowboys or the Eagles for 1st or 2nd place. Why not call this season a development year and get Campbell into the mix to see what we have...we gave up what 2 first rounders, I believe, to get him and he's been sitting for 2 years? Tampa threw a rookie in that I've never heard of and he did fairly well. Its time to move on...we need a strong arm and a plymaker to utilize the WR talent we have!!!


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I would love to see JC play but I dont think it is going to happen just yet. I dont think that the season is a loss just yet even though it might feel like it right now. Just have to keep our heads up and push on through. If there are unable to win in the next 5 games then I would be thinking more about starting JC.

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Yeah but what's wrong with Starting him against the Titans? If he does good, all this QB fiasco will (hopefully) end

I think it was Ramsey who torched a bad Titans team a few years ago and was named the next Sonny by the fans, I could be wrong but I think that's what happened. JC playing and beating a bad Titans team won't prove anything other then he's the next Sonny.

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We do need a different starter, but Campbell will be better next year. Brunell is average, when he is at his best. That's isn't very much this season. So, looks like we have to live out this disappointing season with who we have. That's it. If you don't like it, stop watching. That'll help you feel better.

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Where was all the Brunell hate the last 2 weeks?

When Campbell has some bad weeks it will be because he is young, but when Brunell is off and our team is DROPPING BALLS, people want to cut off his head!


Clinton Portis's drop: In the redzone, I believe, on a big 3rd down - was that Brunell's fault?

Brandon (I have done jack****) Lloyd's drop: 3rd down also.

You cannot blame Brunell for us playing bad as a TEAM.

What about our horrible defense? The whole let's wait for 1 player so we play bull****?

Is that to be credited to Brunell?

This topic and your insight sucks.

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